英会話 例文・フレーズ集 ver. 2 > Thought – Take – Opinion -「意見・考え」 を英語で表現

ご夫婦、兄弟、家族みんなで 始める 英会話

ご夫婦、兄弟、家族みんなで 始める 英会話

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– 日常英会話で もっと深く 表現したい。

Thought – Take – Opinion -「意見・考え」 を英語で表現

opinion – 意見 の基本的な使い方

opinions agree 意見が合う
ex) For the first time our opinions agreed.

agree /əˈgriː/: to have the same opinion
ex) She says that a change is needed, and I agree completely.

bring different opinions together   意見をまとめる
ex) It’s important for us to bring different groups, opinions together.
異なる グループや、意見をまとめることが大切です

opinion /əˈpɪnjən/: a belief, judgment, or way of thinking about something : what someone thinks about a particular thing
ex) Why ask (for) my opinion if you have already decided?

In my opinion 私の意見は… と 類似の表現

1) My thought is 私の考えは
ex) My first thought is to never turn down business.
私の一番の考えは、決して 注文を断らないことです

cf) Do you have any thoughts on that issue?
この問題に関して 何か意見・考えはありますか?

thought /ˈθɑːt/: an idea, plan, opinion, picture, etc., that is formed in your mind : something that you think of
ex) My first thought was that something must have changed.

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Advanced English Expressions – #694

thought-provoking 示唆に富む、(思考・アイデア)刺激的な
ex) This book offers thought-provoking, results-producing exercises.
この本は 刺激的な考え方や 結果に導くための 演習を提供する

thought–provoking /ˈTHôt prəˌvōkiNG/: causing people to think seriously about something
ex) Thought-provoking questions are deep inquiries that shine a light on the essence of living and awaken our full potential as human beings.

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初心者コースも充実。 自分だけの 個人レッスンをデザインしよう!

初心者コースも充実。 自分だけの 個人レッスンをデザインしよう!

2) As far as I can tell 私に言える事は
ex) As far as I can tell, she didn’t actually do anything wrong.
私に言えることは 彼女は 何も間違った事を していないという事だ

as far as I can tell /ˈtɛl/: the information that was provided is as accurate as the person giving it has been able to make it
ex) This page is about the conversational phrase as far as I can tell.

3) As I see it 私の意見では
ex) As I see it, we need to move by the end of the month, or else we’ll lose money.
月末までに 引っ越した方がよいというのが 私の意見です。 でないと 金銭を失うことになるから

as I see it: in my opinion.
ex) You can use the expression As far as I can see when you are about to state your opinion of a situation

4) In my experience 私の経験から言えることは
ex) In my experience, he will never return the money he borrows.
私の経験から言えることは、彼は 借りた お金を 返さない

experience /ɪkˈspirijəns/: the process of doing and seeing things and of having things happen to you
ex) The best way to learn is by experience.

5) One can postulate 前提として 言えることは
ex) Scientists have postulated the existence of water on the planet.
その惑星に 水があることが 科学の前提となっている

one can postulate: I am of the opinion that
ex) His theory postulated a rotatory movement for hurricanes.

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Advanced English Expressions – #113

postulate 仮定とする、前提とする
ex) ex) The theory postulates [=claims, posits] that carbon dioxide emissions contribute to global warming.
その論理は 二酸化炭素が 地球温暖化の 要因となっている というものだ

postulate /ˈpɑːstʃəˌleɪt/: to suggest (something, such as an idea or theory) especially in order to start a discussion
ex) A postulate is a statement accepted to be true without proof.

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Advanced English Expressions – #606

premise 前提、(議論の前提となる)根拠
ex) He disagreed with her premise.
彼は 彼女の前提に 異議を唱えた

premise /ˈprɛməs/ : a statement or idea that is accepted as being true and that is used as the basis of an argument
ex) In logic, the premise is the basic statement upon whose truth an argument is based.

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子供同伴もOK! 女性・主婦が選ぶ 自宅英会話

子供同伴もOK! 女性・主婦が選ぶ 自宅英会話

consideration 考え
ex) We need to embrace more systematic consideration of social governance.
社会統治について より統合的な考え方を 受け入れる必要がある

consideration /kənˌsɪdəˈreɪʃən/: careful thought
ex) You should give some serious consideration to your retirement plans.

Q. ThoughtConsideration の違いは何ですか?
A. Thought は 現時点で考えている事。 Consideration は 考える という行為や、過程を表します。
例) Give consideration. は 考えてみて = 考えるという行為をして


アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000

Casual English Phrases – #1,235

huge consideration 大きな検討事項
ex) The value of the estate is a huge consideration.
土地の価格は 大きな検討事項である

consideration /kənˌsɪdəˈreɪʃən/ : something that you think about when you make a choice or decision
ex) Finding a house close to work was an important consideration for them.

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英語力を活かせる お仕事。 主婦向きです!

view 意見見解
ex) They have no interest to the views of the public.

ex) What are your views on this issue?

view /ˈvjuː/: an opinion or way of thinking about something
ex) What are your political views?
= What are your views on/about politics?

□ viewpoint 意見見解
ex) We need to incorporate both viewpoints.

viewpoint /ˈvjuːˌpoɪnt/: a way of looking at or thinking about something
ex) They approached the issue from opposite viewpoints. = standpoints

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Advanced English Expressions – #147

elicit (意見や 反応を)引き出す
ex) My question elicited no response.
私の 質問は 反応を引き出すことが できなかった

elicit /ɪˈlɪsət/: to get (a response, information, etc.) from someone
ex) She’s been trying to elicit the support of other committee members.

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Casual English Phrases – #1,264

take   意見
ex) She has an unusual take on life.
彼女は 普通と異なる 人生観をもっている

take /ˈteɪk/: the way that a particular person thinks about or understands something
ex) What’s your take on what happened?
= What do you think about what happened?

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Advanced English Expressions – #551

ruminate 熟考する時間をかけて考える
ex) The question got us ruminating on the real value of wealth.
その疑問は 私たちに 本当の意味での富 について 考える機会を与えた

ruminate /ˈruːməˌneɪt/: to think carefully and deeply about something
ex) He ruminated over/about the implications of their decision.

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□ compare notes on …  …について意見情報を交換する
ex) The parents compared notes on raising children.
両親は 子供の教育について 意見を交換した

compare notes /ˈnoʊt/ : to talk to someone about something that you and that person have each done, experienced, etc.
ex) I phoned a coworker after the meeting to compare notes.

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Advanced English Expressions – #151

□ dissent   意見を異にする
ex) Several scientists dissented from the decision.
科学者たちは その決定に反論した

dissent /dɪˈsɛnt/: to publicly disagree with an official opinion, decision, or set of beliefs
ex) Two members dissented from the majority.

dissension   意見の相違衝突
ex) The incident has caused a lot of dissension in the police department.
その事故は 警察内でも 多くの異論を 引き起こした

dissension /dɪˈsɛnʃən/: disagreement that causes the people in a group to argue about something that is important to them
ex) These issues caused bitter dissension in the party.

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子供たちも 英会話 プライベートレッスンが大好き!

子供たちも 英会話 プライベートレッスンが大好き!

Can I come in here?   (会議の途中で)意見を言ってもよいですか
ex) The phrase “ Can I come in here?” is common in committee meetings, as a polite form of interjecting.
Can I come in here?” という表現は、会議で 相手の意見を遮る際に用いる 丁寧な表現だ

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Advanced English Expressions – #202

interject (言葉を)挟む、遮る
ex) If I may interject, I have things I’d like to add.
会話は 遮って申し訳ありませんが、いくつか追加したい ことがあります

interject /ˌɪntɚˈʤɛkt/: to interrupt what someone else is saying with (a comment, remark, etc.)
ex) “That’s an interesting idea,” he interjected, “but I don’t think you’ve considered all of the details.”

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体験レッスンを 365日 受付中。 各エリア 残席僅か。 急いで!

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Casual English Phrases – #1,114

input  (何かを決める際の)意見アドバイス
ex) I need your input on what to have for dinner.
夕食を何にしたらよいか あなたの意見が必要です

input /ˈɪnˌpʊt/: advice or opinions that help someone make a decision
ex) She provided some valuable input at the start of the project.

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次の海外旅行で 想い出 を増やすために

次の海外旅行で 想い出 を増やすために


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Casual English Phrases – #350

dig one’s heels in   自分の意見・やり方 に固執する
ex) Some children might dig their heels in at dressing themselves.
洋服の 着方について、自分の意見に固執する 子供もいると思う

dig in your heels /ˈdɪg/: to behave in a stubborn way
ex) The salesman dug in his heels and refused to lower the price any further.

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Casual English Phrases – #1,440

□ lock horns with …    …と意見が合わない論争する
ex) I don’t want to lock horns with the boss.
上司と 論争したくない

lock horns /ˈhoɚn/: to get into an argument with someone, to come into conflict, clash,
ex) He has often locked horns with lawmakers as well as the administration.

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observation (気付いたことに対して)所見見解
ex) The critic made some perspicacious [=insightful] observations about the film.
批評家は その映画に対し 洞察力のある 見解をした

observation /ˌɑːbsɚˈveɪʃən/: a statement about something you have noticed : a comment or remark
ex) I’m not criticizing that kind of clothing. I’m just making an observation about the style.

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Advanced English Expressions – #826

perspicacious 洞察力のある
ex) His perspicacious grandfather had bought the land as an investment
見識力のある 彼の祖父はその土地を 投資対象として 購入した

perspicacious /ˌpɚspəˈkeɪʃəs/: having or showing an ability to notice and understand things that are difficult or not obvious
ex) She considers herself a perspicacious [=shrewd, astute] judge of character.

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関連する英語例文ページへ GO!

Attachment – Fondness – 愛着・親近感 

Detail – 詳細・詳しい 

Savvy – Smart – 頭が良い・賢い・利口 

Compare – Comparison – 比較 – 比べる 

Excellent – Superb – 優秀な・優れた

Facts prove. – 事実・真実に

英会話講師たちが、日々の個人レッスンに用いる、フレーズや、言い回しを持ち寄って英語例文集を作っています。 勉強になりますよ!