英会話 例文・フレーズ集 ver. 2 > Repulsive – Displeasure – 「不快感・不愉快に思う」 を英語で表現 – 英会話例文集 を 英語で表現
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Watercolor – Sketch – 「絵の具・水彩画」 を英語で表現
ex) How do you teach kids to watercolor?
どうやって 子供たちに 水彩画の描き方を 教えるのですか?
ex) You can use these watercolor techniques to create a beautiful landscape painting.
これらの 水彩画を描くテクニックを使って 美しい風景がを描くことが出来る
□ paint in watercolor 水彩絵の具で描く
ex) There are many ways to paint in watercolor.
水彩画を 描く方法は たくさんある
watercolor /ˈwɑːtɚˌkʌːlɚ/: a type of paint that is mixed with water
ex) He only works in watercolors.
ex) I love the way the color quickly spread over a large area.
絵の具が (紙の上を)広がっていく のが良い
color /ˈkʌlɚ/: : a pigment or dye
ex) I like to keep some scrap paper handy to test out the colors.
□ test out … を試す
ex) Be sure to test out all of your colors before starting your piece.
絵を描く前に 全ての 絵の具を テストしてみるように
ex) Test out different papers to know the characteristics to look for when choosing the right watercolor paper.
適切な 水彩画用紙 を選ぶ際、自分が紙に 求めている特性を知るために 違う種類の用紙を 試してみて
test /ˈtɛst/: to use a set of questions or problems to measure someone’s skills, knowledge, or abilities
ex) Try testing out your colors on a white piece of paper to understanding which colors in your palette are non-staining.

英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 1,000
Advanced English Expressions – #673
□ hue 色相、(色の)ぼかし、(変化していく)色合い
ex) Gamboge Hue is a warm yellow pigment resembling genuine Gamboge.
藤黄色は 暖色の黄色の顔料で (草木の)藤色ににている
hue /ˈhjuː/: a color or a shade of a color
ex) We decorated the room in hues of blue and green.
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ex) I draw a series of 7 sketches of different types of architecture, using pen and watercolour.
ペンと 水彩絵の具を 用いて7種類の 建物を スケッチした
sketch /ˈskɛtʃ/ : a quick, rough drawing that shows the main features of an object or scene
ex) He made a sketch of his house.
アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 1,000
Casual English Phrases – #852
□ sketch out 概略を話す、略述を話す
ex) She sketched out the plan in a few brief sentences.
計画についての概略を 数行の言葉で言い表した
sketch /ˈskɛtʃ/ : to describe (something) briefly
ex) She sketched the plan for us.
ex) I’ve just finished a piece of watercolor art and I can’t wait to display it.
水彩画を 1つ 完成させ、飾るのが 待ち遠しい
piece /ˈpiːs/ : a work of art, music, drama, or literature
ex) It’s a piece painted by Pablo Picasso.
ex) Watercolor brushes come in many shapes, sizes, and price points.
様々な 形、サイズ、価格の 水彩画用の絵筆があります
paintbrush /ˈpeɪntˌbrʌʃ/: a brush used for putting paint on a surface
ex) You need a watercolor palette and of course your paints and paintbrushes.
ex) Start to add your watercolor to the water in your palette.
パレット内の 水に 絵の具を 足して
palette /ˈpælət/: a thin board that has a hole for the thumb at one end and that is used by a painter to mix colors while painting
ex) Wipe the palette clean after each painting session to prevent oil paint from crusting onto the palette in the first place.

英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 1,000
Advanced English Expressions – #311
□ absorbency 吸収性、液体を吸収すること
ex) Watercolor requires special paper because of absorbency.
吸収性を 考慮し、水彩画を描く時は 特別な画用紙が必要となります
absorbency /əbˈsoɚbənsi/:the property of being absorbent
ex) Paints do not blotch or soak outward due to excessive absorbency.
Casual English Phrases – #853
□ blotch (肌、インクなどの)染み
ex) You can color it in blotches, stripes, or patterns.
絵具の染み、縞模様 または 模様で 着色できる
blotch /ˈblɑːtʃ/: a usually dark-colored spot especially on the skin
ex) She has brown blotches [=splotches] on her hands.
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Advanced English Expressions – #601
□ mottled 斑点のついた、まだら になった
ex) Wadded up paper towels and rags can be the answer when you need a random, mottled look.
不均一で、まだらな 様相を描きたいときは 丸めたペーパータオルを使うと良い
ex) Mottled skin can be caused by a variety of health conditions.
斑な皮膚は 色々な健康状態により 発生する
mottled /ˈmɑːtl̟d/: marked with colored spots or areas
ex) My problem is that I am getting a mottled finish – with areas of the fan being randomly lighter or darker than others.
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英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 1,000
Advanced English Expressions – #666
□ delineate … の輪郭を描く、スケッチする
ex) The characters in the story were carefully delineated.
物語の登場人物は 注意深く描写された
delineate /dɪˈlɪniˌeɪt/: to clearly show or describe (something)
ex) The report clearly delineates the steps that must be taken.
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Advanced English Expressions – #768
□ subject(絵画や写真などの)被写体、題材
ex) New subject idea came to mind during the night and fired him up to begin his new masterpiece.
新しく浮かんだ 題材のアイデアが、次の作品を描き始めるよう駆り立てた
subject of painting /ˈsʌbʤɪkt/: assumed to be the theme or what the painting represents in an illustrative context
ex) When choosing a subject to paint, the majority of artists turn to the classic themes like still life.
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英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 1,000
Advanced English Expressions – #952
□ caricature 風刺画、パロディ
ex) The artist is doing caricatures on the street.
絵描きが 路上で 風刺画を 描いている
caricature /ˈkerɪkəˌtʃɚ/ : a drawing that makes someone look funny or foolish because some part of the person’s appearance is exaggerated
ex) His performance in the film was a caricature of a hard-boiled detective.
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courtesy from Merriam – Webster’s Learner’s Dictionary
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