英会話 例文・フレーズ集 ver. 2 > Practitioner – Clinic – 「開業医・診療所」 を英語で表現
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Practitioner – Clinic – 「開業医・診療所」 を英語で表現
A. Hospital は 健康管理機構 (Health Care Organization) と呼ばれる 総合病院 です。
クリニック (Clinic) は 健康管理センター (Health Care Hub) と 呼ばれ、外来患者 (Outpatients) だけを 取扱います
clinic /ˈklɪnɪk/: a place where people get medical help
ex) The clinic is offering free screening for diabetes.
ex) A hospital can be a building where patients are admitted for treatment.
病院は 患者が 治療のために運び込まれる 建物を指す
admit /ədˈmɪt/: to accept (someone) as a patient in a hospital
ex) He was admitted last night for chest pains.
ex) A clinic is a place where outpatients are provided medical treatment.
クリニックは 外来患者が治療を受ける場所を指す
outpatient /ˈaʊtˌpeɪʃənt/: a person who goes to a doctor’s office or hospital for treatment but who does not spend the night there
ex) You can view hours of operation and our outpatient services.
ex) Both inpatients and outpatients can be treated in the hospital.
総合病院では 入院患者と 外来患者が 治療を受けます
inpatient /ˈɪnˌpeɪʃənt/: a patient who stays for one or more nights in a hospital for treatment — often used before another noun
ex) The inpatient stay was less than 24 hours and the documentation did not support an inpatient admission.
アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000
Casual English Phrases – #1,291
□ nurse’s office (学校の)保健室
In primary and secondary school we have a nurse’s office.
小中学校には 保健室がある
nurse /ˈnɚs/: a person who is trained to care for sick or injured people and who usually works in a hospital or doctor’s office
ex) All medical and dental notes should be brought to the nurse’s office to be reviewed by the nurse.
英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 1,000
Advanced English Expressions – #166
□ infirmary 診療所、保健室、診察室
ex) At college we have a health center which we referred to informally as the infirmary.
大学には 保健室 (infirmary)と呼ばれる ヘルスセンターがある T
infirmary /ɪnˈfɚməri/: a place where sick people stay and are cared for in a school, prison, summer camp, etc.
ex) One of the students became ill and was sent to the infirmary.
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医師は Doctor と 呼ばれますが 、法律上の表記など 正式な書類等では Medical Practitioner を用います。
Practitioner は 医師だけでなく、専門性の高い分野での 有資格者を指します。
ex) a legal practitioner 弁護士
ex) a nurse practitioner 上級看護師
ex) Medical Practitioner 開業医師

英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 1,000
Advanced English Expressions – #029
□ medical practitioner 開業医師
ex) The medical practitioner hopes to open his own clinic in the future.
その医師は 将来 自分のクリニックを開業することを望んでいる
practitioner /prækˈtɪʃənɚ/: a person who works in a professional medical or legal business
ex) The law also requires her to have five years as a qualified medical practitioner.
□ general practitioner 一般開業医
ex) As a hospital practitioner you are likely to be part of a larger team than most GPs.
病院の医師は クリニックの医師よりも 大きなチームに属して勤務することができる
general practitioner: a person (especially a doctor) whose work is not limited to a special area
ex) Our family doctor is a general practitioner.
□ family practitioner 家庭医
ex) Family practitioners serve as a doctor for individuals regardless of their age and gender.
家庭医は 患者の年令や性別に関わらず 医師として勤務することができる
family practitioner = family doctor: a doctor who treats the members of a family
ex) A family practitioner is a doctor who provides general medical care for people of all ages
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医療・病院に関する 英語表現
ex) A clinician is a health care professional that works as a primary care giver of a patient in a hospital.
臨床医は 病院で 主介護者 として 医療現場に立つことが出来る
clinician /klɪˈnɪʃən/: a person (such as a doctor or nurse) who works directly with patients rather than in a laboratory or as a researcher
ex) What makes someone a clinician is that he has a focus on helping patients manage their illness or condition.
ex) An internist is a doctor who specializes in diseases that do not require surgery.
内科医は 主に手術を 取扱わない病気を専門とする
internist /ˈɪnˌtɚnɪst/: a doctor who specializes in internal medicine
ex) An internist is a physician specializing in the diagnosis and nonsurgical treatment of diseases.
ex) List doctors’ names by specialty.
医師たちの名前を 専門分野別に リストにして
specialty /ˈspɛʃəlti/: an area of study or business that a person specializes in or has special knowledge of
ex) His specialty is skin problems.

英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 1,000
Advanced English Expressions – #164
□ prognosis 予後(診断)、病気や 手術後の見通し
ex) The prognosis after the operation is for a full recovery.
手術後 は 完治を 見通している
prognosis /prɑgˈnoʊsəs/: a doctor’s opinion about how someone will recover from an illness or injury
ex) Right now, doctors say his prognosis is good.
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ex) Our company has an in-house clinic and a pharmacy.
会社内に 社内診療所と 薬局がある
in-house/ˈɪnhaʊs/: done or existing within an organization.
ex) We can run specific wellness programs and initiatives in-house that are tailored to your company.
アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 1,000
Casual English Phrases – #176
□ ENT specialist 耳鼻咽喉科の医師 = Ear, Nose & Throat Specialist
ex) There is a lack of ENT specialists.
ENT: a department in a hospital that deals with diseases affecting the ear, nose, and throat.
ex) The common ENT diseases in school going children include ear wax and rhinitis.
ex) This system can help you pay for medical bills and prescription drugs.
このシステムは 医療費と 処方箋薬 の金銭的負担の費用面で役に立つ
Medical billing: a payment practice within the United States health system
ex) One way to reduce your medical bills is to take care of your health.

英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 1,000
Advanced English Expressions – #263
□ homebound (高齢などで)家から出られない、家に閉じ込められた
ex) Does medicare pay for homebound care?
メディケア(高齢者向け医療保険制度)は 在宅ケアも支払いの対象になるのでしょうか?
ex) They deliver meals to homebound people.
家から出られない(高齢の)人々に 食事を配送する
homebound /ˈhoʊmˌbaʊnd/: unable to leave your house because of age, injury, etc.
ex) We helps homebound seniors by providing comprehensive nutrition care.
□ homebound 本国行きの、帰国する
ex) Homebound travelers were stranded at the airport.
帰国する旅行者たちは 空港で足止めを食らった
homebound /ˈhoʊmˌbaʊnd/: going home
ex) I was napping during the homebound flight.
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courtesy from Merriam – Webster’s Learner’s Dictionary
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