英会話 例文・フレーズ集 ver. 2 > Interest – Attention – Inclined -「関心・興味がある、無関心」 を英語で表現
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Interest – Attention – Inclined -「関心・興味がある、無関心」を英語で表現
ex) Her early interest in airplanes foreshadowed her later career as a pilot.
彼女小さい頃の 飛行機への関心は、後の パイロットとしての キャリアを 予測させるものであった
interest /ˈɪntrəst/: a feeling of wanting to learn more about something or to be involved in something
ex) Interest in vaccine is mounting among teachers, as supply chain runs dry.
□ run dry (資源・アイデア)使い果たす、枯渇する
ex) What do we do when our ideas run dry?
アイデアが尽きた時 何をしたらよいですか?
アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000
Casual English Phrases – #1,381
run dry /ˈdraɪ/: be completely used up
ex) When will the creek run dry?
ex) Their interest to music has been steadily mounting.
mount /ˈmaʊnt/: to go or climb up
ex) US banks signal mounting concern over real estate lending.
英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 1,000
Advanced English Expressions – #682
□ mount (計画・編成し)開始する
ex) She is expected to mount a serious challenge in the coming election.
次回の選挙で彼女は 重大な挑戦を 企てて 行なう ものと予想される
mount /ˈmaʊnt/ : to organize and do (something that usually requires the effort of many people)
ex) The police have mounted a nationwide search for the killer.
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Advanced English Expressions – #772
□ unbothered … に 関心を持たない
ex) She was unbothered by the mess in the sink.
彼女は 散らかった流し台に 関心を示さなかった
unbothered/ˌənˈbäT͟Hərd/: showing or feeling a lack of concern about or interest in something.
ex) If you’re unbothered, nothing is bothering you.
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ex) I don’t care at all about your little problems.
あなたの小さな問題に 全く関心がない
care /ˈkeɚ/: to be interested in or concerned about something
ex) He doesn’t care at all if he gets fired.
アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000
Casual English Phrases – #1,382
□ couldn’t care less …に関心がない
ex) I started to get irritated by this couldn’t-care-less attitude.
全くの無関心な 態度に苛立った
couldn’t-care-less /ˈkeɚ/: characterized by complete indifference.
ex) I don’t really know what they are, and frankly I couldn’t care less.
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Casual English Phrases – #1,383
□ turn on to … … に関心を向ける、… に夢中にさせる
ex) She turned him on to water-skiing.
彼女は 彼に ウオータースキーの魅力を教えた
turn on to /ˈtɚn/: to cause (someone) to use or become interested in (something) for the first time
ex) People are turning on to the idea of experiencing unspoiled nature.
Advanced English Expressions – #773
□ inclined towards … …に関心がある
ex) People are inclined toward volunteering.
人々は ボランティアに関心を示している
inclined /ɪnˈklaɪnd/: wanting to do something or likely to do something
ex)The system has the potential to provide opportunities for those inclined towards sports.
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ex) Abnormalities in temperature generated attention to climate change.
異常な 気温現象は 気候変動へ (人々の)関心を集めた
attention /əˈtɛnʃən/: the act or power of carefully thinking about, listening to, or watching someone or something
ex) There are plenty of ways to generate attention for your web site.
□ concern 懸念事項、関心
ex) There is some concern that the economy might worsen.
経済が 悪化するのではという 懸念がある
concern /kənˈsɚn/: a feeling of worry usually shared by many people
ex) They have expressed/voiced concern about the cost of the project.
□ concern 心配させる、懸念を持たせる
ex) They are concerned about their ability to attract consumers back after the restrictions are lifted.
彼らは 規制が解除された後 消費者を 呼び戻す力量があるかを 懸念している
concern /kənˈsɚn/: to make (someone) worried : to cause concern for (someone)
ex) Our mother’s illness concerns us.
ex) I tried to catch the waiter’s attention, but I guess he didn’t see me.
ウエーターの注意を引こうとしたが、彼は 私の方を見なかった
catch /ˈkætʃ/I tried to catch the waiter’s attention, but I guess he didn’t see me.
ex) The show is more likely to catch the interest of an older audience.
ex) Not all young people are indifferent to politics.
indifferent /ɪnˈdɪfərənt/: not interested in or concerned about something
ex) She was amazed that people could be so indifferent about the trial.
ex) People have shown surprising apathy about these important social problems.
重要な社会問題に 人々は驚く程 無関心である
apathy /ˈæpəθi/: the feeling of not having much emotion or interest
ex) Studies of carers show that apathy causes more burden than any of behaviors.
英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 1,000
Advanced English Expressions – #774
□ apathetic 無関心な
ex) Young people are becoming increasingly apathetic.
若者たちは どんどん 無関心になっていく
apathetic /ˌæpəˈθɛtɪk/: not having or showing much emotion or interest
ex) An English major may feel apathetic about a new math theory.
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Casual English Phrases – 739
□ tantalizing 興味(や食欲)をそそられる
ex) She was tantalized by the possibility of earning a lot of money quickly.
彼女は 大金が即座に入ってくる その可能性に 興味をそそられた
tantalize /ˈtæntəˌlaɪz/: to cause (someone) to feel interest or excitement about something that is very attractive, appealing, etc.
ex) A tantalizing aroma of fresh bread fills the air.
アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000
Casual English Phrases – #1,384
□ like-minded 似たような、共通の
ex) My wife and I have like-minded interests.
like–minded /ˈlaɪkˈmaɪndəd/: having similar opinions and interests
ex) He joined a local activists’ group, hoping to meet like-minded people.
ex) Would you please show some regard for others?
他人に 敬意を示して
regard /rɪˈgɑɚd/: care or concern for someone or something
ex) He has no regard for my feelings.
= he doesn’t care at all about my feelings
アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000
Casual English Phrases – #1,385
□ with little or no regard for … … に関心を持たずに
ex) They buy the lowest-priced item with little or no regard for brand.
彼らは ブランドには興味を示さず、最低価格の賞品を買う
regard /rɪˈgɑɚd/: respect or concern for
ex) She gives little regard to her sister’s teasing.

英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 1,000
Advanced English Expressions – #788
□ nonchalant 無頓着な、無関心な、冷淡な、執着のない
ex) He was surprisingly nonchalant about winning the award.
彼は 受賞に関して 驚くほど 無関心な表情であった
nonchalant /ˌnɑːnʃəˈlɑːnt/: relaxed and calm in a way that shows that you do not care or are not worried about anything
ex) She faced the crowd with the nonchalant ease of an experienced speaker.
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アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000
Casual English Phrases – #1,510
□ spice 関心、面白み、刺激
ex) Variety is the spice of life.
(成句)多様性は 人生の醍醐味だ
= Variety makes life more interesting.
spice /ˈspaɪs/ : :something that adds interest or excitement
ex) The elaborate costumes added a little spice [=interest] to the performance.
courtesy from Merriam – Webster’s Learner’s Dictionary
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