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英語は 基本が分かれば、前に進めますから、まずは 基本をじっくり固めましょう。

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一人で悩まないで! 英語の基礎は すごくシンプルだから。
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Divide – Split – Separate – 「分ける・別れる・分離する」を英語で表現

Q.  DivideSplit の違いは何ですか?
A.  Divide には 割り算 の意味 もあります。 きっちり計って 分割する。 Split は 直線状に 割る、分ける の意味を持ちます。

ex) Split the chopsticks.
割りばしを 割る (divide は使えません)

divide 分ける
ex) When you start doing your sorting, divide your clothes in piles.
洋服を整理する時 洋服を いくつかの 積み重ねにして 分けて

divide /dəˈvaɪd/: to separate (something) into two or more parts or pieces
ex) He divided [=split] the loaf in half.


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Advanced English Expressions – #289

divisive 不和・対立を 生じさせる
ex) There’s an excellent reason why gun control is one of the most divisive fights in America.
アメリカで 銃規制の問題が もっとも対立を生じさせる問題であることには 理由がある

divisive /dəˈvaɪsɪv/: causing a lot of disagreement between people and causing them to separate into different groups
ex) The abortion issue has opened up the historically divisive issue to wider debate.

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Advanced English Expressions – #229

diverge into …   … に分岐する分散する
ex) Get off at the station where the single line diverges into two separate lines.

diverge /dəˈvɚʤ/: to split and move out in different directions from a single point
ex) The track alignment must consider the requirements of the special trackwork layouts that will permit tracks to diverge, merge, and cross one another.

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Casual English Phrases – #1,111

□ bridge the divide    差を埋める違いを埋める
ex) We hope to bridge policy divides between the two groups.
2つのグループの 方針の差を 埋めたいと願っている

bridge /ˈbrɪʤ/ : to make a bridge over or across (something)
ex) Our styles bridge the gap between fashion and practicality.

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英語力を活かせる お仕事。 主婦向きです!

split (複数の人で)分ける
ex) I would like to split something with my friends.
デザートを 友達と分けて食べたいです

split /ˈsplɪt/ : to divide (something, such as money or food) among two or more people or things
ex) Why don’t we just split a pizza for dinner?


□ split the bill 割り勘にする
ex) Splitting the bill at dinner can be tricky.
夕食を割り勘にするのは やりにくい

split /ˈsplɪt/: to separate or divide into parts or groups
ex) How do you split tax and tip?

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Casual English Phrases – #924

split everything 50/50 割勘にする
ex) Many girls want to split everything 50/50, starting with the first date.
多くの女性が 最初のデートは 割勘にしたいと考えている

split /ˈsplɪt/ : to divide (something, such as money or food) among two or more people or things
ex) We should split [=share] the costs.

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share the bill 割り勘にする
ex) Talk openly with your friends about sharing the bill as early as possible.
割り勘について 友達と出来るだけ早く 率直に話して

share /ˈʃeɚ/ : to divide (something) into parts and each take or use a part
ex) Is it better to share the bill evenly regardless of what you ordered, for the sake of ease and good social standing?

初心者コースも充実。 自分だけの 個人レッスンをデザインしよう!


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Casual English Phrases – #868

down the middle 折半で割り勘で
ex) They agreed to split the bill down the middle.

down the middle /ˈmɪdl̟/: divided or dividing something equally into two parts
ex) Does anyone know of a good way to split the page down the middle into two new pages?

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Casual English Phrases – #1,112

□ split personality  二重人格
ex) One thing you’ll soon notice is the split personality of Los Angeles.
すぐに ロサンゼルスの 相反する2つの魅力 に気づくであろう

split personality /ˌpɚsəˈnæləti/: dissociative identity disorder (DID), a mental disorder where a person has two or more distinct personalities
ex) Dissociative identity disorder, formerly referred to as split personality disorder, is characterized by a person’s identity fragmenting into two or more distinct personality states.

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Advanced English Expressions – #548

dissociate  関係が終わる関係がないと見なす分離していると見なす
ex) Why is the organization choosing to dissociate itself from its founder?
なぜ その会社は 創始者と関係を終わらせる 選択をしたのですか?

dissociate /dɪˈsoʊʃiˌeɪt/: to end your relationship with or connection to someone or something : to separate (yourself) from someone or something
ex) She became famous and dissociated [=disassociated] herself from her past.

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Advanced English Expressions – #549

fragment ばらばらにする分解して壊す
ex) These issues are fragmenting our society.
これらの問題は 社会を分断している

fragment /ˈfrægˌmɛnt/: to break or to cause (something) to break into parts or pieces
ex) The party is fragmenting into warring factions.

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体験レッスンを 365日 受付中。 各エリア 残席僅か。 急いで!


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Casual English Phrases – #221

separate clothes 洋服を分ける
ex) Separate your clothes based on the fabrics.

ex) Separate the colored piece of clothing from the white clothing.
色のある服と 白い服を分けて

ex) I don’t separate my lights and darks.
薄い色の服と、濃い色の服を 分けない

separate /ˈsɛpəˌreɪt/ : to cause (two or more people or things) to stop being together, joined, or connected
ex) They described the process used to separate cream from milk.

sort by fabric 生地別に分ける
ex) Sorting clothes by fabric allows you to use different washing cycles (‘delicate’ versus ‘normal’).
洋服を生地別に分けるて 別々の洗濯サイクルを使うことができる

sort /ˈsoɚt/: to separate and put (people or things) in a particular order
ex) They sorted the winners from the losers.

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separate 時間差がある
ex) How many hours separate the CST and EST time zones?
CST(central standard time) と EST (eastern standard time) の時差は 何時間ですか?

ex) Each time zone is separated by one hour.
それぞれの タイム・ゾーンが、各 1時間の間隔で 分けられている
= There are 24 different time zones, separated by one-hour intervals.

separate /ˈsɛpərət/: used to describe how much difference there is in the scores or positions of people or teams in a race, game, etc.
ex) One goal separated the teams at the beginning of the third period.

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Casual English Phrases – #1,113

□ remain separate from …       …から距離を置く
ex) Many people believe it is best to remain separate completely from him.
多くの人が 彼とは 距離を置くのが 最善であると 信じている

remain /rɪˈmeɪn/: to be left when the other parts are gone or have been used
ex) There’s no timeline for reuniting hundreds of families who remain separated.

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