英会話 例文・フレーズ集 ver. 2 > Medicine – Silver Bullet – 「薬・服用・錠剤」 を英語で表現 – 英会話例文集 を 英語で表現
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Medicine – Silver Bullet – 「薬・服用・錠剤」を英語で表現

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アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000
Casual English Phrases – #1,032
□ silver bullet 特効薬、(問題を解決するための)確実な方法
ex) Scientists have turned bacteria, found in yogurt, into silver bullets which they claim could destroy viruses.
科学者たちは ヨーグルト内の バクテリアを ウイルスを壊す 特効薬に 変容させた
silver bullet /ˈbʊlət/: something that very quickly and easily solves a serious problem — usually singular
ex) There is no silver bullet that will solve all our economic problems.

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アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000
Casual English Phrases – #827
□ quick-fix remedy 即効薬
ex) I learned that there is no quick remedy for a hangover.
quick fix /ˈkwɪk/: an easy remedy or solution, especially a temporary one which fails to address underlying problems.
ex) Investors will need to be patient and not expect any quick fixes.
ex) Turn powdered medicine into liquid and give your child a shot.
粉薬を 液体に変えて 子供に投与して
powdered /ˈpaʊdɚd/: in the form of a powder
ex) Due to the smaller doses, expensive medicines are best given in powder form.
ex) Actually, I was encouraged not to use tablet or powder meds at all.
錠剤も 粉薬も推奨しない
tablet /ˈtæblət/: a small usually round piece of medicine
ex) A tablet is a pharmaceutical oral dosage form or solid unit dosage form.

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アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000
Casual English Phrases – #330
□ cure-all 万能(薬)の
ex) The drug is effective, but it is not a cure-all.
薬は効き目がある、しかし 万能ではない
cure–all /ˈkjɚˌɑːl/ : a cure or solution for any illness or problem
ex) There is no cure-all for these problems.

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アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000
Casual English Phrases – #1,033
□ kick in (薬などが)効く
ex) It usually takes about an hour for my meds to kick in.
薬の効き目が 現れるまで 約1時間かかる
kick in /ˈkɪk/: to begin to work or to have an effect
ex) How long does it take for this tablet to kick in?

英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 2,000
Advanced English Expressions – #500
□ dosage (薬) 投薬量、調剤
ex) Some patients may benefit from a larger dosage of this medication.
薬の服用量を 増やすことが うまく作用する 患者もいる
dosage /ˈdoʊsɪʤ/: the amount of a medicine, drug, or vitamin that should be taken at one time or regularly during a period of time — usually singular
ex) Each pill/tablet has the dosage necessary to reduce pain and swelling.
ex) She took a pill for her headache.
彼女は 頭痛のため 錠剤を服用した
pill /ˈpɪl/: a small, rounded object that you swallow and that contains medicine, vitamins, etc.
ex) The drug is available as a pill or a liquid.
ex) Capsules can be more difficult to swallow than tablets.
カプセル状の薬は 錠剤よりも 飲み込みにくい
capsule /ˈkæpsəl/: a very small container that is filled with medicine and swallowed whole
ex) Are you supposed to swallow capsules?

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アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000
Casual English Phrases – #827
□ quick-fix remedy 即効薬
ex) I learned that there is no quick remedy for a hangover.
quick fix /ˈkwɪk/: an easy remedy or solution, especially a temporary one which fails to address underlying problems.
ex) Investors will need to be patient and not expect any quick fixes.

英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 2,000
Advanced English Expressions – #501
□ granule 顆粒、砂粒
ex) Some medicines come as granules or as powder, and are given by mouth.
服用のため 顆粒や 粉末で製造されている 薬もある
granule /ˈgrænˌjuːl/: a small grain or piece of something
ex) Powders and granules are themselves dosage forms.
□ granulate 粒状にする
ex) Granulated sugar is also sometimes known as regular sugar.
顆粒状の 砂糖は レギュラー・シュガーとも 呼ばれる
granulate/ˈɡranyəˌlāt/form (something) into grains or particles.
ex) We have the capacity to granulate 100% of the potash we produce.
ex) Many medicines come in chewable or liquid form.
多くの薬が 噛み砕けるか、液状でも 販売されている
chewable /ˈtʃuːwəbəl/: describing drugs that are best or most easily absorbed by chewing
ex) Some medicines are also specifically made into a chewable form.
ex) We discussesed how parents should dose liquid medicines safely.
私たちは 保護者がどのようにすれば 液体状の薬を安全に投与できるかを 討議した
liquid /ˈlɪkwəd/ : capable of flowing freely like water : not a solid or a gas
ex) The medicine is available in liquid form.

英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 2,000
Advanced English Expressions – #1,195
□ elixir 万能薬、魔法の薬
ex) The king was obsessed with the elixir of life, believed to cure all disease and confer immortality.
王様は 全ての病気を治し、不死の力を与える 魔法の薬に取りつかれていた
elixir /ɪˈlɪksɚ/ : a magical liquid that can cure illness or extend life
ex) This elixir is specially formulated to cure all forms of mummy rot.
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