英会話 例文・フレーズ集 ver. 2 > Swindle – Scammer – 「詐欺師・詐欺を働く」 を英語で表現 – 英会話例文集 を 英語で表現

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Swindle – Scammer – 「詐欺師・詐欺を働く」を英語で表現

scam 詐欺詐欺を働く
ex) I could tell they were scamming you and charging too much.
彼らは あなたに詐欺を働いて 金額を余分に取っている

scam /ˈskæm/: to deceive and take money from (someone)
ex) They scammed a lot of money from unwary customers.

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Casual English Phrases – #1,010

unwary 不用心な軽率な
ex) Accidents can happen to the unwary traveler.
事故は 不用心な旅行者に 起こりうる

unwary /ˌʌnˈweri/: easily fooled or surprised : not aware of and careful about possible problems, dangers, etc.
ex) The fast-moving tide sometimes surprises unwary swimmers.

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scammer 詐欺師
ex) A scammer might send you a check with little or no explanation.
詐欺師は あなたに 説明もほとんどなく 小切手を 送付してくるかも知れない

scammer /ˈskæm.ɚ/: someone who makes money using illegal methods, especially by tricking people
ex) Phone scammers use false promises.

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Casual English Phrases – #1,011

false promise of marriage 結婚詐欺
ex) Every breach of promise to marry cannot be a false promise.
全ての婚約詐欺が 結婚詐欺という訳ではない

false /ˈfɑːls/: not true or accurate
ex) No one should falsely promise marriage and break-off.

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fraud 詐欺詐欺罪
ex) The police have announced a breakthrough in the tax fraud case.
警察は その脱税事件を 解明したと 公表した

fraud /ˈfrɑːd/: the crime of using dishonest methods to take something valuable from another person
ex) He was found guilty of bank fraud.


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Advanced English Expressions – #038

fraudulent (権力や金のために)人をだます、詐欺的な
ex) He committed the crime of fraudulent use of a credit card.
彼は クレジットカードの不正使用による 犯罪を犯した

fraudulent /ˈfrɑːʤələnt/: done to trick someone for the purpose of getting something valuable
ex) Corrupt leaders were chosen in a fraudulent election.

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Advanced English Expressions – #1,021

defraud 詐欺行為をするだまし取る
ex) They conspired to defraud the government.
彼らは 共謀して 政府に詐欺行為をはたらいた

defraud /dɪˈfrɑːd/: to trick or cheat someone or something in order to get money
ex) They were accused of trying to defraud the public.

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Advanced English Expressions – #493

imposter (他人になりすます)詐欺師替え玉
ex) The charity has warned anyone approached by the impostor to contact the police immediately.
その慈善事業団体は その詐欺師に言い寄られた人 全員に 警察に連絡するよう 警告した

impostor /ɪmˈpɑːstɚ/: a person who deceives others by pretending to be someone else
ex) He claimed he was an experienced pilot, but he turned out to be an impostor.

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英語力を活かせる お仕事。 主婦向きです!

swindle 詐欺を働く、人をだます
ex) He swindled investors out of millions of dollars.
彼は 投資家に対し 数百万円を騙しとった

swindle /ˈswɪndl̟/: use deception to deprive (someone) of money or possessions.
ex) We have been swindled.


□ swindleout of money  … からお金をだまし取る
ex) He swindled elderly women out of their savings.
彼は 年輩の婦人から 貯金をだまし取った

swindle /ˈswɪndl̟/: to take money or property from (someone) by using lies or tricks
ex) Reverends and priests tired to swindle church members out of money.

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Casual English Phrases – #1,009

rip off (料金を) ぼる盗む
ex) This can dramatically decrease your odds of getting ripped off by a taxi driver.
この方法を使えば タクシー運転手から 料金をぼられる 可能性は 劇的に減る

rip off /ˈrɪp/ : cheat someone, especially financially.
ex) Try to avoid being ripped off by unscrupulous cab drivers.


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Advanced English Expressions – #458

unscrupulous たちの悪い不謹慎な
ex) Unscrupulous taxi drivers have been attempting to rip off arriving tourists for decades.
たちの悪い タクシー運転手は 何十年に渡り 到着した観光客から 料金をぼろうとしている

unscrupulous /ˌʌnˈskruːpjələs/: not honest or fair : doing things that are wrong, dishonest, or illegal
ex) Unscrupulous taxi-drivers are seriously damaging the country’s reputation.

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Casual English Phrases – #1,269

get taken in だまされる
ex) It galls me how many people get taken in by companies.

get taken in /ˈteɪkən/: to be fooled, swindled, cheated, or beguiled (by someone or something).
ex) You spent $1,000 on some cure-all pill you bought off the Internet? How could you get taken in like that?

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Advanced English Expressions – #698

gall 苛立たせる、(金属など)摩耗させる
ex) Sarcasm galls her.
皮肉は 彼女を苛立たせる

gall /ˈgɑːl/: to make (someone) feel annoyed or angry
ex) It galls me that such a small group of people can have so much power.

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Advanced English Expressions – #807

guise (偽りの)口実見せかけ
ex) She swindles people under the guise of friendship.
彼女は 友達のように見せかけ 詐欺を行なう

guise /ˈgaɪz/: a way of seeming or looking that is not true or real
ex) Corporate fraud schemes often appear under the guise of legitimate business practices.

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