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Fried Egg – Sunny-side up – 目玉焼き・卵料理 を英語で表現
ex) How do you like your fried egg?
目玉焼きは どのような 焼き具合が よいでしょうか?
fried egg /ˈfraɪd/: cooked dish made from one or more eggs which are removed from their shells and placed into a pan
ex) I have developed my own preference for the perfect fried egg.
ex) Take care not to break the yolk.
卵の黄身を 壊さないように 気をつけて
□ runny yolk 緩い黄身
ex) I like the fried egg with a runny yolk.
yolk /ˈjoʊk/: the yellow part in the center of an egg
ex) Boil the eggs for exactly 7 minutes to achieve a warm but runny egg yolk center.
ex) I like my fried eggs cooked all the way through.
all the way through /ˈweɪ/: to complete or cause to complete (a task, process, etc.)
ex) My bread didn’t seem to be cooking all the way through on the bottom
Casual English Phrases – #418
□ check my suitcase all the way through to … スーツケースを … まで 通し(スルー)で預ける
P: Can I check my suitcase all the way through to San Diego?
荷物を サンディエゴまで スルーで送れますか?
= Will my baggage go straight through to San Diego?
go all the way through: to progress through … from start to finish.
ex) Ask the clerk if your bags can be checked all the way through.

sunny side up eggs
□ sunny-side up egg 半熟、片面焼きの目玉焼き
ex) I like avocado toasts with sunny-side up eggs.
アボカドトーストと 片面焼きの 半熟目玉焼きが好きだ
sunny–side up /ˌsʌniˌsaɪdˈʌp/: fried on one side only
ex) I’d like my eggs sunny-side up.

over-easy egg
□ over-easy egg 半熟 両面焼きの 目玉焼き
ex) An over-easy egg on toast is one of my favorite breakfasts.
トーストに 半熟 両面焼きの 目玉焼き を乗せた 朝食が好きだ
over easy /ˈiːzi/: fried on one side then turned and fried for a short time on the other side
ex) One of the most satisfying sensations to me is putting my fork in an over easy and watching the yolk slowly pour out.
ex) Over medium is when the egg yolk flows and no part of it is hard cooked.
両面中焼きの目玉焼きは 黄身は液体であり どの部分を固くなっていない
over medium /ˈmiːdijəm/ : The egg is flipped and the yolk is only slightly runny.
ex) When I order eggs over medium, the yolk always comes out runny.
ex) I like over-hard fried egg sandwiches.
over hard /ˈhɑɚd/: The egg is flipped and the yolk is cooked hard. = over well
ex) He ordered two eggs over hard.
ex) Eggs will stick to the bottom of your pan.
卵が フライパンに くっつくでしょう
stick /ˈstɪk/: to attach (something) to a surface with glue, tape, pins, etc.
ex) The peanut butter stuck to the knife.
アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000
Casual English Phrases – #1,551
□ non-stick frying pan くっつかないフライパン
ex) Preheat the non-stick frying pan.
くっつかない フライパンを予熱して
non-stick /ˈnɑːnˈstɪk/: allowing easy removal of cooked food
ex) There is a non-stick coating on the pan.
ex) You don’t want all your fired eggs to be crispy.
全体をカリカリに焼いた 目玉焼きは 欲しくない
crispy /ˈkrɪspi/: having a pleasantly crisp outer layer
ex) Fry the potatoes until they are brown and crispy.
□ be set (卵、ゼリーなどが)固まる
ex) Fry an egg until the whites are just set.
黄身が固まるまで 卵を焼いて
ex) Crack the egg into a small bowl.
卵を割って 小さなボールに入れて
ex) Carefully crack each egg on the rim of the pan.
フライパンの端に 当てて 卵を割って
crack /ˈkræk/ : to break (something) so that there are lines in its surface but it is usually not separated into pieces
ex) The hailstones were big enough to crack some windows.
ex) Heat the skillet on medium low heat.
弱い中火で フライパンを熱して
skillet /ˈskɪlət/: frying pan
ex) You need to cook your skillet eggs over medium heat
ex) Remove any shell fragments.
eggshell /ˈɛgˌʃɛl/: the hard outside part of an egg
ex) The truck would crush his car like an eggshell.
Casual English Phrases – #874
□ eggs Benedict エッグベネディクト (イングリッシュマフィンにベーコン、ポーチドエッグの取り合わせ)
ex) There’s nothing more classic for brunch than eggs Benedict.
エッグベネディクトほど ブランチの定番となる 料理はない
eggs Benedict /bέnədìkt/: a common American breakfast or brunch dish, consisting of two halves of an English muffin, each topped with Canadian bacon, a poached egg, and hollandaise sauce
ex) You’ll need to poach eight eggs for four servings of eggs Benedict.
エッグベネディクトを4人前つくるために、8つの卵を お湯の中に落とす必要がある
ex) The egg white solidifies from transparency into snow-white cream.
卵の白身が 透明から クリーム色に変わり 固くなります
egg white (ˈeɡ ˌ(h)wīt): the clear, viscous substance around the yolk of an egg that turns white when cooked or beaten
ex) Beat the butter and sugar, then whisk in the egg whites.
ex) Flip the eggs with a turner.
フライ返しを 使って卵を ひっくり返して
flip /ˈflɪp/: to turn (something) over by throwing it up in the air with a quick movement
ex) Let’s flip a coin.
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