英会話 例文・フレーズ集 ver. 2 > Come From Behind Win – 「勝利・優勝・逆転勝ち」 を英語で表現
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Come From Behind Win – 「勝利・優勝・逆転勝ち」 を英語で表現
逆転勝ちに 関する 英語表現

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Casual English Phrases – #491
□ come from behind win 逆転勝利
ex) Overcoming a very low winning probability is a good definition for a come from behind win.
勝利の見込みのない状態から 勝利を得る事を 逆転勝利(a come from behind win) と定義します
come from behind: to advance from a losing position
ex) There is truly nothing more exhilarating to behold as a fan than a great come from behind victory.
ex) She hurdled [=overcame] many obstacles on her way to earning a college diploma.
彼女は 大学を卒業するために 多くの障害を 乗り越えた
hurdle /ˈhɚdl̟/: to deal with (a problem or difficulty) successfully
ex) The boys hurdled the fence.
□ hurdle race ハードル競走
ex) The hurdles are knocked down easily if touched, which allows the athlete to continue the race even if he collides with them.
ハードルは ぶるかると簡単に倒れる。 これにより 競技者が ハードルとぶつかっても レースを続けることが出来る
hurdle /ˈhɚdl̟/: a race in which runners must jump over hurdles
ex) He won a medal in the high hurdles.
ex) The team made a late inning lead change.
cf) The team took a 2-1 lead in the 3rd.
3回に 1点差でリードした
lead /ˈliːd/: a position that is ahead of others
ex) You take the lead [=go first] and we’ll follow right behind you.
□ narrow victory わずかの差での勝利
ex) They won several games by narrow margins.
narrow victory: to succeed in winning but only by a small amount
ex) Giants escaped with narrow victory over Marlins.

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Casual English Phrases – #1,337
□ be down by … … 点差で 負けている
cf) The team was down by 1 in the first.
1回には 1点差で負けていた
down /ˈdaʊn/: behind in the score.
ex) We’re only down by one, so we have plenty of time to make a comeback in the third period.
ex) The team was down 6-0 in the 5th and went ahead 7-6 in the 6th.
5回には 6対0 で負けていたが、6回には 7対6でリードした
ahead /əˈhɛd/: in the lead in a race or competition
ex) They were trailing by 5 points earlier in the game, but now they’re ahead [=winning] by 7.

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Casual English Phrases – #241
□ walk-off victory (野球)サヨナラ勝ち
ex) They get dramatic, walk-off home run for thrilling come-from-behind win in the game.
劇的なサヨナラ・ホームランで 逆転勝ちした
walk-off: a run scored by the home team to gain the lead at the bottom of the final inning, thereby ending the game.
ex) I like it so much when we win with a walk-off.
□ walk off with 楽勝する = walk away with
ex) Our team walked off with the pennant.
ペナントレースを 楽勝で進んだ
walk off with: win easily
ex) He expected a tough opponent, but to his surprise he walked away with first place.

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Advanced English Expressions – #031
□ annihilate (競争相手に)圧勝する
ex) We annihilated that team 10-1 in four innings.
私たちは そのチームに 4回で 10対1と圧勝した
annihilate /əˈnajəˌleɪt/: to defeat (someone) completely
ex) He annihilated his opponent in the last election.
□ annihilate 滅ぼす、全滅させる
ex) Bombs annihilated the city.
爆弾は 街を絶滅させた
annihilate /əˈnajəˌleɪt/: to destroy (something or someone) completely
ex) The enemy troops were annihilated.
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Advanced English Expressions – #219
□ supremacy 優位、主権、至高
ex) U.S. economic supremacy has repeatedly proved declinists wrong.
アメリカの経済における 絶対的優位性は 悲観論主義者たちが 誤っている事を 何度も証明した
supremacy /səˈprɛməsi/: the quality or state of having more power, authority, or status than anyone else
ex) He approved the supremacy of a strong federal government over the demands of states.
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Odds – 勝ち目に関する英語表現
ex) Life is a gamble at terrible odds.
人生は勝ち目のない ギャンブルだ
odds /ˈɑːdz/ :the chance that one thing will happen instead of a different thing
ex) She wanted to improve her odds [=chances] of winning.

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Casual English Phrases – #165
□ against all odds 困難にも関わらず
ex) He was able to do it, against all odds.
= Even though it was very difficult and unlikely.
大きな困難にも関わらず 彼は 成し遂げた
odds /ˈɑːdz/: conditions that make it difficult for something to happen
ex) They fought against great/heavy/impossible/overwhelming odds and won.

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Casual English Phrases – #242
□ odds in one’s favor 勝算、勝ち目
ex) The odds are not in our favor.
odds in favor: number of favorable outcome
ex) May the odds be ever in your favor.
□ The odds are in favor of … … に勝算がある、… の見込みが高い
cf) The odds are in favor of a major storm this weekend.
週末 天気が大荒れになる見込みが高い
the odds are in favor of … : … is likely to happen.
ex) When the odds are in your favor, it means that chances of winning are to your advantage

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Casual English Phrases – #185
□ blow out of the water (試合などで)相手を打ち負かす、圧勝する
ex) We really blew that team out of the water!
あのチームに 圧勝した
blow out of the water: to defeat an opponent overwhelmingly
ex) I planned to be productive today, but a sudden emergency blew that idea out of the water.
Casual English Phrases – #1,573

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□ blow out of the water 感動、感服させる
ex) That movie really blew me out of the water.
blow out of the water /ˈbloʊ/: to thoroughly impress, overwhelm, or excite one
ex) The show of support from everyone just blew me out of the water.
勝つ・勝利・優勝 に関する 英語表現
ex) She has won the piano competitions.
win /ˈwɪn/: to achieve victory in a fight, contest, game, etc.
ex) The boxer won the match by knockout.
ex) We were victorious over rivals.
ライバルたちに 勝った
victorious /vɪkˈtorijəs/: having won a victory or having ended in a victory
ex) They were victorious over their enemies.

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Advanced English Expressions – #092
□ override … より 優位に立つ、… を乗り越える、無効にする
ex) Don’t let anger override common sense.
cf) Huge waves override the beach.
大きな波が 砂浜を 乗り越えて入ってきた
override /ˌoʊvɚˈraɪd/: to have more importance or influence than (something)
ex) Panic overrode everything else.
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ex) We made a four-game sweep.
試合で 4連勝した
ex) They avoided four-game sweep against Tigers.
タイガースの4連勝を 食い止めた
sweep /ˈswiːp/: an occurrence in which one team wins all the games in a series of games against another team
ex) They won the series in a sweep.
ex) We are on the winning streak.
winning streak: a series of consecutive successes, a run of good luck
ex) Our son-in-law has been on a winning streak with his investments.
□ extend a winning streak to … 連勝を … に伸ばす
ex) We extended our winning streak to eight and moved up in rankings.
extend /ɪkˈstɛnd/: to continue in a specified direction or over a specified distance, space, or time
ex) The woods extend for miles to the west.

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Casual English Phrases – #989
□ be on a losing streak 連敗する
ex) We need to figure out how to break our losing streak.
連敗傾向から 抜け出し方を考える 必要がある
losing streak /ˈstriːk/: an uninterrupted string of contests lost by a team or individual
ex) Any time we experience a losing streak, whether in sales or in championships, it becomes increasingly difficult to believe that success is possible.