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Self-Taught – Hit the Books – 「独学する・勉強する」 を英語で表現
A. 独学する を英語で表現する時、Learn を用いることは 間違えではありませんが、Teach を 使う表現の方が 一般的ですし、(Learn より) Teach を使った方が 自主的に 勉強している感じが伝わります。
Learn – 自分で学ぶ
ex) I learned English on my own.
on one’s own /ˈoʊn/: unaccompanied by others
ex) I have to do things on my own.
ex) I learned English by myself.
by oneself /ˌwʌnˈsɛlf/: unaided
ex) The patient often learns to undress by himself.
英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 2,000
Advanced English Expressions – #135
□ unaided (他人の)手助け無しで
ex) The patients got out of bed unaided. = unassisted
unaided /ˌʌnˈeɪdəd/: without help
ex) The stars are visible to the unaided eye.
= The stars can be seen without using a telescope or binoculars.
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ex) I learned English myself.
oneself /ˌwʌnˈsɛlf/: used as the object of a verb or preposition when one is the stated subject or is understood to be the subject
ex) One can easily teach oneself how to sew.
Teach oneself – 独学する
ex) I want to teach myself English.
ex) Nearly everything I know about English I taught myself.
英語に関して知っている事は 全て独学した
teach /ˈtiːtʃ/: to cause or help (someone) to learn about a subject by giving lessons
ex) She no longer teaches.
アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000
Casual English Phrases – #348
□ be self-taught on … … を独学で学んでいる
ex) I am self taught on English.
self–taught /ˈsɛlfˈtɑːt/: educated by your own efforts (such as by reading books) rather than by a teacher
ex) He’s a self-taught musician.
□ self-taught … 学校以外で習得した …
ex) Self taught skills are no less valuable than those learned at school.
独学で習得した スキルは 学校で学んだ事に 劣らない位 価値がある
self–taught /ˈsɛlfˈtɑːt/: learned by your own efforts rather than at school
ex) If these self taught skills align with a job you want, it’s smart to include them on your resume.

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Advanced English Expressions – #215
□ autodidact 独学者
ex) Notable autodidacts includes Leonardo da Vinci.
著名な独学者に レオナルドダヴィンチも 含まれる
ex) Generally, an autodidact is an individual who chooses the subject they will study and their studying material.
独学者とは 自身が学習する教科と 教材を自分で選ぶ人のことを指す
autodidact /ˌôdōˈdīdakt/: a self-taught person
ex) sometimes they are launched into the life of an autodidact because their curiosity does not align with the formal curriculum.
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ex) Self-education can free you from a college major you aren’t excited about.
自己教育により 関心のない大学の専攻課目から解放される
self–educated /ˌsɛlfˈɛʤəˌkeɪtəd/ : educated by your own efforts (such as by reading books) rather than in a school
ex) He’s a self-educated businessman.
Study – Learn – 勉強する に関連する 英語表現
Casual English Phrases – #349
□ grind away 一生懸命 勉強する・働く
ex) She was grinding away at her studies.
彼女は 猛勉強していた
grind away /ˈgraɪnd/: to work or study in a steady, determined way
ex) I’ve been grinding away all morning, but I still can’t figure out where that discrepancy came from.
Casual English Phrases – #586
□ hit the books 猛勉強する、たくさん調べる
ex) He was in danger of failing. He went home early and hit the books.
彼は 留年の危機に瀕しているので 早めに帰宅して 猛勉強した
hit the books: to begin to study in a serious and determined way
ex) If you don’t hit the books now, you’ll surely fail.
Casual English Phrases – #1,125
□ crack a book 勉強する、本を読む
ex) You’d better crack the books if you want to have any chance of graduating this year.
今年度で 卒業する機会を得たいのなら、勉強した方がいいよ
crack /ˈkræk/ : to open (a book) for studying or reading
ex) He hardly cracked a book his whole first semester of college.
Casual English Phrases – #830
□ learn-by-doing teaching 実践教育
cf) Students have an opportunity to learn by doing rather than passively reading.
学生たちは 消極的な読書でなく、実践教育の場から 学ぶ 機会を得る
□ learn by doing 実践しながら覚える、試行錯誤で学ぶ
ex) Our students will learn by doing, not by listening.
学生たちは 聴講でなく、実践から学ぶことになる
learn by doing /ˈlɚn/: a hands-on approach to learning, meaning students must interact with their environment in order to adapt and learn
ex) There will be times when learning by doing will be difficult to teach.

英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 2,000
Advanced English Expressions – #556
□ dabble ちょっと勉強する、ちょっと かじってみる・学ぶ
ex) I’m a self taught illustrator who loves to dabble in design.
独学で学んだ イラストレーターで、デザインもちょっと かじってみるのが好きです
dabble /ˈdæbəl/: to take part in an activity in a way that is not serious — usually + in
ex) She works as an accountant but dabbles in poetry.
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英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 2,000
Advanced English Expressions – #590
□ assimilate (文化・技術などを)学び 吸収させる、同化させる
ex) Children need to assimilate new concepts.
子供たちは 新しい概念を 学び、吸収する必要がある
assimilate /əˈsɪməˌleɪt/: to learn (something) so that it is fully understood and can be used
ex) There was a lot of information/material to assimilate at school.
□ assimilation 学び、吸収、同化
ex) Her assimilation into American society was complete.
彼女の アメリカ社会への 同化は 完成した
assimilation /əˌsɪməˈleɪʃən/: the process of taking in and fully understanding information or ideas
ex) There are different forms of cultural assimilation.
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英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 2,000
Advanced English Expressions – #1,042
□ rudiments 基本、基礎、初歩
ex) Rudimentary things are very simple and are therefore unsatisfactory.
初歩的な事は とても単純なため 学習の満足感がない
rudiments /ˈruːdəmənts/ : basic facts or skills
ex) The meaning of rudiment is a basic principle or element or a fundamental skill.
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関連する 初級者向け英語情報へ
courtesy from Merriam – Webster’s Learner’s Dictionary
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