英会話 例文・フレーズ集 ver. 2 > Taxi Scam – Rip Off – 「タクシー詐欺・不当な料金」 を英語で表現 – 英会話例文集 を 英語で表現
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Pickpocket – Snatch-and-Grab – 「すり・ひったくり」を英語で表現
ex) He skillfully pickpocketed tourists.
巧みに 観光客相手に スリをした
pickpocket [ˈpikˌpäkət]: steal from the pockets of (someone).
ex) The reality is that pickpockets operate everywhere.
アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 1,000
Casual English Phrases – #958
□ sticky fingers 盗癖のある、手癖の悪い
ex) You’re not likely to be mugged on buses, but there is a problem with sticky fingers.
バス乗車中に 強盗の被害に遭うことはないが、スリの問題はあります
sticky fingers /ˈstɪki/: a propensity to steal
ex) I think the new cashier we hired has sticky fingers.
□ mug …を襲って金品を奪う
ex) I was mugged this afternoon coming home from work.
帰宅途中に 強盗にあった
mug /ˈmʌg/ : to attack and rob (someone)
ex) She was mugging for the camera.
ex) Sneaky fingers exploring your are much more common on public transit than an open snatch and grab of purses.
路上よりも 公共輸送機関に乗車中に ひったくりに遭う 可能性の方が高い
snatch /ˈsnætʃ/: to take (something or someone) suddenly from a person or place often by using force
ex) While Europe has little violent crime, it does have its share of petty purse snatching, pickpocketing, phone grabbing.
アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 1,000
Casual English Phrases – #282
□ snatch and run ひったくり(の)
ex) You would be an easy snatch-and-run target.
ひったくり のターゲットになるよ
snatch and run: an unsophisticated method of committing robbery by grabbing someone’s property and attempting to flee with it
ex) Snatch theft is typical for two thieves to work together and ride a moped to make theft and escape easier.
ex) A skilled pickpocket can swipe your stuff in many ways.
熟練した スリは あらゆる方法で あなたの所持品を 盗む
swipe /ˈswaɪp/: to steal (something)
ex) They swiped some candy from the store.

英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 1,000
Advanced English Expressions – #467
□ vigilant 用心深い、油断のない
ex) Police are warning people to be extra vigilant ahead of the festival.
催しに先立ち 警察は 人々に 格別の 注意を促している
vigilant /ˈvɪʤələnt/: carefully noticing problems or signs of danger
ex) When traveling through the city, tourists should be extra vigilant.
Facebook で 毎日更新! – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 1,000 - Click! して、「いいね!」 して
ex) Be especially observant during busy times of day, when lots of people are packed on the bus.
バスが満員になる時間帯には 特に 注意深く見まわして
observant /əbˈzɚvənt/: good at watching and listening : good at noticing what is going on around you
ex) Good reporters are keenly observant of everything around them.
ex) The risk of having your car broken into is high, especially if you leave bags in view.
カバンを 見える所に置いておくと 車上荒らしに遭う 危険性が高まる
in view /ˈvjuː/ : the things that can be seen from a particular place
ex) Keep your hands in view [=keep them where they can be seen] at all times.
ex) He filed a police report.
彼は 警察に被害届を提出した
file /ˈfajəl/: to give (something, such as an official form or a legal document) to someone in authority so that it can be considered, dealt with, approved, etc.
ex) f you need to file a police report in any other language, please call 111.
ex) Before you know what’s happening, they’re gone.
何が起こっているか 把握する前に、彼らは 逃げてしまう
before you know it /ˈnoʊ/: used to say that something happens very quickly and when you are not expecting it
ex) You’ll be home before you know it.
ex) The petty thief tried to yank my wallet from my pocket.
コソ泥は ポケットから私の財布を、 引っ張って出そうとした
yank /ˈjæŋk/: to suddenly pull (something) in a quick, forceful way
ex) It’s too easy for a thief to yank your wallet out of your bag.
courtesy from Merriam – Webster’s Learner’s Dictionary
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