英会話 例文・フレーズ集 ver. 2 > Court – Trial Case – 「裁判・判決・法廷」
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Court – Trial Case – 「裁判・判決・法廷」
ex) Court is now in session.
裁判所は 開会中である
court /ˈkoɚt/: a formal legal meeting in which evidence about crimes, disagreements, etc., is presented to a judge and often a jury so that decisions can be made according to the law
ex) Court is adjourned for the day.
ex) The court will be back in session soon.
裁判所は もうすぐ再開します
session /ˈsɛʃən/: a period of time that is used to do a particular activity
ex) Congress is in session [=is meeting] right now.
ex) Criminal sentencing is a very important part of any trial.
刑の判決手続きは 裁判の中でも 特に重要だ
trial /ˈtrajəl/: presented to a judge and often a jury so that decisions can be made according to the law
ex) He testified at trial.
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Advanced English Expressions – #1,166
□ exculpate (…を)無罪にする、… の無罪を証明する
ex) The court exculpated him after a thorough investigation.
入念な調査の後 裁判所は彼を無罪とした
exculpate /ˈɛkˌskʌlˌpeɪt/: to prove that someone is not guilty of doing something wrong
ex) The article exculpated the mayor

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Advanced English Expressions – #1,164
□ lawful 合法の、法によって認められた、法を順守する
ex) They went to court to determine the property’s lawful [=rightful, legal] owner.
所有財産の 法律的な持ち主を 決めるために、彼らは 法廷に 向かった
lawful /ˈlɑːfəl/: allowed by the law
ex) Companies cannot lawfully [=legally] sell private medical information.
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Advanced English Expressions – #392
□ litigate 訴訟を起こす
ex) They agree to litigate all disputes in this court.
論争を 訴訟に持ち込むことで同意している
litigate /ˈlɪtəˌgeɪt/: to make (something) the subject of a lawsuit
ex) The company’s unwillingness to make a deal increased her desire to litigate.
□ litigation 訴訟
ex) The company wishes to avoid litigation.
litigation /ˌlidəˈɡāSH(ə)n/: the process of taking legal action
ex) Litigation law refers to the rules and practices involved in resolving disputes in the court system.
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ex) “The case went to trial” is more of a neutral statement describing the process that the case went through.
“The case went to trial” という表現は 中立的に その訴訟の 公判までの 進展を 表現している
go to trial /ˈtrajəl/: go cause a case to be tried in court
ex) The case never came to trial.
= There was never a trial to make a decision about the case.
ex) She was on trial on charges of drug possession.
彼女は 薬物所有の容疑で 公判中である
= She went on trial for possession of drugs.
on trial /ˈtrajəl/: in a situation in which evidence against you is presented in a court to a judge and often a jury to decide if you are guilty of a crime
ex) He is on trial [=being tried] for murder.
ex) He was ordered to stand trial for theft.
彼は 窃盗の罪で 裁判にかけられた
stand trial: to be brought before a judge for a crime or misdeed
ex) He had to stand trial for perjury and obstruction of justice.
ex) Has anyone faced justice for these crimes?
その犯罪で 裁判にかけられた ヒトはいますか?
face justice /ˈʤʌstəs/ : to put someone on trial in a court of law
ex) Go-slow golfers will face rough justice.
ex) His past misdeeds were forgiven.
彼の 過去の悪行は 許された
misdeed /ˌmɪsˈdiːd/: a morally wrong or illegal act
ex) She threatened to expose to the public the misdeeds he had committed.

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Advanced English Expressions – #630
□ misconduct 不品行、違法行為、不祥事
ex) There have been reports of misconduct by several employees.
雇用主による 違法行為が 報告されている
misconduct /mɪsˈkɑːndəkt/: wrong behavior : behavior or activity that is illegal or morally wrong
ex) He was forced to defend himself against charges of sexual misconduct.
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Advanced English Expressions – #1,016
□ perjury 偽証
ex) He was found guilty of perjury.
彼は 偽証で有罪となった
perjury /ˈpɚʤəri/: the crime of telling a lie in a court of law after promising to tell the truth
ex) He claimed two witnesses at his trial had committed perjury.
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Advanced English Expressions – #1,111
□ plea deal 司法取引
ex) Taking a plea deal might help you get a reduced charge and lesser penalty than if you went to trial.
司法取引を受け入れることで 裁判にかけられた時より 刑罰が軽くなる
plea deal /ˈpliː/: To agree to plead guilty, especially to a lesser criminal offense, in exchange for some concession from the prosecution, such as dismissal of more serious charges
ex) He was supposed to finalize a plea deal, admitting he broke the law but avoiding jail time for misdemeanor tax crimes.
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ex) When you prove your case can you get a judgement in your favour.
□ present a case 反論する、反証する
ex) You present your case by making an opening statement.
冒頭陳述により 反論することが出来る
case /ˈkeɪs/: a situation that will be talked about and decided in court
ex) In order to prove your case in District Court, you must be prepared to prove certain legal elements.
□ rest one’s case 発言・弁論を終える
ex) I said that it wouldn’t work and it didn’t. I rest my case.
それは うまくいかないと思ったし、実際にうまくいかなかった。 発言を終えます
The phrase I rest my case can be used to say that you have finished an argument or to suggest that something proves that what you are saying is true.

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Advanced English Expressions – #890
□ indefensible 弁解の余地のない、(行動など)擁護できない
ex) His behavior is ethically indefensible.
彼の振舞いは 倫理上 擁護できない
indefensible /ˌɪndɪˈfɛnsəbəl/: not defensible: such as
ex) The company adopted an indefensible position on the issue.
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Advanced English Expressions – #993
□ lenient (罪に対して)寛大な、寛容な、慈悲のある
ex) Many people felt that the punishment was too lenient.
多くの人が その処罰は 寛大すぎると感じた
lenient /ˈliːnjənt/ : allowing a lot of freedom and not punishing bad behavior in a strong way : not harsh, severe, or strict
ex) He tended to be lenient toward the children.
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ex) The bail was set at $1 million.
保釈金は 100万ドルに設定された
ex) He was released on $1 million bail.
100万ドルの保釈金で 解放された
bail /ˈbeɪl/ : an amount of money given to a court to allow a prisoner to leave jail and return later for a trial
ex) Bail allows people who have been arrested to remain out of jail while waiting for trial.
□ bail out (保釈人を)保釈する、(企業などを)救済する
ex) She bailed him out of jail.
彼女は 彼の保釈金を支払った
bail out : to make it possible for someone to leave jail by paying bail
ex) She went to the jail to bail out her boyfriend.
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Advanced English Expressions – #126
□ bailout (財政上の)救済、緊急援助
Still, a bailout is a failed strategy because of the moral hazard issue.
倫理上の問題により 財政救済案 は うまく行かない 戦略である
bailout /ˈbeɪlˌaʊt/: the act of saving or rescuing something (such as a business) from money problems
government bailouts of large corporations
ex) Bailout is a general term for extending financial support to a company or a country facing a potential bankruptcy threat.
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ex) Do you want to press charges against the person who committed the crime?
犯罪を犯した人の 刑事責任を問いたいですか?
press charge: accuse someone formally of a crime so that they can be brought to trial.
ex) The victims often refuse to press charges.
被害者たちは しばし 告発することを拒否する

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Advanced English Expressions – #209
□ accusation 告訴、告発
ex) Investigators have made accusations of corruption against a group of former officials.
検察は 前官僚のグループの汚職を 告発した
accusation /ˌækjəˈzeɪʃən/: a claim that someone has done something wrong or illegal : a charge that someone has committed a fault or crime
ex) The police are investigating serious accusations of wrongdoing.
□ false accusation 冤罪、ぬれぎぬ
ex) Recently, I was falsely accused of robbery by a neighbor that I knew from my college class.
最近 私は 大学時代の同級生である 隣人にぬれぎぬを 着せられ 窃盗罪で告訴された
false accusation /ˌækjəˈzeɪʃən/: a claim or allegation of wrongdoing that is untrue or otherwise unsupported by facts
ex) What are some reasons for why people get falsely accused?
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Advanced English Expressions – #308
□ parole 執行猶予
ex) He was granted/denied parole.
彼は 執行猶予を 認められた / 却下された
ex) The prisoner will be eligible for parole after three years.
その刑事被告人は 懲役三年の執行猶予が 与えられる見通しです
parole /pəˈroʊl/: permission given to a prisoner to leave prison before the end of a sentence usually as a reward for behaving well
ex) He was given a life sentence without (the possibility of) parole.
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ex) You will be required to go to a court hearing and prove your innocence.
法廷尋問に 出席して、無罪を証明しなければならない
court hearing: a gathering within a courtroom that is called for the purpose of conducting some type of legal procedure
ex) In law, a hearing is a proceeding before a court or other decision-making body or officer.
ex) The presiding judge is elected by the other Superior Court Judges to serve not less than 2 years.
裁判長は 最高裁判所の裁判官により選出され、2年以下の職務を勤める
presiding judge /prɪˈzaɪd/: in both state and federal appeals court, the judge who chairs the panel of three or more judges during hearings and supervises the business of the court.
ex) The presiding judge will determine the sentence of the convicted individual.
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Advanced English Expressions – #271
□ preside 議長・座長を務める
ex) The vice president presided over the meeting.
副社長が 会議の議長を務めた
preside /prɪˈzaɪd/: to be in charge of something (such as a trial)
ex) She will preside as judge at the trial.
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Advanced English Expressions – #929
□ incriminating 自分に(被疑者に)不利な、有罪判決を招くような
ex) Incriminating evidence is often enough for police to arrest a suspect.
被疑者に不利な証拠は 警察にとってしばし 逮捕の十分な理由となる
incriminating /inˈkriminādiNG/: making someone appear guilty of a crime or wrongdoing
ex) Something incriminating makes it clear that you’re guilty.
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ex) He has been sentenced to 3 years in prison.
彼は 懲役3年の 実刑を言い渡された
sentence /ˈsɛntn̩s/: to officially state the punishment given to (someone) by a court of law
ex) The judge sentenced him to prison.
□ sentencing 刑の判決手続き
ex) Criminal sentencing is usually one of the later stages of trial.
刑の判決手続きは 通常 裁判の後半で行なわれる
sentencing /ˈsɛntn̩sɪŋ/: to declare the punishment decided for (an offender)
ex) He will return to the court on Wednesday for sentencing.
ex) Judge handed out a 60-day jail sentence to the man.
裁判官は その男に 60日の 実刑判決を 出した
jail /ˈʤeɪl/: a place where people are kept when they have been arrested and are being punished for a crime
ex) Most recently, he served a prison sentence for his part in an armed siege led by two escaped criminals.