英会話 例文・フレーズ集 ver. 2 > Prescription Glasses – メガネ・眼鏡類 を英語で表現
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Prescription Glasses – メガネ・眼鏡類 を英語で表現
ex) These eyewear cases protect eyeglasses from damage.
これらのメガネケースは メガネを 破損から保護する
eyewear /ˈaɪˌweɚ/: glasses, sunglasses, etc.
For most repair activities around the home, standard protective eyewear is enough.
ex) The optical shop recommends that you have an eye test every one year for those with good eye sight.
その眼鏡店では 視力の良い人にも 年1回の 視力検査を勧めている
optical /ˈɑːptɪkəl/: used to help a person see
ex) The company manufactures microscopes, telescopes, and other optical instruments.
アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 1,000
Casual English Phrases – #292
□ prescription glasses 度の入ったメガネ
ex) That eyewear shop offers prescription glasses at discount prices.
あの眼鏡店では 度の入ったメガネを割引で販売している
eyeglass prescription /prɪˈskrɪpʃən/: an order written by an eyewear prescriber, such as an optometrist or ophthalmologist
ex) When you look at a standard prescription, the first word you’ll see is “Distance”.
ex) Metal frames can be used for nearsighted eyeglasses, especially if the prescription is mild or moderate.
度が きつくない 近視用のメガネには メタルフレームが 用いられる
moderate /ˈmɑːdərət/: average in size or amount
ex) Prescriptions with moderate to high astigmatism correction often result in thicker lenses.
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Advanced English Expressions – #1,086
□ moderate 弱まる、和らぐ
ex) The wind moderated [=lessened] after the storm.
嵐の後 風は弱まった
moderate /ˈmɑːdəˌreɪt/ : to make (something) less harsh, strong, or severe or to become less harsh, strong, or severe
ex) The protesters have been unwilling to moderate their demands.
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□ 20/20 vision 正常視力、眼がよく見える
ex) I have twenty-twenty vision in both eyes.
20/20 /ˈtwɛntiˈtwɛnti/: having good vision and able to see without glasses
ex) My mother has 20/20 vision.
= She has normal vision.
ex) If you’re wearing eyeglasses with incorrect prescription, your vision will become worse.
度の合わないメガネをかけていると 視力が落ちる
incorrect /ˌɪnkəˈrɛkt/: not true or accurate
ex) The doctor’s diagnosis was incorrect.
□ wrong glasses prescription 視力と合わない メガネの度
ex) What are the symptoms of a wrong eyeglass prescription?
度の合わないメガネによる 症状は何がありますか?
wrong /ˈrɑːŋ/: not agreeing with the facts or truth
ex) What if the prescription is wrong on the glasses I bought online?
ex) For most standard working conditions, clear lenses work best.
大抵の仕事環境では 色のついていないレンズが 適切だ
clear /ˈkliɚ/ : easily seen through
ex) These lenses are clear indoors, darken automatically in sunlight.
ex) I’m looking for a transparent round frame with green lenses.
透明で丸みのあるフレームで 緑色のレンズの眼鏡を探している
transparent /trænsˈperənt/: able to be seen through
ex) Transparent lens glasses are one of the newest fashion accessories.
英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 1,000
Advanced English Expressions – #287
□ translucent 半透明の
ex) The translucent frames are all over the eyewear trend in Asia.
半透明の 眼鏡フレームは アジア全体で 流行っている
translucent /trænsˈluːsn̩t/: not completely clear or transparent but clear enough to allow light to pass through
ex) Clear frame glasses are glasses with translucent frames.
ex) The tint of your sunglass lenses can reduce eye fatigue in different environments.
淡い色の入った サングラスレンズは あらゆる環境で 眼の疲労を軽減する
tint /ˈtɪnt/: a small amount of color ex) a photo with a sepia tint
ex) Tints and shades of sunglasses do not reflect UV (ultraviolet) blocking ability.
ex) How do you know if the temples are the right length?
メガネのテンプルの長さが適切かは どうすれば分かりますか?
□ temple tips メガネのフレームの耳にあたる部分
ex) Sometimes it is necessary to tighten the temple tips.
メガネの耳に当たる部分を たまに きつく締めることも必要だ
temple /ˈtɛmpəl/: the small, flat area on each side of your forehead
ex) Temple length varies and plays a factor in the fit of a frame.

eyeglass nose pads
□ nose pads (メガネ)鼻あて
ex) I need to replace nose pads on eyeglasses.
メガネの鼻あて部分を 交換したい
ex) Gently push the nose pads together.
nose pad: either of the small pieces on many eyeglasses that rest on the wearer’s nose
Casual English Phrases – #779
□ warp (材料など)曲がる、ゆがむ
ex) Over time, the plastic material becomes warped, cracks or breaks.
繰り返し プラスチック素材を使用すると 曲がったり、欠けたり、折れたりする
warp /ˈwoɚp/: to twist or bend (something) into a different shape
ex) The heat can warp the frame of your glasses.
ex) A bridge that’s too tight can pinch the nose.
メガネのブリッジの部分がきついと 鼻を締め付けることになる
□ bridge of one’s nose 鼻筋
ex) Glasses should sit on the bridge of your nose.
メガネは 鼻筋にうまく 乗るようでなければ いけない
bridge /ˈbrɪʤ/: the part of a pair of eyeglasses that rests on a person’s nose
ex) Grasp glasses by the bridge between thumb and forefinger.
ex) Don’t heat the eyewires.
メガネの縁の部分には 熱を加えないで
eyewire /ˈwajɚ/ : the rim that surrounds the lens of a spectacle frame
ex) Use this plier to gently and firmly reshape the eyewire curve.
ex) The front piece and temples of eyeglasses are joined by hinges.
メガネのフレーム部分は 蝶番により 結合されている
hinge /ˈhɪnʤ/: a usually metal piece that attaches a door, gate, or cover to something and allows it to open and close
ex) Hinges on prescription eyeglasses can be a tough fix.
アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000
Casual English Phrases – #844
□ hinge on … 次第である、… により 決まる
ex) This plan hinges on her approval.
この計画は 彼女の賛同が得られるかどうかに よって決まる
hinge on /ˈhɪnʤ/: to be determined or decided by (something)
ex) The outcome of the election hinges on how the candidates perform in the debate.
英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 1,000
Advanced English Expressions – #871
□ unhinged (精神的に)不安定な、動揺した、ヒンジ(蝶番)の外れた
ex) He was unhinged by grief.
彼は 悲しみで気が動転していた
unhinge /ˌʌnˈhɪnʤ/: to make (someone) very upset or mentally ill — usually used as (be) unhinged
ex) If you say that someone comes or becomes unhinged, you mean that they begin to behave in an uncontrolled or unreasonable way.
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ex) The hinges are held in place with tiny screws.
蝶番の部分は 小さなネジで固定されている
screw /ˈskruː/: a narrow, pointed metal cylinder that has a wide flat or rounded top and a ridge (called a thread) that goes around it in a spiral
ex) Do glasses repair kits come with screws?
ex) Depending on the severity of the bend, you should be able to very carefully bend them back into shape with your hands.
曲がり具合にもよるが、曲がったメガネのフレームは 手で直すことができる
bent /ˈbɛnt/: having a shape that is changed by bending : not straight
ex) I want to fix the bent glasses at home without breaking them.