英会話 例文・フレーズ集 ver. 2 > Limit – Limitation – 「制限・限界 ・限度」を英語で表現
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Limit – Limitation – 「制限・限界 ・限度」を英語で表現
名詞 – limit の基本的な使い方
ex) There’s a limit to that.
ex) One glass of beer is my limit.
limit /ˈlɪmət/: a point beyond which it is not possible to go
ex) He has reached the limit of his endurance.
□ I have my limits. 私にも限界があります
ex) Don’t use that kind of rude language. I have my limits.
cf) When I feel it’s my limit, I stop.
限界を感じた時は そこで止めます
have one’s limits /ˈlɪmət/: have a set of rules about what is reasonable behavior, and to not accept behavior that does not follow these rules
ex) Even saints, it seems, have their limits.
ex) The limits on spending are 10 dollars a head.
一人当たりの 使用金額の限度は 10ドルです
limit /ˈlɪmət/: a point beyond which it is not possible to go
ex) He has reached the limit of his endurance.
□ put a limit on … 制限を加える
ex) They put limits on advertising aimed at children.
子供を対象とした 広告宣伝に 制限を加えた
put a limit on /ˈlɪmət/: to keep (something) from becoming greater
ex) Don’t put a limit on anything

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Casual English Phrases – #279
□ push the envelope 限界に挑む、高い目標に向かう
ex) These are extremely clever stories that consistently push the envelope of TV comedy.
それらは 秀逸な物語で、確実に テレビコメディの 限界枠を広げている
push the envelope (ˈɛnvəˌloʊp): to go beyond the usual or normal limits by doing something new, dangerous, etc.
ex) The director has pushed the envelope in his recent films.
英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 2,000
Advanced English Expressions – #492
□ repression 抑圧、抑止
ex) We have fought all forms of repression of speech around the globe.
私たちは 世界中で あらゆる 表現の自由に対する 抑圧と 戦ってきた
repression /rɪˈprɛʃən/: the state of being controlled by force
ex) They survived 60 years of political repression.
ex) You can take out up to a limit of $1,000- a day.
一日 1,000ドルまでを限度として、口座から 降ろすことができる
to the limit /ˈlɪmət/: to the greatest possible point
ex) The 4 people limit applies to buildings that are marked as residential under the zoning law.

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Casual English Phrases – #039
□ has no filter (発言に)制限がない
ex) She has no filter and is often perceived as being rude.
彼女は 言葉に制限がなく、時に 嫌な人と 思われてしまう
no filter /ˈfɪltɚ/: a term used to describe someone who is very direct when conversing on various subjects
ex) People who have no filter don’t know how to keep their thoughts, feelings, or emotions in.
複合名詞 (Compound Nouns) – limit
ex) I was going the speed limit.
speed limit (ˈspēd ˌlimit): the maximum speed at which a vehicle may legally travel on a particular stretch of road.
ex) How much above the speed limit can you go before you get a ticket?
ex) Term limits for supreme court justices is 18 years.
最高裁判事の 任期期限は18年だ
cf) How many years can a supreme court justices serve?
最高裁判事の 任期期限は何年ですか?
term limit /ˈlɪmət/: as in a state constitution or city charter, that restricts the number of terms an elected or appointed official may serve
ex) The idea of imposing term limits for Congress has been debated by the public for centuries.
ex) Our lack of money limits [=restricts] us to fewer options.
資金不足が 選択の余地を 制限した
limit /ˈlɪmət/: to stop (someone) from having or doing more
ex) You could limit yourself to ten minutes a day on the Internet.
□ minimum age requirement 年令制限
ex) There is a minimum age requirement for park entrance policy.
遊園地の入場に関して 年令制限がある
requirement /rɪˈkwajɚmənt/: something that is necessary for something else to happen or be done
ex) He has met the minimum requirements for graduation.
ex) Should I limit myself in food choices?
食事の選択を 制限するべきでしょうか?
cf) You may be limiting yourself.
self-limiting /ˈlɪmət/: refers to something, either physical or mental, that you create and that limits you.
ex) When you don’t allow yourself to have a good time at a party, this is an example of self-limiting.

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Casual English Phrases – #681
□ push past … (限界・障害を)押しのける、乗り越える
ex) Push past your limitation.
ex) He pushed past me in line at the bank today.
今日 銀行で 彼は私を押しのけて 列に並んだ
push past /ˈpæst/: to move in front of someone or something forcibly or by pushing them or it out of one’s way
ex) It requires gradually extending yourself and pushing past your limitations.
ex) The fundamental activity required in pushing beyond your limits is to take on challenges.
自分の限界を超えるために 必要な 基本行動は 挑戦することだ
push beyond /biˈɑːnd/: off, away, etc. to apply steady force to (something) in order to move it
ex) I pushed myself beyond my limits, almost every day.

英語表現の 「質」を一気に高めよう!
丸ごと使える 英語フレーズ – 2,000
Upgraded English Phrases – #009
□ Push beyond … and Unlock .. … を乗り越えて、.. を手に入れて
ex) Push beyond your limits and unlock success in yourself.
自分の限界を乗り越えて 成功を 手に入れて
ex) Pushing beyond those obstacles can unlock better opportunities for your personal growth.
障害を乗り越えることによって 自己成長への より良い機会を 手にすることができる
unlock /ˌʌnˈlɑːk/: to find out about (something that was secret or unknown)
ex) Push beyond your limits to unlock your hidden potential.
アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000
Casual English Phrases – #041
□ The sky is the limit.
ex) The sky is the limit when it comes to budgets.
The sky’s the limit. /ˈlɪmət/: used to say that there are no limits and that anything is possible
ex) You can achieve anything if you really want to. The sky’s the limit.

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Casual English Phrases – #315
□ off-limits 禁止されている
ex) Are hot tubs off-limits to pregnant women?
妊娠中の女性が 湯舟につかることは 厳禁でしょうか?
ex) This place is off-limits to women.
この場所は 女性立ち入り禁止である
off–limits /ˈɑːfˈlɪməts/: used to say that people are not allowed to enter a place or use something
ex) The basement and garage will be off-limits during the renovations.

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Advanced English Expressions – #114
□ inhibit (成長・願望などを)抑制する
ex) You shouldn’t allow fear of failure to inhibit you.
失敗に対する恐怖心に 自分を抑制させてしまっては いけない
inhibit /ɪnˈhɪbət/: to keep (someone) from doing what he or she wants to do
ex) He was inhibited by modesty.
□ uninhibited (言動に)制約がない、遠慮のない
ex) Are you temperamental or uninhibited?
あなたは 気難しい性格ですか? それとも 遠慮のない性格ですか?
uninhibited /ˌʌnɪnˈhɪbətəd/: able to express thoughts and feelings freely
ex) She’s very uninhibited and is always the life of the party.

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アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000
Casual English Phrases – #1,590
□ time-bound 期限を定めた
ex) A goal must be time-bound in that it has a start and finish date.
目標は 開始日と終了日を持ち、期限を定めたものでなければならない
time-bound /ˈtīmˌbound/: requiring completion by a specified deadline or within a specified period of time.
ex) The first step would be time-bound, with a duration of 6 months.