英会話 例文・フレーズ集 ver. 2 > Parking – Parking lot – 駐車する、駐車場
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Parking – Parking lot – 駐車する、駐車場 を英語で表現
ex) There’s a suburban supermarket with vast parking lots.
parking lot (ˈpärkiNG ˌlät): an area where cars or other vehicles may be left temporarily
ex) You can get all your parking lot maintenance and safety needs taken care of here.
* parking lot は アメリカ英語。イギリスでは主に car park を用います。
Q. “parking lot” と “parking garage” の違いは何ですか?
A. “parking lot” は スーパー・マーケットや、スポーツ施設など、大勢の人が集まる場所の駐車スペース全体を意味します。 “parking garage” は 複数階からなる 駐車ビルディングの 駐車スペース全体を意味します。
* “parking ramps” “parking decks” も “parking garage” と同じ意味です。

parking slots
□ parking slot (自動車一台分の)駐車スペース
ex) We’ll assign a free parking slot to each vehicle.
各 車に 1台分の 駐車スペースを 配給する
parking slot /ˈslɑːt/ : to refer to an assigned or reserved parking place
ex) A parking lot is a wide space that has many parking slots.
アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 1,000
Casual English Phrases – #400
□ a parking bay 駐車場
ex) When I had pulled into a parking bay I realized I didn’t have any change.
parking bay /ˈbeɪ/: a space in a car park designed to be large enough to park a vehicle in
ex) Parent and child parking bays are designed to help motorists with young families.
アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 1,000
Casual English Phrases – #993
□ parking brake サイドブレーキ = emergency brake
ex) I shifted the gearshift to park, engaged the parking brake, and exited the van.
parking brake /bréik/ : a brake used to hold an already stationary vehicle, often operated by hand.
ex) If the emergency brake doesn’t work, you’ll need to keep your eyes peeled for other ways to stop.

英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 1,000
Advanced English Expressions – #083
□ surveillance 監視、監督
ex) This parking is under video surveillance.
この駐車場は ビデオカメラで 監視中です
surveillance /sɚˈveɪləns/: the act of carefully watching someone or something especially in order to prevent or detect a crime
ex) The importance of surveillance cameras is increasing as hotels are seeing a large increase in travelers and max capacity.
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アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 1,000
Casual English Phrases – #673

□ carport (車の)簡易車庫
ex) A carport obviously would be a much smaller investment than investing in a garage.
簡易車庫の設置は ガレージよりも はるかに 低い額で納まる
carport/ˈkɑɚˌpoɚt/ : a shelter for a car that has open sides and that is usually attached to the side of a building
ex) A carport is a roofed structure for automobile storage, usually attached to a house and not fully enclosed like a garage but with at least one side open to the outdoors.
ex) I normally park my vehicle somewhere on this street.
park /ˈpɑɚk/: to leave a car, truck, motorcycle, etc., in a particular place
ex) I couldn’t find anywhere to park.
ex) Pull in to the parking lot.
pull in /ˈpʊl/: (of a vehicle or its driver) move to the side of or off the road.
ex) He pulled in at the curb.
ex) Pull out of the parking lot. 駐車場から車を出して
ex) I pulled out and drove off.
車を駐車場から 出して、その場を去った
pull out /ˈpʊl/: to move your car from a parking spot or a side street into a traffic lane
ex) Always pull out of your space slowly and look both ways before pulling all the way out of the space.
アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 1,000
Casual English Phrases – #233
□ parking structure 立体駐車場(米) = multistorey car park (英)
ex) The multi-level parking structure provides direct access to the shop entrance.
立体駐車場から その店の入り口 に 直接(ダイレクトアクセス)行けます
parking structure /ˈstrʌktʃɚ/: s building for short-term storage of motor vehicles, having two or more tiers or levels and at least two open sides
ex) The Six level, 1,635-car parking structure needs to accommodate additional parking.
ex) What you have to do is pull up to the car you want to parallel park with.
すべき事は 縦列して駐車したい車の横に 自分の車を止める事だ
parallel /ˈperəˌlɛl/: used to describe lines, paths, etc., that are the same distance apart along their whole length and do not touch at any point
ex) Parallel parking is not hard, but you need good car control to keep slow and constant speed while you carry out this maneuver.
英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 1,000
Advanced English Expressions – #168
□ maneuver (高度な)操作、手順
ex) Reversing is used as an intermediate maneuver to complete a parallel park.
車の逆進は 縦列駐車を行なうための 中間的な操作である
maneuver /məˈno͞ovər/: a movement or series of moves requiring skill and care.
ex) it’s important to master these basic driving maneuvers.
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アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 1,000
Casual English Phrases – #078
□ drive off 車で立ち去る
ex) After I hit the car accidentally I drove off without leaving a note.
誤って 車にぶつけてしまった後、メモを残すこともなく車で立ち去った
drive off /ˈdraɪv/: to leave some place by driving
ex) We got in our car and drove off.

Casual English Phrases – #028
□ do the parking lurk (混み合った駐車場で 空きを待って)うろうろする
ex) He is just doing the parking lurk, not a car thief.
彼は 車泥棒ではなく、駐車スペースの空きを待って うろうろしているだけだ
do the parking lurk /ˈlɚk/: driving slightly behind you to your parking spot, just to steal your spot.
ex) The parking garage lurker will kindly lead you to the next available parking spot.
ex) Don’t pull up next to a motorcycle cop at a red light.
赤信号で 白バイの 隣に止まってはいけない
ex) We’re pulling into the parking lot.
車を 駐車場に入れている所です
pull up /ˈpʊl/: (of a vehicle) come to a halt.
ex) He pulled up outside the cabin.
アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000
Casual English Phrases – #1,544
□ manned parking 有人の駐車場
ex) The garage is manned by parking personnel for your safety and security.
安全と 防犯のため その有人ガレージには 駐車場係がいる
manned /ˈmænd/ : carrying or done by a person
ex) Parking lots and garages can be manned or unmanned, 24-hour or not, high, medium or low security.
ex) I’ve mastered the art of parking my car inside this very narrow garage.
この狭いガレージへの 駐車の仕方を極めた
garage /gəˈrɑːʒ/: a building or part of a building in which a car, truck, etc., is kept
ex) She has a house with a two-car garage.
Casual English Phrases – #590
□ art of … の技術、技
ex) Automatic gearboxes are increasingly popular and the art of driving a stick shift might be in danger of dying out.
オートマチック車の人気が高く マニュアル車を 操作する技術は 絶滅の危機に瀕しているのかも知れない
art /ˈɑɚt/: a skill that someone learns through experience or study
ex) He never learned the art of making friends.
= He never learned how to make friends.

parking meters
□ parking meter パーキングメーター
ex) What are the hours of parking meters enforcement?
パーキングメーターは 何時から 何時まで 利用できますか?
ex) Feed the meter.
メーターに お金を入れて
parking meter: a machine near a parking place on the side of a road that you put coins into in order to legally park there
ex) You can report a parking meter that: Is out of order; Is bent, knocked over, or missing.
courtesy from Merriam – Webster’s Learner’s Dictionary
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