成人英会話 > 初心者英語の直し方 > Thunder – Lightning – 雷・雷雨 を英語で表現
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Thunder – Lightning – 雷・雷雨 を英語で表現
A. thunder は 雷の音、lightning は 雷の光。
thunder rain は雷雨、thunderstorm は 雷を伴う嵐 を意味します。
ex) If you can hear thunder, seek shelter right away in a safe building.
thunder /ˈθʌndɚ/: the very loud sound that comes from the sky during a storm
ex) Lightning flashed and thunder boomed/crashed.
ex) The area was battered by thundery showers.
雷を伴う雨に 続けざまに襲われた
thundery /ˈθʌndəri/: producing or likely to produce thunder
ex) The probability of occurrences of thundery (stormy) weather over the airport has been investigated.
ex) You’ll see lightning followed by a thunder.
lightning /ˈlaɪtnɪŋ/: the flashes of light that are produced in the sky during a storm
ex) The tree was hit/struck by lightning.
= The tree was hit by a lightning strike.
Casual English Phrases – #402
□ lightning bug ホタル = firefly
ex) Can we re-populate our lighting bugs?
ホタルが再び生息できる 環境を作れますか?
firefly /ˈfajɚˌflaɪ/: a small flying insect that produces a soft light
ex) We have nice boggy, natural area that would provide a good home for lightning bugs.
ex) I keep seeing flashes of lightning bolts.
稲妻の閃光を (フラッシュバックで)何度も見ている
bolt /ˈboʊlt/: a bright line of light that appears in the sky during a storm
ex) A blinding bolt of lightning lances down from the sky.
□ a bolt out of the blue 不意に、思いがけない、予期しない
ex) The news of his firing came as/like a bolt from the blue.
= It was surprising and unexpected.
彼の解雇の知らせは 思いがけない事だったので 驚いた
a bolt out of the blue: something that occurs out of nowhere and is a complete surprise = a bolt from the blue
ex) The news of his marriage was a bolt from the blue.
□ a drenching rain 土砂降り
ex) More drenching rain is expected today in the northern area.
drench /ˈdrɛntʃ/: to make (someone or something) completely wet
ex) I got drenched in rains and fell ill.
ex) If a thunderstorm is approaching, protect electronics by unplugging them.
thunderstorm /ˈθʌndɚˌstoɚm/: a storm with lightning and thunder
ex) There are thunderstorms in the forecast.
ex) Trees have a chance to be struck by lightning.
木々に 雷が落ちる可能性がある
ex) Lighting can still strike you even if the storm has moved.
雷雨が去った後も 雷が あなたに落ちる 可能性がある
strike /ˈstraɪk/ – struck /ˈstrʌk/ – struck / stricken /ˈstrɪkən/: to hit (someone or something) in a forceful way
ex) The car struck the tree.
ex) What happens if lightning hits a car?
車に雷が落ちたら どうなりますか?
hit /ˈhɪt/: to affect (something or someone) in a harmful or damaging way
ex) A powerful earthquake hit the city.
ex) When thunder roars, go indoors!
雷がなったら 屋内に入りなさい
roar /ˈroɚ/: to make the loud sound of a wild animal (such as a lion)
ex) We heard a lion roar in the distance.

英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 1,000
Advanced English Expressions – #068
□ rumble (雷など)大きな音を立てる
ex) The thunder rumbles across the landscape.
あたり一帯で 雷が 轟いた
rumble /ˈrʌmbəl/: to make a low, heavy, continuous sound or series of sounds
ex) Thunder rumbled in the distance.
Facebook で 毎日更新! – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 1,000 - Click! して、「いいね!」 して
□ knock out power 停電を引き起こす
ex) The extended thunderstorm knocked out power in town.
大規模な 雷雨は 市街で停電を引き起こした
knock (something) out: to cause (something) to stop working
ex) The storm knocked out electricity across the state.
cf) One loud crack of lightening knocked out power.
大きな雷の 一撃で 停電となった
□ high wind 強風
ex) Thunderstorms produce high winds that can topple weak branches.
雷を伴う嵐は 強風を引き起こし、弱い木々の枝をなぎ倒す
□ zap 雷などに打たれる、攻撃する、壊れる
ex) Lightning zapped [=struck] the tree.
= The tree was zapped by lightning.
ex) Crack, Flash, Zap!
zap /ˈzæp/: to hit (someone or something) with electricity
ex) Don’t let lightning zap your PC.
関連する 初級者向け英語情報へ
courtesy from Merriam – Webster’s Learner’s Dictionary
当ページの情報を 引用する際は https://www.mypace-style.biz/ とリンクを近くに置いてください。
英会話 家庭教師 – MyPace English (マイペース・イングリッシュ)
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