英会話 例文・フレーズ集 ver. 2 > Crime – Perpetrate – 「犯罪・犯人」 を英語で表現
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Crime – Perpetrate – 「犯罪・犯人」 を英語で表現
ex) Does the death penalty lead to higher crime rates?
死刑制度が 犯罪率を高めるのか?
crime /ˈkraɪm/: an illegal act for which someone can be punished by the government
ex) Have you ever been convicted of a crime?
= Were you ever found guilty of a crime?
ex) Even dummy security cameras deter crime.
偽物の 防犯カメラでさえ 犯罪を防止する
deter /dɪˈtɚ/: to cause (someone) to decide not to do something
ex) Some potential buyers will be deterred by the price.
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Advanced English Expressions – #869
□ deterrent force (軍備)抑止力、Deterrent Force 平和維持軍
ex) Those countries tend to develop more deterrent forces.
抑止力となる 武器製造を展開する傾向にある
deterrent /dɪˈtɚrənt/someone decide not to do something
ex) We would like to go, but cost is a major deterrent.
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ex) Shoplifting is a criminal offence.
万引きは 犯罪行為だ
criminal /ˈkrɪmənl̟/: involving illegal activity : relating to crime
ex) Within this area it is a criminal offence to cause any pollution.

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Advanced English Expressions – #447
□ penal 刑罰の、刑事上の
ex) Scholars working in the fields of criminal and penal law study the entire spectrum of criminal law.
刑事法に携わる 学者たちは 幅広く全体的に 犯罪法を 研究する
penal /ˈpiːnl̟/: relating to or used for punishment
ex) That wasn’t a penal sentence.
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Advanced English Expressions – #644
□ impunity 免責、処罰を受けない事
ex) They broke the law with (complete/total) impunity.
彼らは 堂々と 法律を犯した
= without fear of punishment; very freely and openly
impunity /ɪmˈpjuːnəti/: freedom from punishment, harm, or loss — usually used in the phrase with impunity
ex) The rioters set fires and looted with impunity.
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アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000
Casual English Phrases – #544
□ set up (策略で 人を)はめる、策略にひっかける = frame
ex) He claimed he was set up by the police.
彼は 警察にはめられた と 主張している
set up /ˈsɛt/: to cause (someone) to be in a bad situation or to appear guilty
ex) Those aren’t his drugs. Someone must have set him up!
= made it look like the drugs were his

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Advanced English Expressions – #898
□ racketeering (違法な)金儲け、ゆすり、たかり
ex) He will plead guilty to conspiring to commit racketeering.
彼は ゆすりの 共謀の罪を認めるであろう
racketeering /ˌrækəˈtirɪŋ/: the act or crime of making money through illegal activities
ex) He was arrested and charged with racketeering.
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Advanced English Expressions – #203
□ perpetrate (犯罪など)犯す、実行する
ex) The men were planning to perpetrate a robbery.
その男たちは 窃盗の実行を 計画していた
perpetrate /ˈpɚpəˌtreɪt/: to do (something that is illegal or wrong)
ex) It covers the common techniques used by criminals to perpetrate these kinds of robberies.
□ perpetrator (犯罪の)加害者、犯人
ex) The police caught the perpetrators who robbed the bank.
銀行強盗を 行なった 犯人を逮捕した
perpetrator /ˈpɚpəˌtreɪtɚ/: a person who carries out a harmful, illegal, or immoral act
ex) A vehicle-ramming attack is an assault in which a perpetrator deliberately rams a vehicle into a building.
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Advanced English Expressions – #638
□ misdemeanor 軽犯罪
ex) Removing or damaging street signs is a misdemeanor.
道路標識を 抜き去ることは 軽犯罪にあたる
misdemeanor /ˌmɪsdɪˈmiːnɚ/: a crime that is less serious than a felony
ex) He was charged with (committing) a misdemeanor.
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ex) The crime is considered a felony under state law.
その犯罪は 州の法律で 重犯罪として 考えられている
felony /ˈfɛləni/: a serious crime (such as murder or rape)
ex) They were convicted of felony animal cruelty in the deaths of two horses.
ex) He was accused of fomenting violence.
彼は 暴力事件を扇動したため 非難された
forment: to cause or try to cause the growth or development of (something bad or harmful)
ex) The song was banned on the grounds that it might foment racial tension.
その曲は 人種間の緊張を促すかも知れないことを理由に 放送禁止となった
□ be found guilty 有罪になる
ex) He was found guilty of two counts each of theft.
2件の 窃盗罪で有罪となった
guilty /ˈgɪlti/: responsible for committing a crime or doing something bad or wrong
ex) Do you think he’s innocent or guilty?

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Advanced English Expressions – #399
□ nefarious 極悪な、非道な
ex) The nefarious gangster was finally brought to justice.
非道な ギャングたちは 遂に 法の裁きを受ける事となった
nefarious /niˈferijəs/: evil or immoral
ex) His nefarious plan isn’t over.
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Advanced English Expressions – #615
□ forensic 犯罪科学の、法医学の
ex) Forensic evidence (especially DNA evidence) tends to be perceived as more accurate and given more weight than eyewitness testimony.
犯罪科学に基づく証拠は 目撃者の承認よりも より重視される傾向がある
forensic /fəˈrɛnsɪk/: relating to the use of scientific knowledge or methods in solving
ex) Forensic scientists collect, preserve, and analyze scientific evidence during the course of an investigation.

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Advanced English Expressions – #861
□ heinous (犯罪などが)凶悪な、悪質な
ex) Heinous crimes involve offenses that are odious and shockingly cruel.
凶悪な犯罪に 醜悪なものや、ひどく残酷なものも含まれる
heinous /ˈheɪnəs/: very bad or evil : deserving of hate or contempt
ex) These murders were especially heinous.
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Advanced English Expressions – #862
□ odious (犯罪など)憎むべき、醜悪な
ex) The judge described the crime as odious.
裁判で その犯罪は 憎むべきと表現された
odious /ˈoʊdijəs/: causing hatred or strong dislike
ex) It was one of the most odious crimes of recent history.

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Advanced English Expressions – #1,018
□ extradite (犯罪者・容疑者の)引き渡す、送還する
ex) He will be extradited from the U.S. to Canada to face criminal charges there.
彼は 刑事責任追及のため アメリカから カナダへ送還されるであろう
extradite /ˈɛkstrəˌdaɪt/: to send (a person who has been accused of a crime) to another state or country for trial
ex) The prisoner was extradited across state lines.
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Casual English Phrases – #1,528
□ mugshot (犯罪者の)顔写真
ex) When shown mugshots, the victim was unable to recognize anyone.
警察で顔写真を見せられても、被害者は 犯人の顔を 認識することができなかった
mugshot /ˈmʌɡʃɑːt/: a photograph of a person’s face made for an official purpose, especially police records.
ex) Most mugshots are taken as soon as a suspect is brought into a police station.
アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000
Casual English Phrases – #1,555
□ repeat offender 常習者、常習犯
ex) How common is it for repeat offenders to re-offend?
常習犯が 再び犯罪を犯すことは、どれくらい頻繁に起こるのであろうか?
repeat offender /rɪˈpiːt/: a person who has committed a crime more than once.
ex) Our office is working to enforce federal law and hold repeat offenders guilty of illegally possessing guns accountable.