英会話 例文・フレーズ集 ver. 2 > Shoot up – Drive up – 上昇する、数字が上がる

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Shoot up – Drive up – 上昇する、数字が上がる を英語で表現


go up の基本的な使い方

例) 運賃が $2.5 から 50 cents (20%) 値上がって $3 にになる場合

□ The fare is going up 50 cents. 運賃は50セント上がります
□ The fare is going up to $3.   運賃は3ドルに 上がります
□ The fare will go up by 20%.  運賃は 20% 値上がりします

□ How high will the fare go?

□ shoot up   急上昇する
ex) The price of gasoline has shot up 20 percent.
ガソリンの値段が 20% 上がった

shoot up /ˈʃuːt/: to grow or increase quickly and suddenly
ex) He shot up to six feet tall over the summer.

□ creep up    じわじわと上がる
ex) Our sales are creeping up, but it isn’t like 3 years ago when it shot up.
売上はじわじわと上がっている。 しかし 3年前の急上昇 程ではない

creep up /ˈkriːp/: to slowly and quietly move closer to (someone) without being noticed
ex) We tried to creep up on [=sneak up on] them but they heard our footsteps.


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Casual English Phrases – #1,588

shore up (下支えするものがあって)上昇する
ex) The tax cuts are supposed to shore up the economy.
減税により 経済は上向くであろう

shore /ˈʃoɚ/ : to support (something) or keep (something) from falling by placing something under or against it
ex) They shored up [=propped up] the roof/wall.

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Casual English Phrases – #610

drive up (数字など)跳ね上げる
ex) What’s driving up the price of gasoline?
何がガソリンの価格を 上げているのでしょうか?

drive up (ˈdraɪv): to cause (a price, number, etc.) to increase
ex) A decrease in investments is driving up interest rates.

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pump up 上昇させる
ex) The trend pumped up a sagging economy.
そのトレンドは 下向きだった経済を上昇させた

pump up /ˈpʌmp/: to increase the amount, size, or value of (something)
ex) The company is trying hard to pump up sales.


pump gas 給油する
ex) The standard for tipping these attendants is $2 if windows are washed and gas is pumped.
係員に 窓を拭いてもらい、ガソリンを入れてもらった際、チップは2ドルが標準だ

pump /ˈpʌmp/ : to flow in a series of movements caused by the action of a pump
ex) It’s dangerous to pump gas with your car running.

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□ rise 上がる
cf) The water level of the dam rose.

rise /ˈraɪz/: to move upward
ex) The airplane rose [=(more formally) ascended] into the sky.

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アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000

Casual English Phrases – #254

□ spike 上昇、上昇する
ex) A spike in violence has led to an increase in the number of homicides.
暴力事件 発生の上昇は 殺人事件数の増加を 導いている

spike /ˈspaɪk/: to increase greatly in a short period of time
ex) The medication caused his blood pressure to spike.

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英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 2,000

Advanced English Expressions – #477

upsurge (数字など)上昇増大
ex) The subway system is having an upsurge in robberies with people having their mobile phones.

upsurge /ˈʌpˌsɚʤ/: a rapid or sudden increase or rise
ex) Recent years have witnessed an upsurge of interest in pharmaceuticals.


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Casual English Phrases – #1,480

hit a new high 最高記録最高値を更新する
ex) The good news is retail sales has hit a new high for five consecutive months.
良いニュースとしては 小売り店の販売額が 5か月連続で 最高値を記録しました

new highs /ˈhaɪ/: stocks that are trading at their highest price over the last 52 weeks
ex) Bitcoin hit a new all-time high on Wednesday.

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Casual English Phrases – #525

□ upturn  上昇
ex) We’ll see an upturn in the economy.

upturn /ˈʌpˌtɚn/: an upward turn especially toward better conditions or higher prices
ex) There has been a modest upturn in most parts of the industry.

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Casual English Phrases – #700

□ crank up …   … を上げる
ex) It doesn’t take much to crank up our imaginations.
想像力を上げるのは 難しいことではない

ex) Crank up [=turn up] the volume.
音量・ボリュームを 上げて

crank /ˈkræŋk/: to move (something) by turning a crank
ex) Will you crank up/down [=roll up/down] the window?

raise … risk … の危険(率)を上げる
ex) Strong gusts and low humidity will raise wildfire risk.
強風と 空気の乾燥が 山火事の危険率を上げるだろう

raise /ˈreɪz/:to increase the amount or level of (something)
ex) Being on combined hormonal birth control can raise your risk of blood clots.

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アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000

Casual English Phrases – #1,408

flatten the curve 上昇率を抑える、(グラフなど)曲線を平坦化する
ex) What happens if we don’t flatten the curve of flu?
インフルエンザの上昇率を 抑えられなかった場合 どうなりますか?

flatten the curve /ˈflætn̩/: prevent a rate or quantity from greatly intensifying or increasing within a short time.
ex) Taking actions to slow the spread of this virus will flatten the curve and protect the vulnerable.

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Fill an order – 注文書を処理する を英語で表現

Bow – High Five – 挨拶・握手を英語で表現

Fake – Counterfeit – 偽の・偽物の を英語で表現

Role – Responsibility – 役割・役目 を英語表現

Give up on – Abandon – 諦める を英語で表現

Worse – Worsen – 悪くなる・悪化 を英語で表現

英会話講師たちが、日々の個人レッスンに用いる、フレーズや、言い回しを持ち寄って英語例文集を作っています。 勉強になりますよ!