英会話 例文・フレーズ集 ver. 2 > Take a Toll – Deal a Blow – 「被害・打撃を与える」 を英語で表現

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Take a Toll – Deal a Blow – 「被害・打撃を与える」 を英語で表現

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Casual English Phrases – #580

□ take a toll on …    …に被害を与える
ex) The hurricane took heavy toll on Puerto Rico.
ハリケーンは プエルトリコに 大きな被害を与えた

take a toll on /ˈteɪk/: to have a serious, bad effect on someone or something
ex) The inclement weather in these parts really takes a toll on the exteriors of the buildings.

take には (被害、損害を)もたらす の意味があります
take : to be the cause of (damage, suffering, etc.)
ex) A war could take a terrible toll on the economy.
戦争は 経済に大きな被害を もたらすであろう

toll には (事故などによる)死亡、障害、損傷 の意味があります。
toll: the number of people who are killed or injured in an accident, disaster, war, etc. — usually singular
ex) The stress will eventually take its toll.
= Your health will be harmed.
ストレスが あなたの健康を損ねるでしょう

take a toll / take its toll: to cause harm or damage
ex) Her illness has taken a toll on her marriage.

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suffer 被害を被る
ex) In hurricane wind and waves, the poor suffered most.
台風と 大波で 貧民が もっとも被害を受けた

suffer /ˈsʌfɚ/: to experience pain, illness, or injury
ex) Before the surgery it was clear that she was really suffering.

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Advanced English Expressions – #132

apocalyptic 壊滅的な、黙示の
ex) The wildfire was almost apocalyptic.
その 山火事は まさに 壊滅的であった

apocalyptic /əˌpɑːkəˈlɪptɪk/: of, relating to, or involving terrible violence and destruction
ex) No one listened to her apocalyptic predictions.

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Casual English Phrases – #198

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□ wreck havoc on    被害、打撃を与える
ex) Back-to-back earthquakes wreck havoc on the island.
たて続いた地震が その島に 打撃を与えている

wreck には (修復不可能なレベル)で壊すの意味があります。
wreck: to damage (something) so badly that it cannot be repaired
ex) I wrecked my mother’s car.
母親の車を 大破してしまった

havoc大破壊大損害を 意味します
ex) A havoc wreaked by the hurricane
ハリケーンによる 大破壊

havoc /ˈhævək/: a situation in which there is much destruction or confusion
ex) A powerful tornado wreaked havoc on [=caused great destruction to] the small village.

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batter 打ち壊す、破壊する
ex) Storms battered the shore.
嵐は 沿岸部を 打ち壊した

batter /ˈbætɚ/ verb: to hit (something or someone) forcefully many times in a way that causes much damage or injury
ex) He forced his opponent into the corner and battered him with a series of hard punches.

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Casual English Phrases – #384

deal a heavy blow 被害打撃を与える
The flooding has dealt farming sector a heavy blow.
洪水は 家畜業に 打撃を与えた

□  … is dealt a blow   …は大きな打撃(被害)を被る
ex) We have been dealt a new blow by the wildfire.
山火事により 新たな災害を被った

deal a blow: To deal a blow to someone means to hit someone.
ex) Her career as an ice skater was dealt a fatal blow.
= Her career was ruined when she broke her leg.

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□ take a hit        打撃を受ける
ex) Bahamas take direct hit from Hurricane Dorian.
ハリケーン ドーリアンの直撃により バハマは打撃を受けた

hit /ˈhɪt/: an act of hitting someone or something
ex) His pride took a hit.
= His pride was hurt.

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Advanced English Expressions – #144

ravage 破壊、損害、破壊する
ex) The hurricane ravaged the island.
その島は ハリケーンで被害を被った

ravage /ˈrævɪʤ/: to damage or harm (something) very badly
ex) The enemy ravaged [=plundered] the village.

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英語力を活かせる お仕事。 主婦向きです!

buffet 打ちのめす吹きつける
ex) The typhoon buffeted Tokyo.
台風が 東京に被害を与えた

□ be buffeted by …   …に巻き込まれる被害に合う
ex) Pineapples are buffeted by low temperatures.
低温のため パイナップルが被害を受けた

buffet /ˈbʌfət/: to hit (something) with great force many times
ex) The waves buffeted [=battered] the shore.

□ … is the worst hit. … が最も被害を受けた
ex) London is the worst hit.

worst-hit: most affected
ex) The earthquake hit our city while our neighboring city could be the worst-hit area.

the hardest-hit area 被害が最も深刻な場所
ex) The hardest-hit communities look apocalyptic after the hurricane.
ハリケーンの被害が最も深刻なコミュニティーは 凄惨たる状況だ

hard hit /ˈhɪt/: badly affected.
ex) The country had been hard hit by falling oil prices.

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Casual English Phrases – #334

□ It hits home for me. (精神的)打撃を受ける
ex) It hits home when accident like this happens.
このような事故が起きれば 精神的打撃を受ける

hit/strike home: to become very clear and obvious in usually a forceful or unpleasant way
ex) The truth about their marriage finally hit home.

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体験レッスンを 365日 受付中。 各エリア 残席僅か。 急いで!

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Advanced English Expressions – #192

victimhood 被害者意識
ex) Get over your victimhood complex.

victimhood (ˈviktəmˌho͝od): the state of being a victim.
ex) The society nurtures a sense of victimhood.

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Advanced English Expressions – #463

intact 損傷損失を受けていない傷がない
ex) This shield could ensure that your roof stays intact.
屋根に損傷が ないよう このシールドが 保護します

intact /ɪnˈtækt/ : not broken or damaged
ex) After 25 years, their friendship remained intact.

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Advanced English Expressions – #907

damaging 損害を与えるような、不利な
ex) The storm may produce damaging winds.
嵐により 破壊的な 強風が生じるかもしれない

damaging /ˈdæmɪʤɪŋ/: causing or able to cause damage
ex) The chemical is damaging to the lungs.
= It will make a person’s lungs less healthy.

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Advanced English Expressions – #1,097

crippling 壊滅的な影響打撃を与える
ex) Interest rates rose to a crippling 13 percent.
利率は 13%という 壊滅的レベルまで 上昇した

crippling /ˈkrɪpəl/: causing a severe and almost insuperable problem
ex) A crippling attack of malaria kept him in bed for months.

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Advanced English Expressions – #1,117

insuperable (問題、困難)克服できない打ち勝つことのできない
ex) They have a major, possibly insuperable disadvantage.
彼らは 克服できない 不利な点を 抱えていた

insuperable /ɪnˈsuːpərəbəl/: impossible to solve or get control of : impossible to overcome
ex) They succeeded despite some nearly insuperable [=insurmountable] difficulties.

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courtesy from Merriam – Webster’s Learner’s Dictionary
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