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Suite – Adjoining Room – 「ホテルルーム・客室」を英語で表現

suite スイートルーム
ex) The executive suite is on the top floor.
エグゼクティブ・スイートは ホテル最上階に あります

suite /ˈswiːt/: a group of rooms that is used for one purpose
ex) Are luxury suites worth the splurge?

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アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000

Casual English Phrases – #436

splurge (お金を使った)贅沢、散財、贅沢をする
ex) We decided to splurge on a deluxe room.
贅沢をして ホテルのデラックスルームに 宿泊することに決めた

splurge /ˈsplɚʤ/: to spend more money than usual on something for yourself
ex) You should let yourself splurge once in a while.

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connecting room 続き部屋(室内に2部屋を行き来できるドアがある)、コネクティングルーム
ex) We’ve booked 2 family rooms with a connecting doors for four persons.
4人宿泊用の ファミリー向け コネクティング ルームを予約した

connecting room /kəˈnɛkt/: a hotel room that shares a wall with an adjoining room and is connected by a private door
ex) Guests in a superior king are joined to a superior twin by a connecting door.

adjoining rooms 隣合った2部屋(室内に2部屋を行き来できるドアは無い)
ex) We have several adjoining rooms for family travelers.
家族旅行者向けに 隣り合った部屋 を用意しています

adjoining room /əˈʤoɪn/: a hotel room which are next to each other but unlike connecting rooms, have no common doors or passages.
ex) Adjoining rooms may be booked together by request for one traveling party.

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location of the room 部屋の位置
ex) What’s the location of this room?
客室の位置は どの辺りですか?

location /loʊˈkeɪʃən/: a place or position
ex) This is a lovely location for a house.

room away from … … から離れた部屋
ex) I want a room away from the elevator bank.
エレベーターエリアから 離れた部屋が良い

away /əˈweɪ/: used to describe how distant something is in space or time
ex) The family went to a lake 10 miles away.

peace and quiet 平穏と静けさ
ex) I want a room away from the ice machine closet for peace and quiet.
静かな所が良いので アイスマシーンから 離れた部屋が良い

peace and quiet /ˈkwajət/: a setting, situation, or period in which one has no disturbances or stress
ex) All I want on this vacation is some peace and quiet

view (部屋からの)眺め
ex) Does the room have a view?
その部屋からの 眺めは良い ですか?

view /ˈvjuː/: the things that can be seen from a particular place
ex) The house has a view of the lake.

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アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000

Casual English Phrases – #1,344

look out onto … … を見渡す、(部屋から 景色・海などを)見渡せる
ex) The windows can look out over scenery.
窓から 海が見渡せる (階が高い)

ex) My room can look out onto the sea.
部屋から 海が見渡せる (階が低い)

look (out) onto /ˈlʊk/: to have a clear and direct view of something or some place
ex) The apartment looks onto a stunning view of the beach.

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floor-to-ceiling window    床から 天井までガラス張りの窓
ex) Floor-to-ceiling windows induce an outdoor feel and capture delicate changes in weather.
天井まで一面に渡る 窓は 野外の雰囲気を もたらし、天候の微妙な変化を伝える

floor-to-ceiling: windows or pieces of furniture that are the full height of a wall
ex) The concert theater has the ability to floor-to-ceiling glass windows that open up to a grassy hill.


英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 1,000

Advanced English Expressions – #094

induce (電流など)誘導・誘発する、(医学)誘導・早める
ex) Her illness was induced by overwork.
彼女の病気は 過重労働が 原因となった

induce /ɪnˈduːs/: to cause (something) to happen or exist
ex) He needs medication to induce vomiting.

□ induce 人に勧めて… させる、(電流など)誘導誘発する
ex) I induced her to have a few days off.
彼女に 数日の休暇をとるように勧めた

induce /ɪnˈduːs/: to cause (someone or something) to do something
ex) The advertisement is meant to induce people to eat more fruit.

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high floor 高層階
ex) I want a high floor for the view.
眺めの良い 高層階の部屋が良いです

cf) My room was assigned just below the top floor of the hotel.
私の部屋は ホテル 最上階の丁度下に 指定されました

high floor /ˈfloɚ/: a high floor room
ex) Request a high floor, not the top floor.

low floor 低層階
ex) I want a low floor for safety.

low floor /ˈfloɚ/: a low floor room
ex) Can I be on a low floor?

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