英会話 例文・フレーズ集 ver. 2 > precise – accurate – 正確な
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precise – accurate – 正確な・正しい を英語で表現
Casual English Phrases – #002
□ clockwork (時計の振り子ように)正確な、規則正しい
ex) I repeat this same old routine five days a week like clockwork.
週5日 同じ作業を 時計の振り子のように 繰り返している
clockwork /ˈklɑːkˌwɚk/: (often used before another noun) used to describe something that happens or works in a very regular and exact way
ex) Every morning, like clockwork, customers line up outside the front door of the bakery.
ex) Let us know when you come up with the exact shipping date.
正確な出荷日が 決まったら知らせて
ex) The drawing looked exact.
その絵は 正確に表現されているように見える
exact: very careful and accurate
ex) An exact copy is the same in every detail as the thing it is copied from.
ex) To be exact, I broke up with her.
正確に言うと 彼女とは別れた
to be exact: used to indicate that a statement is accurate and specific
ex) I have many friends, 43, to be exact.
cf) To be more exact, she dumped me.
もっと正確に言うと 彼女に捨てられた
to be more exact: to be honest
ex) I used to be married. To be more exact, I got divorced several months ago.
ex) That’s exactly what I’m calling you about.
まさに その件で電話をしている
exactly [iɡˈzak(t)lē]: without discrepancy
ex) They met in 1989 and got married exactly two years later.
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Advanced English Expressions – #305
□ discrepancy (数字などの)食い違い、相違
ex) Please note in advance that there may be a slight discrepancy in dyed color and sizing.
染色や サイズに わずかな 相違があるかも知れませんので 予めご了承ください
discrepancy /dɪˈskrɛpənsi/: a difference especially between things that should be the same
ex) Discrepancies in the firm’s financial statements led to an investigation.
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ex) This telescope has made the precise measurement of the size of a planet.
この望遠鏡は 惑星の正確な測定をこなす
ex) Be sure to take precise measurements before you cut the cloth.
布を裁断する前に 正確な寸法を測るように
precise /prɪˈsaɪs/ very accurate and exact
ex) The director was precise with his camera positions
ex) He showed up precisely on time.
precisely [prəˈsīslē]: in exact terms, without vagueness.
ex) He knows precisely how much money he has.
ex) I admire the precision of her work.
彼女の仕事の正確さには 感嘆する
precision /prɪˈsɪʒən/: the quality of being precise : exactness or accuracy
ex) Precision refers to a state of strict exactness and how consistently something is strictly exact.
ex) You know how accurate my clock is.
私の時計がどれ位正確か 知っているよね
ex) Be slow to take the accurate measurements.
正確な寸法を ゆっくり測って
accurate /ˈækjərət/: free from mistakes or errors
ex) Pick the most accurate answer.
ex) We have become much less confident that we count votes accurately.
投票が正確に数えられているか 以前より不信に思う
accurately: conforming exactly to fact
ex) The book’s title does not accurately reflect its subject.
Casual English Phrases – #1,399
□ accuracy of aim (定めた)狙いの正確さ
ex) You must aim at the target during the shooting process to hit it with accuracy.
accuracy /ˈækjərəsi/: freedom from mistake or error : the quality or state of being accurate : correctness
ex) Accuracy is how close you are to hitting your target, and precision is how consistently you can hit it.
ex) Be sure to dial the correct number.
正しい電話番号で 電話をかけて
correct /kəˈrɛkt/: true or accurate
ex) What’s the correct response to this question?
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Advanced English Expressions – #1,027
□ course correct (アクションを起こしながら 止まらずに)修正する
ex) Start working on it and course correct as you learn along the way.
作業を始めて 途中でやり方が 分かってきたら修正して
course correct /kəˈrɛkt/: to correct something along the way – as in contrary to stopping in order to make something work better
ex) We need to course-correct this project, or we will not reach our goals.
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1. correct と accurate の反対語は 間違え
correct phone number (正しい電話番号)の反対語は wrong phone number (間違え電話)
accurate figures (正確な数字)の反対語は inaccurate figures = figures having a mistake (誤りを含んだ数字)
2. exact と precise の反対語は 不正確
exact date (正しい日付)の反対語は、inexact date = not completely correct date (不正確な日付)
precise measurement (正確な寸法)の反対語は imprecise measurement = not exact (正確でない寸法)
白か黒か はっきりさせるのは correct (or wrong)
経理作業は 1円でも違うと間違えだから accurate
about でなく exact な日付(exact date) が知りたい
職人の測量は きっちり precise
– 時間に正確 を表現する –
ex) The trains are punctual.
その電車は 時間に正確だ
punctual /ˈpʌŋktʃəwəl/: : arriving or doing something at the expected or planned time
ex) She arrived punctually at 7:00.

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Advanced English Expressions – #003
□ procrastinate (仕事など) 先延ばしにする、遅らせる
ex) We all know what our deadline is to complete one of these commonly procrastinated tasks.
仕事上の 締切は もっとも遅れている仕事を 完了させることであると 誰もが知っている
procrastinate /prəˈkræstəˌneɪt/: to be slow or late about doing something that should be done
ex) He procrastinated and missed the submission deadline.
□ procrastination (任務など)先延ばし、先延ばし
ex) Procrastination is one of the things that badly affects the productivity.
仕事の先延ばしは 生産性に悪影響を与えるものの 一つである
procrastination /prəˌkræstəˈneɪʃən/: the action of delaying or postponing something
ex) Your first tip is to avoid procrastination.
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ex) I have to return my watch to the store because it doesn’t keep good time.
時計が 時間に正確でないので、返品する
ex) The clock is keeping good time and strikes with a nice tone on a coiled flat steel gong.
その時計は 時間に正確で きれいな鐘の音がなる
keep good time: to be accurate
ex) This inexpensive watch does not keep good time.
アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000
Casual English Phrases – #940
□ smack-dab 正確に、じかに
ex) They planted a tree smack-dab in the center of the lawn.
彼らは 木を芝生の 丁度 真ん中 に植えた
smack–dab /ˈsmækˈdæb/ : exactly or directly
ex) The hotel is smack-dab in the middle of the city.

英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 1,000
Advanced English Expressions – #018
□ misrepresent 不正確に伝える、事実を曲げて伝える
ex) There is a case where prospective employees misrepresent their educational background.
就職希望者が 学歴を不正確に伝えるというケースもある
ex) The company is accused of misrepresenting its earnings.
その会社は 利益を不正確に 申告したことで 告訴されている
misrepresent /ˌmɪsˌrɛprɪˈzɛnt/: to describe (someone or something) in a false way especially in order to deceive someone
ex) The movie deliberately misrepresents the facts/truth about her life.
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アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 1,000
Casual English Phrases – #842
□ off the mark (予測・推測が) 的外れな、不正確な、間違った
ex) It appears many of those polls were significantly off the mark.
それらの 世論調査は 明らかに 不正確であった
off the mark /ˈmɑɚk/: not accurate or correct : not achieving the desired result
ex) The results of the fund-raising were off the mark.
courtesy from Merriam – Webster’s Learner’s Dictionary
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