英会話 例文・フレーズ集 ver. 2 > Emphasis – Underscore – 「強調・強調する」 を英語で表現 – 英会話例文集 を 英語で表現
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Emphasis – Underscore – 「強調・強調する」 を英語で表現
ex) He wanted to emphasize (to us) that he hadn’t meant to offend anyone.
emphasize /ˈɛmfəˌsaɪz/ : to give special attention to (something)
ex) Their father always emphasized [=stressed] the importance of discipline. [=always said that discipline was important]
ex) She lays particular emphasis on developing good study habits.
彼女は 良い学習習慣の形成を 特に強調した
□ for emphasis 強調するために
ex) Use bold for emphasis.
強調するために 太字を用いなさい
emphasis /ˈɛmfəsəs/: a forceful quality in the way something is said or written
ex) You need to state your arguments with greater emphasis.
= state your arguments more forcefully
ex) He paused for emphasis before saying who had won.
彼は 勝者を発表する前に 強調するための 短い沈黙を入れた
pause /ˈpɑːz/: a temporary stop : a period of time in which something is stopped before it is started again
ex) Add emphasis to key points – a pause before you say something you wish to emphasize can be a powerful verbal tool in a presentation.

英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 1,000
Advanced English Expressions – #963
□ emphatic 強調された、明らかな
ex) The emphatic word can be placed first in the sentence.
強調された 言葉は 文章の最初に 置かれる
emphatic /ɪmˈfætɪk/: said or done in a forceful or definite way
ex) Her answer was an emphatic [=resounding] “Yes!”
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英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 1,000
Advanced English Expressions – #307
□ underscore 強調する
ex) He underscored his desire to end drug abuse.
彼は 薬物使用の欲求を 克服したことを 強調した
underscore /ˈʌndɚˌskoɚ/: to emphasize (something) or show the importance of (something)
ex) These failures underscore the difficulty of what we’re attempting to do.
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ex) We felt that the article accentuated [=emphasized] the positive aspects of the program.
その記事は そのプログラムの良い面を 強調していると 私たちは感じた
accentuate /ækˈsɛntʃəˌweɪt/: to make (something) more noticeable
ex) He likes to wear clothes that accentuate his muscular build.
ex) The speech highlighted [=emphasized] the importance of improving education in rural communities.
highlight /ˈhaɪˌlaɪt/: to make or try to make people notice or be aware of (someone or something) : to direct attention to (someone or something)
ex) Unfortunately, the media insisted upon highlighting his troubled past.
ex) The union stressed the need for stricter safety standards.
組合は より厳しい安全基準の必要性を強調した
stress /ˈstrɛs/: to give special attention to (something)
ex) The dentist repeatedly stressed [=emphasized] the importance of flossing regularly.