英会話 例文・フレーズ集 ver. 2 > Keep good time – 時計・時間
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Keep good time – 時計・時間 を英語で表現
ex) Do you have the time?
* 上記から the を抜いて Do you have time? とすると 少し時間がありますか? の意味になります。
Do you have time?” would be used to ask if the person has time in their schedule.
ex) Excuse me, do you have the time? It seems my watch has stopped.
□ a minute (少しの)時間
ex) Do you have a minute?
(何か手伝ってほしい時)少し時間を 頂けますか?
have a minute /ˈmɪnət/: have a short period of time available (for something)
ex) Do you have a minute/moment/second?
ex) I’ll set my clock alarm to 7 a.m.
alarm /əˈlɑɚm/: a device that makes a loud sound as a warning or signal
ex) She set the alarm for six o’clock.

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Casual English Phrases – #381
□ go off (目覚ましなどが)鳴る
ex) My alarm didn’t go off.
目覚まし時計が 鳴らなかった
go off /ˈgoʊ/ : to begin to make a sudden loud noise
ex) I woke up when the alarm went off.
ex) This clock will keep good time for 5 years.
この時計は 3年 時間が狂わない
keep time /ˈtaɪm/ : of a watch or clock : to show the correct time
ex) My watch keeps good/perfect time.
= It shows the correct time.

英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 1,000
Advanced English Expressions – #937
□ timeless (美など)時代を超えた、永遠の
ex) The dresses that she designs are elegant and timeless.
彼女のデザインするドレスは エレガントで 時代を超えた 美しさがある
timeless /ˈtaɪmləs/ : staying beautiful or fashionable as time passes
ex) Something timeless is a classic of some sort that is unchanged by time.
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Casual English Phrases – #055
□ at the eleventh hour 時間ぎりぎりで
ex) Do these eleventh-hour claims have an impact on the outcome?
最終段階で 発生した これらの主張は 結果に影響を及ぼすであろうか?
eleventh hour /ˈawɚ/: the latest possible time
ex) Doing something at the eleventh hour means you got in just under the wire.
ex) Why does my watch keep the wrong time?
何故 私の時計は 時間が狂うのであろう
ex) The time on my clock keeps changing to the wrong time.
時計の時間が 狂うことが 続いている
wrong /ˈrɑːŋ/: speaking, acting, or judging in a way that does not agree with the facts or truth
ex) Have you ever had a clock that’s displaying the incorrect time?
ex) My watch is five minutes fast.
□ be running fast (時計の時間が)進んでいる
ex) My watch is running fast a few minutes.
fast /ˈfæst/ : showing a time that is later than the correct time
ex) My watch is (ten minutes) fast.
ex) My watch gains three minutes a week.
私の 時計は1週間で3分進む
gain /ˈgeɪn/ : to run fast
ex) The clock gains by less than a second a year.
アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000
Casual English Phrases – #1,182
□ clock hand 時計の針
ex) The long hand on the clock is the minute hand.
長い時計の針は 分を表す
□ second hand 時計の秒針
ex) I just noticed that my second hand on my watch now goes in 5 second intervals.
私の時計の秒針は 5秒ごとに進む ことに気が付いた
hour hand /ˈawɚ/: the thing that points to the hour on a clock or watch
ex) It’s easier to read an analogue clock-face (i.e. one with hands) than a digital clock-face.
ex) I want to have my watch fixed that is losing time.
遅れる時計を 修理に出したい
lose /ˈluːz/: of a watch or clock : to show a time that is earlier than the correct time : to run slow by (an amount of time)
ex) My old watch loses a minute every day.
ex) The clock keeps going slow.
□ run slow (時計が)遅れる
ex) Can the slow running watch be fixed?
遅れる時計を 直すことはできますか?
slow /ˈsloʊ/: of a clock or watch : showing a time that is earlier than the correct time
ex) The clock is (five minutes) slow.

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アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000
Casual English Phrases – #070
□ catch … at a bad time 間の悪い時間に連絡・訪問する
ex) You caught me at a bad time. I’m about to leave.
間の悪い時に 連絡して来たね。 これから出かける所だ
ex) Probably he wasn’t ready, you caught him at a bad time.
彼は 準備ができていなかったのかも。 間の悪い時に 彼に連絡したんだね
catch at a bad time /ˈkætʃ/: attempt to speak to someone in a moment that is inconvenient for one
ex) I’ll definitely help you with that report later—you just happened to catch me at a bad time right now.

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アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000
Casual English Phrases – #496
□ hourglass 砂時計
ex) I have an hourglass that takes 3 minutes to drain.
私の砂時計は 3分で 砂が全て下に落ちる
hourglass /ˈawɚˌglæs/ : device for measuring time
ex) Some of the falling sand in the hourglass had gotten stuck near the top of the bottom chamber.
The pendulum always swings back.
pendulum /ˈpɛnʤələm/: a stick with a weight at the bottom that swings back and forth inside a clock
ex) The fashion pendulum swung from silver jewelry to gold and back again.
= Silver jewelry was popular for a while, then gold became popular, and then silver became popular again.
ex) Wind-up clocks we overhaul are covered by a two year warranty.
当社が 修理する 手巻き式の時計は 2年の保証が ついている
wind-up /ˈwaɪndˌʌp/: having a motor that is given power when someone turns a handle
ex) She has an old windup record player in her attic.
□ wind up (時計、ねじなど)巻き上げる
ex) Wind (up) the antique clock.
アンティーク時計の ねじを巻いて
wind up /ˈwaɪnd/: to turn a knob, handle, etc., on something (such as a clock) several times so that it can work
ex) Her watch needs to be wound once a year.

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Casual English Phrases – #1,177
□ wind down くつろぐ、緩める
ex) I intend to wind down with a good book this weekend.
週末は本を読んで ゆっくり過ごすつもりだ
wind down/ˈwaɪnd/: to relax and stop thinking about work, problems, etc.
ex) Most people tend to wind down at the end of the day by scrolling through their phone.