英会話 例文・フレーズ集 ver. 2 > Endure – Tough Out – 「耐える・我慢する」を英語で表現
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Endure – Tough Out – 「耐える・我慢する」を英語で表現
アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 1,000
Casual English Phrases – #532
□ can’t stomach 我慢できない
ex) I can’t stomach bland foods sometimes like mashed potatoes.
時々 マッシュポテトのように 味のぼんやりした 料理に我慢できない
stomach /ˈstʌmək/: to accept or experience (something unpleasant) without becoming sick, upset, etc.
ex) His behavior is very hard to stomach [=tolerate] sometimes.
ex) Don’t try to put up with lousy services.
ひどいサービスに 我慢しようとしないで
put up with /ˈpʊt/: tolerate
ex) At this school, we will not put up with bad behavior.
ex) Our teacher will not tolerate bad grammar.
私たちの先生は 質の低い文法に 耐えられない
tolerate /ˈtɑːləˌreɪt/: to allow (something that is bad, unpleasant, etc.) to exist, happen, or be done
ex) Racist or sexist behavior will not be tolerated.
ex) The theory is no longer tenable. [=defensible] その論理は もはや 受け入れられない
tenable /ˈtɛnəbəl/: capable of being defended against attack or criticism
ex) Such a simplistic approach is no longer tenable.
英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 1,000
Advanced English Expressions – #390
□ untenable (批判などに)耐えられない、維持できない、(学説など) 受け入れられない = unacceptable
ex) We were misled into untenable ideas of the another.
他者の 受け入れられない意見に 判断を誤ってしまった
untenable /ˌʌnˈtɛnəbəl/: not capable of being defended against attack or criticism : not tenable
ex) The theory is clearly untenable.
アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 1,000
Casual English Phrases – #318
□ hold off on … を我慢する、(我慢して)後回しにする
ex) Should I eat before exercising, or to hold off on breakfast until afterwards.
エクササイズの前に朝食を食べるべきですか、或いは その後まで 我慢するべきですか?
hold off on : to decide that (something) will happen at a later time
ex) She decided to hold off on her vacation for a while longer.

英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 1,000
Advanced English Expressions – #129
□ fortitude 我慢、忍耐、勇気
ex) She has endured disappointments with fortitude and patience.
失望に対し、我慢と忍耐で 耐え抜いた
fortitude /ˈfoɚtəˌtuːd/: mental strength and courage that allows someone to face danger, pain, etc.
ex) When someone has fortitude it means that they have emotional power and the ability to withstand adversity.
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ex) The baby isn’t trying to make her parents mad or engage in a test of wills.
赤ちゃんは 両親を怒らせるつもりもないし、我慢比べをしているわけでもない
test /ˈtɛst/: something (such as a difficult situation or task) that shows how strong or skilled someone or something is
a test of will/strength/character
ex) It is a test of our courage—of our resolve—of our wisdom—our essential democracy.
ex) We stand firm saying: “Enough of lies“.
揺るぎない態度で 「嘘に我慢できない」と言おう
Enough of /ɪˈnʌf/: When you have had enough of something you have had an excess of it.
ex) I’ve had enough of ice cream.
ex) He’s intolerant of anyone.
彼は誰に対しても 我慢できない(不寛容だ)
intolerant /ɪnˈtɑːlərənt/: not willing to allow or accept something
ex) He is intolerant of weakness/failure.
ex) We had to endure a two-hour delay at the station.
2時間の遅延を 駅で我慢しなければならなかった
endure /ɪnˈdɚ/: to continue to exist in the same state or condition
ex) This tradition has endured [=lasted] for centuries.
ex) My patience has reached its limit.
ex) I’m running out of patience.
patience /ˈpeɪʃəns/: the quality of being patient
ex) I don’t have the patience to wait in line for hours just to buy a ticket.
ex) I can’t bear this heat.
bear /ˈbeɚ/: to accept or endure (something)
ex) He bore [=tolerated] their insults patiently.
英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 1,000
Advanced English Expressions – #879
□ unbearable 耐えられない程の、忍び難い
ex) The summers are becoming unbearable. It’s madness.
夏の気温は もはや 耐えられない位にまで 上がっている
unbearable /ˌʌnˈberəbəl/ : too bad, harsh, or extreme to be accepted or endured
ex) We were in an almost unbearable state of excitement.
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ex) When I got charged extra for a salad that the cashier assumed had chicken on it, I grinned and bore it.
サラダにチキンの料金を追加されて 請求書が来た時も、笑って耐えた
grin /ˈgrɪn/: to smile widely
ex) She continued to tease her brother, grinning wickedly.
ex) I can’t stand loud music.
stand /ˈstænd/ : to be willing or able to accept (something or someone unpleasant) without complain
ex) Can you stand [=tolerate, put up with] waiting a few more minutes?
= Can you stand to wait a few more minutes?
アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 1,000
Casual English Phrases – #471
□ tough it out 困難に耐える
ex) A lot of parents have toughed it out.
多くの親が 困難に耐えた
tough it out /ˈtʌf/ : to deal with a difficult situation by being determined and refusing to quit
ex) She hated her job, but she toughed it out until she found a better one.

英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 1,000
Advanced English Expressions – #109
□ persevere 耐える、目的を貫く
ex) Things would get better if we persevered through adversity.
persevere /ˌpɚsəˈviɚ/: to continue doing something or trying to do something even though it is difficult
ex) She persevered in her studies and graduated near the top of her class.
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