英会話 例文・フレーズ集 ver. 2 > Rest – Break – 「休憩・休み・リラックス」を 英語で表現
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Rest – Break – 「休憩・休み・リラックス」を 英語で表現
ex) I was ordered to get some rest.
少し休むように 命じられた
rest /ˈrɛst/: a period of time in which you relax, sleep, or do nothing after you have been active or doing work
ex) None of us had/got much rest last night.
□ rest 休憩する、休む
ex) She went to her room to rest for a while.
rest /ˈrɛst/ to spend time relaxing, sleeping, or doing nothing after you have been active or doing work
ex) The workers were resting in the shade.
ex) Take a break at the rest area along the route.
道路沿いの 休憩エリアで休憩しよう
rest area /ˈrɛst/: an area adjacent to a highway at which restrooms and refreshments are usually available
ex) A rest area is a public facility, located next to a large thoroughfare such as a motorway.
□ rest stop 休憩のための停車
ex) Early results call into question the requirement for rest stops in long-haul travel that are mandated.
初期の実験結果は、義務化されている 長距離移動の際の 休憩のための停車の 効果に 疑問を投じている
rest stop /ˈrɛst/: a stop made, as during a motor trip, to allow passengers to stretch their legs, use rest rooms, get refreshments, etc
ex) There’s really only two commercial rest stop facilities.
アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000
Casual English Phrases – #167
□ downtime 休憩時間、(システムなど) 作動休止時間
ex) I use the term “downtime” is simply time that is being spent waiting for something else.
休憩(Downtime) と言う 言葉を、何か別の事をするために使える時間 の意味で使います
downtime /ˈdaʊnˌtaɪm/: time when you are not working or busy
ex) After a busy day at work, I look forward to some downtime at home.
ex) I don’t go out while I’m on a break.
休憩時間中は 外出しない
break /ˈbreɪk/: a brief period of time during which someone stops an activity
ex) We’ll have a bathroom break.
ex) Do it in between your college classes.
大学の休憩時間に それをやって
between classes /bɪˈtwiːn/: in the period of time that separates two different times or events
ex) There is a break of ten minutes between classes.
ex) Shortening recess can provide additional time that teachers can use to improve students’ academic performance.
休み時間を短くすることにより、教師は 生徒の学力向上のための 追加の時間を得ることができる
recess /ˈriːˌsɛs/: a short period of time during the school day when children can play
ex) The students play outside after lunch and at recess.
ex) It is time to take a breather.
breather /ˈbriːðɚ/: a pause for rest
ex) He decided to give them a breather.
ex) Let’s take time-out for a few minutes.
time–out /ˈtaɪmˈaʊt/: a short period of time when you stop doing something so that you can rest or do something else
ex) The book talks about the proper way to use time-outs.
アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000
Casual English Phrases – #1,178
□ recharge one’s battery 休養する、充電する
ex) You need to relax and recharge your battery.
くつろいで 充電する時間が必要だ
recharge one’s batteries /riˈtʃɑɚʤ/: to regain one’s energy, liveliness, or motivation through a period of rest or recreation
ex) People who regularly recharge their batteries have a lot less stress in their lives.
アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000
Casual English Phrases – #419
□ kick back (背もたれを使って)休む、リラックスする
ex) I want to take a break to kick back.
リラックスする 休憩時間が欲しい
kick back: to relax and enjoy yourself
ex) I spent the weekend just kicking back.
□ sit back (椅子に深く座り)休む
ex) Sit back and just relax for the rest of the day.
残りの時間を 休憩に使って
sit back /ˈsɪt/: to get into a comfortable and relaxed position in a chair, seat, etc.
ex) Sit back and enjoy the ride.
アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000
Casual English Phrases – #324
□ lie back もたれて休む、横になる
ex) I want to lie back and relax all day.
1日 横になって休みたい
lie back /ˈlaɪ/: to lean backward from a sitting position to a flat position
ex) The doctor asked him to lie back on the table.
lie /ˈlaɪ/ – lay /ˈleɪ/ – lain /ˈleɪn/
ex) Well-rested workers are productive.
休息を十分とった 労働者は生産性が高い
well-rested /ˈrɛstəd/: having had sufficient (even more than enough) sleep or rest to function optimally during waking hours
ex) The soldiers seemed well-rested and eager to resume their journey.
ex)After three hours of driving, I’m sure everyone would like to stretch their legs a bit.
3時間の運転の後 皆 少し散歩をしたいであろう
stretch one’s legs /ˈstrɛtʃ/: to stand up and walk especially after sitting for a long period of time
ex) If you stretch your legs, you go for a short walk, usually after you have been sitting down for a long time.
アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000
Casual English Phrases – #1,177
□ wind down くつろぐ、緩める
ex) I intend to wind down with a good book this weekend.
週末は本を読んで ゆっくり過ごすつもりだ
wind down/ˈwaɪnd/: to relax and stop thinking about work, problems, etc.
ex) Most people tend to wind down at the end of the day by scrolling through their phone.
ex) I wanted to unwind after a hard day.
unwind /ˌʌnˈwaɪnd/: unwound /-ˈwaʊnd/: to relax and stop thinking about work, problems, etc.
ex) I wanted to unwind after a hard day.
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