英会話 例文・フレーズ集 ver. 2 > Compare – Comparison – 「比較 – 比べる」
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Compare – Comparison – 「比較 – 比べる」 を英語で表現
1. compare … with .. … と .. を比べる
ex) I compared a new car with an used car.
新車と 中古車を比較した
cf) I compared several cars before buying one.
購入する前に 数台の車を比較した
2. Comparing … with .. … と .. を比べると
ex) Comparing a new car with an used car, you’ll see which one is durable.
新車と 中古車を比較すると どちらが 長持ちするか分かるだろう
compare /kəmˈpeɚ/: to look at (two or more things) closely in order to see what is similar or different about them or in order to decide which one is better
ex) We each did the homework assignment, then compared answers.
3. Compared with …, .. … と比べると .. は
ex) Compared with a new car, an used car is affordable.
新車と比べると 中古車の方が 価格がお手ごろだ
compared with: in relation to (something else)
ex) I’m a slob compared with my roommate.
□ compare in terms of … … という点で比較する
ex) How do the two cars compare in terms of fuel efficiency?
燃費の点で 2台の車を比較すると どうような違いがありますか?
compare /kəmˈpeɚ/ : to seem better or worse in comparison to something else
ex) How do the restaurants compare?

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Advanced English Expressions – #043
□ counterpart (比較)同等の人、もの
ex) Managers at A-company appear to be more agile than the B-company counterparts.
A社のマネージャーたちは、B社の 同等職位の人たち(マネージャーたち)よりも 俊敏に思える
ex) Our minister held talks with his Canadian counterpart.
我が国の大臣は カナダの大臣と 会合を持った
counterpart /ˈkaʊntɚˌpɑɚt/: someone or something that has the same job or purpose as another
ex) The secretary of defense met with his counterparts in Asia to discuss the nuclear crisis.
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ex) Vehicle sales are up 10% over the last year.
自動車の売上は 前年比 10% 上がった
ex) Why it’s gone up 10 cents over last week’s price?
over /ˈoʊvɚ/: from, to, or at a place that is higher than (someone or something) : above
ex) How do I calculate sales percentage over the last year?
ex) Now income inequality is higher than it has been.
more than /ˈmoɚ/: used before a number or amount for saying that the actual number or amount is larger than this
ex) The number is far greater than has been assumed.
ex) If you comparison shop, you can find the quality wear that is reasonably priced.
比較して 購入するころが出来るのなら、手頃な価格で 質の高い服を 探すことが出来る
□ for comparison 比較のために、ちなみに
ex) The hamburger has about 280 calories. For comparison, the doughnut has 200 calories.
そのハンバーガーは280カロリーある。 念のため、そのドーナツは200カロリーだ
comparison /kəmˈperəsən/: the act of looking at things to see how they are similar or different
ex) This article gives a guide to the different study types and a comparison of the advantages and disadvantages.

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アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000
Casual English Phrases – #352
□ comparison-shop (他店と)価格を比較する、価格比較を行う
ex) Comparison-shopping is time consuming and requires resourcefulness.
価格比較の買い物 は 時間がかかり、情報源の質も問われる
comparison shop /kəmˈperəsən/: to compare items while shopping in order to see which one is the best or has the lowest price
ex) The Internet allows consumers to comparison shop with ease.
ex) He’s a well-behaved child in comparison with his brother.
彼は 彼の弟と比較すると マナーが良い
by comparison /kəmˈperəsən/: when compared with another
ex) Yesterday’s weather was very cold. Today’s weather is mild by comparison.
ex) When you compare the two novels, you will need to develop a basis for comparison.
2冊の小説を比べる時、比較の基準を 明確にする必要があるでしょう
ex) The basis of comparison allows you to look for the similarities and differences between the two items.
比較の基準があれば 2つの商品の 類似点と 相違点を探すことができる
ex) There’s virtually no basis for comparisons.
basis /ˈbeɪsəs/: something (such as an idea or set of ideas) from which another thing develops or can develop
ex) A total of 279 adult verb forms were taken from child-directed speech as a basis of comparison.
There’s really no comparison between the two models.
2つの モデルは 比較にならない
= one is much better than the other
no comparison /kəmˈperəsən/ used to suggest that two or more things are very different
ex) The education system stands no comparison with (= is not as good as) that in many Asian countries.

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Advanced English Expressions – #562
□ commensurate 比例した、同等の、(大きさ、長さなど)等しい
ex) The salary increase is commensurate with each professional grade.
給与の上昇は 各人の 職業階級と 比例している
commensurate /kəˈmɛnsərət/: equal or similar to something in size, amount, or degree
ex) The increase in demand caused a commensurate [=proportionate] increase in prices.
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アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000
Casual English Phrases – #684
□ pale in comparison (比較すると) 劣って見える、かすんでしまう
ex) Once you’ve tasted the local apples, all others pale by comparison.
現地で採れた リンゴを一度食べたら、他のリンゴと 比較にならないことが分かるはずだ
= all others seem less good
pale in comparison /ˈpeɪl/ : to seem less important, good, serious, etc
ex) The afternoon meal paled in comparison to/with [=was not nearly as good as] the feast they had later.
□ pale 劣っているように見える、青ざめる
ex) His accomplishments pale beside those of his father.
彼の功績は 彼の父親の功績と比べると 見劣りしてしまう
pale /ˈpeɪl/: to lose color
ex) The bright blue walls had paled over time.
ex) I work short hours for comparatively good pay.
comparatively /ˌkəmˈperətɪvli/: when measured or judged against something else : in comparison with something else
ex) These prices are comparatively [=relatively] high.
ex) Her talent is beyond compare and matchless.
compare /kəmˈpeɚ/ : better or greater than any other : having no equal
ex) The singer’s voice is beyond compare.
□ be comparable to … …にひけをとらない、同等に優れる
ex) What other classical music pieces are comparable to this symphony in greatness?
秀逸性において この交響楽と同等に優れている クラッシック音楽は 他に何がありますか?
comparable /ˈkɑːmpərəbəl/: used to say that two or more things are very similar and can be compared to each other
ex) A comparable refrigerator today would cost a lot more than the one I bought 10 years ago.
ex) The villas combine matchless beauty and architectural aesthetics.
その別荘棟は 比類なき美しさと 建築上の美学を兼ね備える
matchless /ˈmætʃləs/ : having no equal : better than all others
ex) The museum has a matchless collection of paintings.

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Advanced English Expressions – #563
□ unmatched 比類ない、無比の
ex) Her talents are unmatched [=not matched] by any other player.
彼女の才能は 他の人と比較にならないほど 素晴らしい
unmatched /ˌʌnˈmætʃd/ : better than all others
ex) The company has a level of expertise that is unmatched (anywhere) in the industry.
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Advanced English Expressions – #635
□ peerless 比類のない、無比の、無類の
ex) As an athlete he is peerless.
アスリートとして 彼と比較になる者はいない
peerless /ˈpiɚləs/: having no equal
ex) The peerless talent fuses timeless riffs, solos of ingenious beauty and emotional fire.
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