英会話 例文・フレーズ集 ver. 2 > Conveyor Belt Sushi – 「回転寿司・寿司のネタ」 を英語で表現
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Conveyor Belt Sushi – 「回転寿司・寿司のネタ」 を英語で表現
アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000
Casual English Phrases – #229
□ conveyor belt sushi 回転寿司
ex) A conveyor belt sushi is a sushi restaurant where the plates with the sushi are placed on a rotating conveyor belt.
回転寿司(Conveyor Belt Sushi) は 寿司を乗せた皿が 回転式ベルトコンベヤーの上に 回る 寿司レストランのことだ
cf) At a conveyor belt sushi, you can eat as much or as little as you want.
回転寿司 では 食べる量を 自分の好みで決められる
conveyor /kənˈvejɚ/: a long strip of material (such as rubber) that moves continuously and carries objects (such as packages) from one place to another
ex) The most remarkable feature of conveyor belt sushi is the stream of plates winding through the restaurant.
□ carousel 回転式コンベヤー
ex) Pick up your bags on the carousel.
コンベヤーの上の 荷物を取って
carousel /ˌkerəˈsɛl/: a machine or device with a moving belt or part that carries things around in a circle
ex) One of the things I don’t like after a flight is going to the luggage carousel to look for my luggage.

bar stools
□ bar stool バー・スツール (座部が高い丸椅子)
ex) The customers sit at bar stools along the length of the conveyor belt.
お客は ベルトコンベヤーに沿って置かれた バー・スツールに座る
stool /ˈstuːl/: a seat that fits one person and that has no back or arms
ex) She sat on a stool.

rotating sushi
□ rotate 回転する
ex) Fresh sushi rotates through the restaurant on a conveyor belt.
新鮮な寿司が レストラン内の ベルト・コンベヤーの上を回る
rotate /ˈroʊˌteɪt/: to move or turn in a circle
ex) When eating sushi, rotate it with your fingers or chopsticks upside down.
□ rotate (メニューなどが順番に)替わる
ex) Our fish selection rotates daily according to seasonality.
季節により 魚のメニューが替わります
rotate /ˈroʊˌteɪt/: to regularly change the place or position of things or people so that each takes
ex) The seasons rotate.
ex) In some sushi restaurants, there are touch panels to make orders.
注文用のタッチパネルを置く 寿司屋もある
order /ˈoɚdɚ/: a request for food or drinks made at a restaurant
ex) Please wait in this line to place your order.
ex) As the sushi passes by you on the conveyor belt, you can just grab any plates that look appealing.
ベルトコンベヤーの上の寿司が 通過するので、気に入った物を 取ることが出来る
pass /ˈpæs/: to move past someone or something
ex) They pass by the library on their way to school.

英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 2,000
Advanced English Expressions – #1,044
□ hand-formed 手びねりの、手で形造った
ex) Nigiri sushi is hand-formed sushi made by pressing cooked rice into oblong shapes.
握りずしは 米飯を楕円形に圧縮した 手で握って作る寿司のことである
hand-formed /ˈfoɚm/: made by hand or by a hand process
ex) Make sushi at home with simple hand-rolled sushi called Temaki Sushi.
英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 2,000
Advanced English Expressions – #1,045
□ oblong 楕円形の
ex) Form a decent amount of sushi rice in the palm of your hand into an oblong shape
適量の 米飯を 手のひらで 楕円形に 形造って
oblong /ˈɑːˌblɑːŋ/: longer in one direction than in the other direction
ex) The oblong sushi rice is filled with soft, loose, or fine-chopped ingredients.
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ex) You can use the menu on your table to place a specific order.
テーブルの上にあるメニューから 特定の食べ物を注文することもできる
specific /spɪˈsɪfɪk/: special or particular
ex) Keep in mind that sushi doesn’t have to be eaten in any specific order.
ex) It consists of a bed of rice with a spectacularly simple yet beautiful topping.
bed /ˈbɛd/: a flat pile or layer of food that is placed on a dish with other food on top of it
ex) Sashimi refers to just slices of fresh fish, often over a bed of shredded daikon radish.
ex) The sushi chefs prepare custom orders on the spot.
寿司職人は その場で 特別注文に対応します
custom /ˈkʌstəm/: made to fit the needs or requirements of a particular person
ex) Is it even okay to custom order sushi from a sushi chef, say without the Masago?
ex) It’s OK to just take plates off the conveyor belt for your entire meal.
ベルト・コンベヤーの上から お皿を取るだけで 食事を済ませることもできる
take off (ˈteɪk): an action of removing something
ex) You can get a decent meal for relatively little money if your are judicious about which plates you take off the belt.
アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000
Casual English Phrases – #1,171
□ blue-backed fish (寿司)青魚
ex) Blue-backed, or blue fish oily fish are both luxurious and delicious.
青魚 や 脂の乗った 青い魚は 高級品であり、美味である
blue-backed /ˈbæk/: any of several species of fish with a blue coloring
ex) In Japan, saury, mackerel, sardine and other fish are called blue-backed fish.
ex) Look for a guide that shows the price of each dish based on the plate color.
皿の色別に設定された 料金が載っている案内を探して
plate /ˈpleɪt/: a flat and usually round dish that is used for eating or serving food
ex) The most expensive items tend to come on gold colored plates.
アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000
Casual English Phrases – #1,170
□ self-serve … セルフサービスの / 名詞は self service
ex) For drinks, there’s usually a self-serve water machine with cups.
飲物に関しては、コップと一緒に セルフサービスの 飲み水用のディスペンサーがある
ex) Cold water are self-serve.
冷たい水は セルフサービスです
self-serve /ˈsɚv/ : work or act for your own advantage
ex) Self-served tea and ice water is usually complimentary.
ex) Dip your sushi in soy sauce.
soy sauce /ˈsoɪ/: a brown sauce that is made from soybeans and used especially in Chinese and Japanese cooking
ex) Dip the seaweed part of your sushi roll into the soy sauce.
ex) Ask the attendants for the bill when you’re ready to pay.
支払いの準備が出来たら、係の人に 勘定書 を頼んで
attendant /əˈtɛndənt/: an employee who serves or helps customers
ex) She let the parking attendant park her car.
□ bill 勘定書き
ex) The final bill is based on the number and type of plates of the consumed sushi.
最終的な 勘定の計算は 食べた寿司の皿の 色と枚数を基準に計算されれる
bill /ˈbɪl/: a document that says how much money you owe for something you have bought or used
ex) He paid the telephone bill.
ex) Sushi must be eaten in one bite.
bite /bīt/: an act of biting something in order to eat it.
ex) He ate a hot dog in three big bites.
アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000
Casual English Phrases – #230
□ one-bite size 一口サイズの
ex) Try this one-bite size of a diner pie.
一口サイズの ディナーパイを食べてみて
bite-size /ˈbaɪtˌsaɪz/: of a size that can be eaten in one bite
ex) I bought some bite-size pieces of chicken.