英会話 例文・フレーズ集 ver. 2 > Time Difference – Jet Lag – 「時差・時差ぼけ」 を英語で表現
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Time Difference – Jet Lag – 「時差・時差ぼけ」 を英語で表現
ex) There is a 17 hours’ difference in time between Tokyo and San Diego.
東京と サンディエゴの間に 時差が17時間ある
difference in time /ˈdɪfrəns/: the length of a time interval
ex) An “18-hour difference in time” would equal 6 hours of jet lag.
ex) There is a significant time difference between the two countries.
2国の間には かなりの時差がある
time difference /ˈdɪfrəns/: the difference in clock time between two or more different time zones
ex) Time difference between Los Angeles and Denver is 1 hour.
ex) Guam is fourteen hours after New York.
グアムと ニューヨークの間に と 14時間の時差がある
after /ˈæftɚ/: following (something or someone) in order or in a series
ex) Chicago is 1 hour behind of New York.
ex) New York is one hour ahead of New York.
ニューヨークと シカゴの時差は 1時間である
ahead of /əˈhɛd/: in, at, or to a place before (someone or something)
ex) They went on ahead of us and by now are several miles ahead of us.
ex) San Francisco is in the same time zone as Los Angeles.
ex) What time zone is California in?
カリフォルニア州は どの タイム・ゾーン に属しますか?
time zone /ˈzoʊn/: any one of the world’s 24 divisions that has its own time
ex) Each time zone is one hour earlier than the time zone directly to the east.
ex) The more time zones you cross during a long-haul flight, the more severe jet lag can become.
長距離の飛行で より多くのタイムゾーンを 超える程、時差ぼけは より辛いものになる
long haul /ˈhɑːl/ : a long journey or distance
ex) Driving across the country would be a long haul.

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Casual English Phrases – #541
□ long-haul 長期に渡る、長期的な
ex) Will the company be able to succeed over the long haul?
その会社は 長期に渡り 成功を収めるであろうか?
long haul /ˈhɑːl/: a long period of time — usually used in the phrases for the long haul and over the long haul
ex) It’s going to be a tough project but we’re in it for the long haul.
= We are prepared to work on the project until it is completed.
ex) Jet lag is known to occur when two or more time zones are crossed.
時差ぼけ は 2つ以上のタイムゾーンを 横断した時に生じるものと 知られている
cross /ˈkrɑːs/: to go from one side of (something) to the other
ex) It is only when your flight crosses three or more time zones that jet lag really sets in.

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Casual English Phrases – #515
□ set in (良くない事が)始まる
ex) Jet lag sets in when you ask your body to sleep and be awake at the wrong times.
時差ぼけは あなたが 自分の体に 不適切な時間に 寝たり、起きたり することを命令する時に 始まる
set in /ˈsɛt/ : to begin to be present, seen, etc.
ex) The kids should go outside and play before the rain sets in again.

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Casual English Phrases – #346
□ be synced with … と同期(同調、シンクロ)している = synchronized with
ex) When we travel to different time zones, our bodies are still synced with our home zone when we arrive.
幾つかのタイムゾーンを通過すると、到着時に 体は 出発地の時間帯と 同期している
ex) I want to sync my smartphone with this PC.
スマートフォンと このパソコンを同期したい
synch /ˈsɪŋk/ – synchronize /ˈsɪŋkrəˌnaɪz/: in a state in which two or more people or things move or happen together at the same time and speed
ex) Jet lag occurs because your body’s clock is still ssynced to your original time zone, instead of to the time zone where you’ve traveled.

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Advanced English Expressions – #060
□ coincide (意見、形状など)一致する・合致する、同時に起こる
ex) Our bodies are still synced with our home zone when we arrive and doesn’t coincide with our new destination.
体が 出発地の時間帯のままであり、到着地の時間に 体が慣れていない
ex) After the flight, spending some time out in the sunlight will help your time clock to coincide with your new surroundings.
現地到着後、太陽の光を浴びることで、体が 現地の環境 に合うようになる
coincide /ˌkowənˈsaɪd/: to happen at the same time as something else
ex) The earthquakes coincided.
ex) The population increase coincided with rapid industrial growth.
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Advanced English Expressions – #1,009
□ separate 時間差がある
ex) How many hours separate the CST and EST time zones?
CST(central standard time) と EST (eastern standard time) の時差は 何時間ですか?
ex) Each time zone is separated by one hour.
それぞれの タイム・ゾーンが、各 1時間の間隔で 分けられている
= There are 24 different time zones, separated by one-hour intervals.
separate /ˈsɛpərət/: used to describe how much difference there is in the scores or positions of people or teams in a race, game, etc.
ex) One goal separated the teams at the beginning of the third period.
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□ apart 離れて
ex) The CST zone and the EST zone are only one time zone apart.
CST と EST は 1ゾーンの違いである
apart /əˈpɑɚt/: separated by an amount of space
ex) He stood with his feet planted far/wide apart.
時差ぼけ に関する英語表現
ex) I have a jet lag.
jet lag /ˈlæg/: a tired and unpleasant feeling that you sometimes get when you travel by airplane to a place that is far away
ex) I had bad jet lag after that last trip overseas.
□ lag (2か所の間の) 時間差
ex) Jet lag is a temporary sleep disorder.
時差ぼけは 一時的な睡眠障害です
□ have trouble with jet lag 時差による体調不具合がある
ex) Did you have any trouble with jet lag?
時差による 体調不具合は ありましたか?
lag /ˈlæg/: a space of time between two events
ex) There is a lag of a day or two between the time you deposit a check and the time the funds are available for withdrawal.

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Advanced English Expressions – #781
□ disturbed sleep 睡眠障害
ex) I had disturbed sleep and daytime fatigue.
disturbed /dɪˈstɚbd/: having or showing evidence of a mental or emotional illness
ex) Disturbed sleep can have many adverse health consequences, including fatigue, decreased cognitive focus, and altered mood
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ex) I’m still feeling a bit jet-lagged.
jet–lagged /ˈʤɛtˌlægd/ adjective form of jet lag
ex) This medicine will help jet-lagged tourists.

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Casual English Phrases – #1,179
□ lag behind (競争など)後れを取る、距離が開く
ex) I have been noticing that my watch keeps lagging behind the actual time.
自分の時計が 遅れ続けていることに気付いた
lag /ˈlæg/: to move more slowly than others : to fail to walk or move as quickly as others
ex) My system clock will update and then lag behind after a while.

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Casual English Phrases – #205
□ all around not great 全体的に不調である
ex) Jet lag can make you feel all around not great.
時差ぼけにより 全身の 体調不良(倦怠)を感じるかも知れない
□ all around 全体的に
ex) During the flight, we had an all-around good time.
all around /əˈraʊnd/: in all respects.
ex) It was a bad day all around.
ex) Melatonin is a hormone that regulates sleep–wake cycles.
メラトニンは 眠りと 目覚めのサイクルを調整するホルモンです
ex) Avoid jet lag by taking melatonin.
メラトニンを服用して 時差ぼけを防いで
melatonin [ˌmeləˈtōnən]: a hormone secreted by the pineal gland which inhibits melanin formation and is thought to be concerned with regulating the reproductive cycle
ex) Melatonin helps your body prepare for sleep.
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Advanced English Expressions – #1,041
□ secrete 分泌する
ex) Pineal glands of humans and other mammals secrete melatonin at nighttime.
人や哺乳類の 松果腺は 夜間にメラトニンを分泌する
secrete /sɪˈkriːt/ : to produce and give off (a liquid)
ex) Variations in its secretion are thought to modulate circadian rhythms.
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