英会話 例文・フレーズ集 ver. 2 > In a nutshell - In Short - 「要するに、つまり」 を英語で表現
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In a nutshell - In Short - 「要するに、つまり」 を英語で表現
Casual English Phrases – #258
□ in a nutshell 要するに
ex) In a nutshell, he has been transferred.
要するに 彼は転勤になった
□ to put it in a nutshell 要するに
ex) To put it in a nutshell, I too think it is expensive, as you say.
要するに 君が言うように 私も それは値段が高いと思う
in a nutshell /ˈnʌtˌʃɛl/: very briefly
ex) And that, in a nutshell, is what happened.
ex) In short, I want to quit the job.
要するに 私は会社を辞めたい
in short: in a few words — used to indicate that you are saying something in as few words as possible
ex) The trip was, in short, a disaster.
ex) In sum, we’re short on budget.
要するに 予算が足りないのだ
in sum: as a brief statement of the most important information in a piece of writing or speech
ex) In sum [=in summary], we need a better public health-care system.
□ to sum it up 要するに、要約すると
ex) That pretty much sums it up.
要約すると 大体こんな感じだ
sum up: to tell (information) again using fewer words
ex) I would like to take a moment to sum up the facts that I presented earlier.
ex) To put it plainly, you can either have free time or money. But not both.
簡単に言うと お金と時間の 両方は得られない
put (something) plainly /ˈpleɪnli/ : to state, explain, or express something clearly and directly
ex) To put it plainly, he’s a crook.

英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 1,000
Advanced English Expressions – #228
□ brevity (表現の)簡潔さ、(時間)短さ
ex) I’ve omitted certain passages for the sake of brevity.
簡潔さのために 文節をいくつか 削除した
= because I want to be brief.
brevity /ˈbrɛvəti/: the quality of being brief
ex) The book’s major flaw is its brevity.
Facebook で 毎日更新! – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 1,000 - Click! して、「いいね!」 して
ex) Put simply, I don’t see them anymore.
簡単に言うと 私は 彼らとは もう会っていない
put simply /ˈsɪmpli/: used for saying that you are just giving the basic facts about a complicated situation
ex) Put simply, it was an offer we couldn’t refuse.
ex) To put it another way, I don’t have any idea about what I’m getting into.
要するに 私は 自分が何をしたいのか 分かっていない
to put it another way /əˈnʌðɚ/: to rephrase something; to express something in a different way
ex) I will put it another way.
Casual English Phrases – #585
□ stated another way つまり、言い換えると
ex) Stated another way, I’ve got stuck in the same old habits.
要するに 私は過去の習慣から 抜け出せないでいる
stated another way /ˈsteɪt/: in other words
ex) Inspections reveal defects only after they have already occurred. Stated another way, inspections discover waste.
ex) In other words, we are alike.
要するに 私たちは 似た者同士だ
in other words /ˈwɚd/ : used to introduce a statement that repeats what has been said in a different and usually a simpler or more exact way
ex) She said the movie was a bit predictable. In other words, she didn’t like it.
ex) This is to say, no one will be any the wiser.
つまり 誰にも気づかれないと言うことだ
that is to say /ˈseɪ/: or more exactly
ex) Our friends, that is to say our son’s friends, will meet us at the airport.
アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 1,000
Casual English Phrases – #833
□ cut to the chase 遠回しな言い方をやめる、要点を言う
ex) Cut to the chase – what is it you want us to do?
遠回しな言い方をしないで、一体 私たちにどうして欲しいんだ?
cut to the chase /ˈtʃeɪs/ : to go directly to the important points of a story, argument, etc.
ex) She urged him to skip the details and cut to the chase.
courtesy from Merriam – Webster’s Learner’s Dictionary
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