英会話 例文・フレーズ集 ver. 2 > Snapshot – Selfie – 「写真を撮る・自撮り・カメラ」 を英語で表現 – 英会話例文集 を 英語で表現
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Snapshot – Selfie – 「写真を撮る・自撮り・ポーズ」を英語で表現
ex) How long is the time lag between shutter releases?
shutter /ˈʃʌtɚ/: the part of a camera that opens to allow light in when a picture is taken
ex) I put my finger down on the shutter button and before I know it I’ve taken a whole heap of shots.
アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000
Casual English Phrases – #1,012
□ press … halfway down (ボタンなど)半押しする
ex) Hold the shutter button halfway down until you get your opportunity, and then press the shutter button all the way down.
写真を撮る機会が来るまで シャッターボタンを半押しにして。 そして シャッターを全部押して
halfway /ˈhæfˈweɪ/: in the middle between two points
ex) Press the shutter button halfway down to focus.
ex) Right before you snap a selfie, say ‘yes’ in your head.
自撮りをする前に 心の中で “イエス” と言ってみて
selfie /ˈsel-fē/: an image that includes oneself (often with another person or as part of a group)
ex) I’m ooking to impress my friends with an eye-catching selfie.
ex) What is the difference between a snapshot and a photograph?
スナップ写真と 写真の違いは 何ですか?
snapshot /ˈsnæpˌʃɑːt/: an informal photograph that is taken quickly
ex) Can anyone recommend a good camera that is more of a no brainer snapshot camera?
アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000
Casual English Phrases – #1,013
□ no-brainer (製品など)頭を使わずに 簡単に扱える
ex) This camera is a no-brainer.
このカメラは 誰でも使える
no–brainer /ˈnoʊˈbreɪnɚ/: a decision or choice that is very easy to make and requires very little thought
ex) The offer of a full scholarship made his choice of colleges a no-brainer.
アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000
Casual English Phrases – #1,022
□ Instagrammability インスタ映え
ex) A recent study has revealed that two-fifths of millennials choose a travel spot based on its Instagrammability.
最近の調査によると 21世紀に成人を迎えた世代の人の 5分の2は 旅行の目的地を決める際 インスタ映え する場所を選ぶ
instagrammable /ˈinstəˌɡraməb(ə)l/ : visually appealing in a way that is suitable for being photographed for posting on the social media application Instagram.
ex) This spot is one of the city’s most Instagrammable spots.
ex) You can take a closeup of your face.
自分の顔を 間近から写真で 撮ってみて
close–up /ˈkloʊsˌʌp/: a photograph or movie picture taken very close to an object or person
ex) “Move in for a close-up,” said the film’s director.

英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 1,000
Advanced English Expressions – #495
□ composition 構図、構成、組成
ex) Our viewpoint has a massive impact on the composition of our photo.
私たちの着眼点は 写真の構図に 多大な影響を与えます
composition /ˌkɑːmpəˈzɪʃən/: the way in which something is put together or arranged
ex) Put simply, composition is how the elements of a photo are arranged.
アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000
Casual English Phrases – #1,015
□ camera shake (写真撮影)手振れ
ex) With the camera locked down on a stable platform like this, camera shake is all but eliminated.
カメラを しっかり固定すれば ほとんどの 手振れは 解消できる
camera shake /ˈkæmrə/: used to define the act of accidentally shaking a camera during shooting due to unsteady hands
ex) At what shutter speed might you get camera shake?
ex) Negative spaces should take up more of the image than the positive space.
写真の背景のスペースは 被写体のスペースより 大きくなくてはならない
negative space /ˈnɛgətɪv/: the area surrounding the main subject in a photograph which is left unoccupied
ex) In many cases, negative space is the mood, the emotion, what creates those things in the first place.

英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 1,000
Advanced English Expressions – #768
□ object(カメラなど)被写体 = photographic subject
ex) Let’s start with these ways to capture moving objects with your camera.
移動する被写体の 写真の撮り方から 始めましょう
object in photograph /ˈɑːbʤɪkt/: some thing that appears in the photograph
ex) How do you focus on something close objects with a camera?
□ subject(絵画や写真などの)被写体、題材
ex) New subject idea came to mind during the night and fired him up to begin his new masterpiece.
新しく浮かんだ 題材のアイデアが、次の作品を描き始めるよう駆り立てた
subject of painting /ˈsʌbʤɪkt/: assumed to be the theme or what the painting represents in an illustrative context
ex) When choosing a subject to paint, the majority of artists turn to the classic themes like still life.
Facebook で 毎日更新! – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 1,000 - Click! して、「いいね!」 して
ex) It’s not a bad idea to have your camera snap five or ten so you can vary your pose.
ポーズを変えて スナップ写真を 5~10枚撮ることも悪い考えではない
vary /ˈveri/ verb: to be different or to become different
ex) Most cameras let you vary the length of the timer.
courtesy from Merriam – Webster’s Learner’s Dictionary
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