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Buy と Purchase の違い – 購入する を英語で表現
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買う・購入する の英語 基本表現
ex) I bought this hat for $10.
buy /ˈbaɪ/: to get … by paying money for it
ex) I bought a computer.

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アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000
Casual English Phrases – #500
□ buy into (意見などを)受け入れる、賛成する
ex) Young people wouldn’t buy into your plan or your idea.
若い人たちは 君の計画や アイデアを 受け入れないであろう
buy into /ˈbaɪ/: to accept or believe … as true
ex) The book teaches kids not to buy into the notion that money brings happiness.
ex) I paid $10 for for this hat.
この帽子に 10ドル支払った
pay /ˈpeɪ/: to give money for goods or services
ex) He offered to pay for our dinner.
ex) He purchased a new suit for a hundred dollars.
100ドルで 新しいスーツを購入した
purchase /ˈpɚtʃəs/: to get … by paying money for it
ex) Souvenirs can be purchased at the gift shop.
A. Buy と Purchase は基本的に同じ意味ですが、Purchase の方が フォーマルで、 Buy の方が汎用性が広いです。
buy = 買う、purchase = 購入する
Buy is a common word that can be used in any context whereas purchase is a formal word.
buy と purchase の 一般的な使い分け方は:
Buy は 一般的な買う。 ただ、店頭など 物を買う時 Can I buy …? より、get を使う:
Can I have …? / Can I take …? / Can I get …? の方が 一般的です。
Purchase: 契約書があるものや BtoB (企業間取引)では purchase を用いるのが 一般的です。
また、purchase も buy 両方とも 名詞として利用できますが、名詞として 一般的に使用されるのは purchase です。
例) purchase order 注文書、date of purchase 購入日
□ purchase order 注文書
ex) Thank you for your purchase order…
注文書 (送付)ありがとうございます
purchase order (ˈpɚtʃəs): a formal document that is used by an employee to request that something be purchased by a company
ex) We acknowledge the receipt of your purchase order…
ex) Will you pick up that magazine on the way home from work?
帰宅途中に あの雑誌を買ってきて
pick up /ˈpɪk/: to buy or get (something)
ex) Have you picked up a copy of her new CD yet?
□ pick out 選ぶ
ex) Pick out a topic テーマを一つ選んで
pick out: to choose or select (the best or most appropriate person or thing) from a group
ex) It took him an hour to pick out [=pick] what to wear.

shopping for a toy
□ shop for … … を買う
ex) We shopped for a toy.
おもちゃ を買った
cf) We shopped at the toy store.
おもちゃ屋で 買い物をした
ex) I shopped (at) the store in search of a toy.
おもちゃを 探しに お店に買い物に行った
shop /ˈʃɑːp/: to visit places where goods are sold in order to look at and buy things
ex) They shopped all day.
= They spent the day shopping.

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アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000
Casual English Phrases – #352
□ comparison shop (他店と)価格を比較する、価格比較を行う
ex) If you comparison shop, you can find French wine that is reasonably priced.
もし 比較購入できるのであれば、手頃な価格の フランス製ワインを 見つけられる
comparison shop /kəmˈperəsən/: to compare items while shopping in order to see which one is the best or has the lowest price
ex) If you comparison shop, you can find dressy wear that is reasonably priced.

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アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000
Casual English Phrases – #188
□ shopping spree 買い漁り
ex) Your shopping spree never ends.
spree /ˈspriː/: a short period of time when you do a lot of something
ex) A person who comes home after a day-long shopping spree may start feeling guilty.
ex) Take your reusable bags on every shopping trip.
shopping trip /ˈʃɑːp/: a visit to shops, or to a supermarket
ex) There are huge savings to be made on alcohol by travelling to France for a one-day shopping trip.

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アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000
Casual English Phrases – #466
□ impulse purchase 衝動買い
ex) Impulse buying happens when we want to pamper ourselves.
衝動買いは 自分を甘やかしたい時に 起こる
□ make an impulse buy on … … を衝動買いをする
ex) I regret making an impulse buy on this coat.
コートを衝動買いしたことを 悔やんでいる
impulse purchase /ˈɪmˌpʌls/: an unplanned decision to buy a product or service, made just before a purchase
ex) A whopping 77 percent said they had made an impulse buy in the past three months.
ex) I’ve never seen cheese on sale before. Let’s stock up on it.
チーズが 割引になるのは 見た事がない。 買い溜めしよう
stock up: to get a large quantity of something for later use
ex) We made sure to stock up on food before the storm hit.
ex) If you purchase fax paper in bulk, we’ll offer you a bulk discount.
ファクス紙を 大量購入するのであれば まとめ買い割引を提供します
in bulk /ˈbʌlk/: in large containers or in large amounts
ex) The restaurant buys rice and flour in bulk.
= It buys large bags of rice and flour.

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アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000
Casual English Phrases – #269
□ buy multiples 同じものを 複数買う
ex) I don’t think it’s bad to buy multiples if you truly like that item.
もし その商品が本当に好きなのであれば、同じものを複数買うのも 悪くない
multiple /ˈmʌltəpəl/: more than one
ex) Buying multiples of the same color might work for you.
ex) Much of the middle class in San Francisco has been priced out of housing.
price out /ˈpraɪs/: the state of being unable to invest in a particular market due to price increases
ex) When the cost of something becomes prohibitively high to a person, that he is said to have been priced out of the market.
英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 2,000
Advanced English Expressions – #108
□ prohibitive (値段が)法外に高い
ex) We wouldn’t be able to pay the prohibitive cost of rent.
そんな法外に高い家賃は 払えないであろう
prohibitive /proʊˈhɪbətɪv/: so high that people are prevented from using or buying something
ex) The price was prohibitive. (= too high)
ex) To avoid buyer’s remorse and end up with clothes you’ll wear on repeat, be more mindful with your purchases.
繰り返し着る事のできる洋服を買って 後悔の念を持たぬよう、買い物の際は より慎重になるように
buyer’s remorse /rɪˈmoɚs/ : a feeling of regret or anxiety after making a purchase.
ex) Buyer’s remorse is the result of a form of mindless spending where not much thought is given to the repercussions of a purchase.
ショッピングの際に生ずる 後悔の念は、その購入がどのような影響を持つのかを 深く考えなかった結果と言える
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