英会話 例文・フレーズ集 ver. 2 > Hygiene – Sanitation – 「衛生・清潔・消毒」 を英語で表現

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Hygiene – Sanitation – 「衛生・清潔・消毒」を英語で表現

Q. Hygiene Sanitation は ともに 衛生 の意味ですが、どのように 使い分けますか?

A. Hygiene は 衛生という概念や、衛生学 を意味します。  Sanitation は 清潔・衛生さを 保つ具体的な 行為を意味ます。

hygiene 衛生(状態)、衛生学
ex) Brushing your teeth regularly is an important part of good oral hygiene.
定期的な歯磨きは 口内の衛生を保つために 重要だ

poor hygiene 不衛生な不潔な
cf) A lack of hygiene and cleanliness can damage your hotel’s brand image.
衛生や 清潔性の欠如は ホテルのブランドイメージに 害を与える

hygiene /ˈhaɪˌʤiːn/: the things that you do to keep yourself and your surroundings clean in order to maintain good health
ex) Poor sanitation and hygiene caused many of the soldiers to get sick.

hygienic 衛生の、衛生上の
ex) For hygienic reasons, restaurants should wash silverware and drinking glasses more than once.
衛生上の理由から レストランは フォーク類と 飲物用グラスを 2回以上 洗わなくてはならない

hygienic /haɪˈʤiːnɪk/: relating to being clean and to the things that are done to maintain good health
ex) The evidence suggests that schools with better hygienic conditions tend to have less problems with disease causing organisms.

sanitary   衛生的な、衛生の
ex) Bar soap is sanitary and hygienic.
固形石鹸は 衛生的だ

sanitary /ˈsænəˌteri/: of or relating to good health or protection from dirt, infection, disease, etc.
ex) This soap holder helps soap bars dry off in a sanitary manner.

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hand sanitizer 手指消毒液
ex) In my family we put hand sanitizer everywhere.
私たち家族は 至る所に 手指消毒液を置いている

sanitizer /ˈsanəˌtīzər/: a substance used to make something clean and hygienic
ex) Some studies suggest using sanitizer results in fewer sick days.
消毒液を使うことにより 欠勤が少なくすなると、いくつかの研究発表が示している

sanitize 衛生的にする、消毒する
ex) The housekeeping staff sanitized the bathroom.
ハウスキーパーたちは バスルームを消毒した

sanitize  /ˈsænəˌtaɪz/ : to make (something) free from dirt, infection, disease, etc., by cleaning it
ex) To clean and sanitize kitchen cabinets, dish soap and water is your safest bet.

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Casual English Phrases – #690

one’s best bet 最善・確実な方法
ex) Salt water gargles can help soothe your sore throat, but it’s not your best bet against virus.
塩水でのうがいは 喉をすっきりさせるが、 ウイルス対策として 最善の方法ではない

best bet/ˈbɛt/ : safest or most reliable course of action
ex) Good hand-hygiene is your best bet to protect yourself against the virus.

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public health 公衆衛生
ex) Young children often are hardest hit by the consequences of poor environmental public health systems.
環境の 貧弱な公衆衛生の犠牲になるのは たいてい 幼児たちである

public health /ˈpʌblɪk/: the health of the population as a whole, especially as the subject of government regulation and support
ex) The focus on maternal and child health is a global priority for public health professionals.

janitorial 清掃業務の、清掃員の
ex) The janitorial staff is aware of the waste collection routes throughout the school.
清掃業務員は 学校中のごみの回収ルートを知っている

janitorial /ˌʤænəˈtorijəl/of, relating to, or involved in the cleaning, repairing, and maintenance work done by a janitor
ex) We are your one stop shop for janitorial services.

janitor (公共ビルなどの)清掃職員、管理作業人
ex) Some janitors complete building maintenance and repair.
管理作業人は ビルの維持と修繕を 担当する場合もある

janitor /ˈʤænətɚ/: a person who cleans a building and makes minor repairs
ex) Office cleaning staff perform many of the same duties as janitors.


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Advanced English Expressions – #251

inoculate 予防接種をする、… を接種する
ex) All the children have been inoculated against smallpox.
子供たちは 水疱瘡の 予防接種をしている

inoculate /ɪˈnɑːkjəˌleɪt/: to give (a person or animal) a weakened form of a disease in order to prevent infection by the disease
ex) With the season underway, the flu is now awash, but it’s not too late to get inoculated.

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Advanced English Expressions – #028

disinfect 殺菌する、消毒する
ex) The wound needs to be disinfected.

disinfect /ˌdɪsɪnˈfɛkt/ : to clean (something) especially by using a chemical substance that kills all germs and bacteria
ex) Chemicals were added to disinfect the water.

□ disinfection 消毒、殺菌
ex) Thermal disinfection follows the same process as chemical disinfection.
煮沸消毒法と、化学的消毒法は 同じ手順で行われる

disinfection /ˌdɪsɪnˈfɛkʃən/: the process of cleaning something, especially with a chemical, in order to destroy bacteria.
ex) Instruments must undergo high-level disinfection before reuse.


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Advanced English Expressions – #224

undergo (困難に)耐える、(変化などを)経験する、(治療などを)受ける
ex) She will have to undergo an operation.
彼女は 手術を 受けなければならない であろう

undergo /ˌʌndɚˈgoʊ/: to experience or endure (something)
ex) He underwent a personal transformation [=he became a different sort of person] after his heart attack.

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sterilize 殺菌する、消毒する
ex) Babies’ feeding equipment can be cleaned and sterilized.
赤ちゃんの 食事用具は 清潔で 消毒済みでなければならない

sterilize /ˈsterəˌlaɪz/ : to clean (something) by destroying germs or bacteria
ex) Keep in mind that disinfecting and sterilizing are not the same thing.


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Advanced English Expressions – #291

exterminate (害虫などを)駆除する、掃滅する
ex) We made arrangements to have the garden pests exterminated.
庭の害虫の 駆除の手配をした

exterminate /ɪkˈstɚməˌneɪt/ : to destroy or kill (a group of animals, people, etc.) completely
ex) It is better to call a professional exterminator who will be able to exterminate nasty bugs.

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