英会話 例文・フレーズ集 ver. 2 > Average – Mean – 「平均・平均的な・標準」 を英語で表現

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Average – Mean – 「平均・平均的な・標準」 を英語で表現

average 平均的な
ex) What is an average day like for a firefighter?

average /ˈævrɪʤ/: a number that is calculated by adding quantities together and then dividing the total by the number of quantities
ex) His work has been better/worse than average.
= His work has been above/below average.

□ average   平均する
ex) The unemployment rate averages 3.4%.
失業率を平均すると 3.4% である

average /ˈævrɪʤ/: to have (a specified number) as an average
ex) The children in that class average four feet in height.
= The average height of the children is 4 feet.

□ on average    平均すると
ex) Each American has on average 8 CDs.
アメリカ人は 平均8枚のCDを所有している

on average /ˈævrɪʤ/: a number that is calculated by adding quantities together and then dividing the total by the number of quantities
ex) Prices have increased on average about eight percent.

□ above average 平均以上の
ex) He’s above average height, medium build.

above /əˈbʌv/: greater in number, quantity, or size than (something) : more than (something)
ex) Temperatures were above average all week.

初心者コースも充実。 自分だけの 個人レッスンをデザインしよう!

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Casual English Phrases – #392

up to par 平均的、標準的である
ex) His work is not up to par.
= not as good as it should be
彼の仕事は 平均にまで達していない(要努力)

up to par /ˈpɑɚ/: good enough
ex) She was checking to see if his work was up to par.

above par 標準以上で
ex) The performance was above par.

above par /ˈpɑɚ/: better than normal or expected : very good
ex) The performance was above par.

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life expectancy    平均寿命
ex) Life expectancy continues to rise in the Canada.

life expectancy /ɪkˈspɛktənsi/: the average number of years that a person or animal can expect to live
ex) Improvements in diet that have resulted in greater life expectancy for many people

□ the average life span of …  …の平均寿命
ex) How long is the average life span of a frog?
カエルの平均寿命は どの位ですか?

span /ˈspæn/: the period of time between two dates or events
ex) The last three years represent the longest consecutive decline in the American lifespan at birth.

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Casual English Phrases – #591

become a norm 標準、基準 となる
ex) Smaller families have become the norm.
小家族が 普通となっている

norm /ˈnoɚm/: something (such as a behavior or way of doing something) that is usual or expected
ex) Women used to stay at home to take care of the children, but that’s no longer the norm.

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standard (質などを表す)標準基準
ex) Standard decreased, price increased.

standard /ˈstændɚd/: a level of quality, achievement, etc., that is considered acceptable or desirable
ex) By modern/today’s standards, the house is just too small.

英語力を活かせる お仕事。 主婦向きです!

balance beam

balance beam

balance beam   平均台
ex) She’s walking on a balance beam while playing catch.
彼女は キャッチボールをしながら 平均台の上を歩いている

balance beam /ˈbæləns/: a thick bar of wood raised above the floor that is used in gymnastics for displays of balance
ex) Walk along the balance beam, wobble, and fall off the side.

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Casual English Phrases – #572

□ mean 平均的な、普通の
ex) The mean life of a car engine is ten years old.
平均的な 車のエンジンの寿命は 10年だ

ex) The mean height of all the boys is 168cm.
その男の子たちの 平均身長は 168cm である

□ mean size 平均サイズの
ex) The mean size of small plants was held constant.
平均サイズの 小さな植物が 通年植えられている

mean /ˈmiːn/: occurring exactly between the highest and lowest number : average
ex) Monthly mean temperatures vary from a maximum of 30C to a minimum of 18C.

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体験レッスンを 365日 受付中。 各エリア 残席僅か。 急いで!


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Advanced English Expressions – #523

normative 規範的な基準標準を定めるような
ex) We look to other people to get a sense of what is normative behavior.
私たちは 他人に対し 規範的な行動を取る 意識・常識を求めてしまう

normative /ˈnoɚmətɪv/: based on what is considered to be the usual or correct way of doing something
ex) The classroom dress code is the normative level of dress on campus at our college.

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Advanced English Expressions – #286

equation 平均化、均衡、方程式
ex) Balancing the work-life equation is essential.
仕事と生活の 平均を バランス良くすることは 重要である

equation /ɪˈkweɪʒən/: the act of regarding two things as the same : the act of equating things
ex) While everyone’s definition of “success” should be different, for most people, money is at least one of the factors in the equation.

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grade point average 成績平均点 (GPA)
ex) Your grade point average (GPA) is simply the mathematical average, per credit hour, of all your grades.
成績平均点 (GPA) は 履修単位時間ごと、通算の 数字計算による 平均である

grade point average: a number representing the average value of the accumulated final grades earned in courses over time
ex) Your GPA is a number that indicates how well or how high you scored in your courses on average.

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Casual English Phrases – #825

short of the mark 標準に達していない、(数値など)ターゲットに届いていない
ex) One or two songs on the album are interesting, but most fall short of the mark.
面白い曲が 数曲 アルバムに 収録されてはいるが、多くの曲は 標準に達していない

short of the mark /ˈmɑɚk/ : not reaching the target that was aimed for the bullet
Our fund-raising fell/was short of the mark.
= ex) We did not raise as much money as we needed.


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Casual English Phrases – #842

off the mark (予測・推測が) 的外れな、不正確な、間違った
ex) It appears many of those polls were significantly off the mark.
それらの 世論調査は 明らかに 不正確であった

off the mark /ˈmɑɚk/: not accurate or correct : not achieving the desired result
ex) The results of the fund-raising were off the mark.

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