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Mistake – 「誤り・間違え」を英語で表現
A. はい。 mistake – mistook – mistaken として 動詞でも利用できます。
動詞 – Mistake の基本的な使い方
ex) He mistook his path.
彼は 道を間違えた
mistake /məˈsteɪk/: to understand wrongly
ex) I mistook my first choice of career.
ex) He mistook my politeness for friendliness.
mistake /məˈsteɪk/: to understand (something or someone) incorrectly
ex) They mistook my meaning.
ex) I mistook tea for coffee.
コーヒーと 紅茶を間違えた
mistake /məˈsteɪk/: to identify (someone or something) incorrectly
ex) I mistook him for his brother.
= I thought that he was his brother.
ex) We made the mistake of leaving our bedroom window open.
誤って 寝室の窓を 開けっ放しにしてしまった
make a mistake /məˈsteɪk/: to make an error of some kind
ex) We’ve all made mistakes, but it’s important to own up to them and learn from what happened.

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Advanced English Expressions – #227
□ erroneous (考え・情報)誤った、間違えのある
ex) We received erroneous information.
私たちは 誤った情報を受け取った
erroneous /ɪˈroʊnijəs/: not correct
ex) The paper reported erroneously [=incorrectly] that he had died.
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Advanced English Expressions – #917
□ false feeling (感情面での)錯覚
ex) The worst part is a false feeling of enjoyment that came with OCD (obsessive-compulsive disorder).
強迫神経症の 悪いところは 喜びの感情の 錯覚が 生じることだ
false feeling /ˈfɑːls/: one person’s true feeling that others portray as a feeling the person is not having, or should not be having
ex) False feelings are ones that arise automatically when a particular emotional or situational button is pressed, responses you have learnt.
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ex) Why do I confuse people’s names?
何で 人の名前を混同するのだろうか?
confuse /kənˈfjuːz/: to mistake (one person or thing) for another
ex) I always confuse [= mix up] your car and mine.

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Advanced English Expressions – #241
□ misstate 誤って述べる
ex) The company misstated its profits.
会社は 利益を誤って 報告した
misstate /ˌmɪsˈsteɪt/ : to state or report (something) incorrectly
ex) An article in yesterday’s paper misstated the name of the district attorney.
□ misstatement 虚偽の申し立て、誤った陳述・表示
ex) He made minor misstatements but denied deliberately lying.
小さな 誤りをいくつか犯したが、意図的に 嘘をついていることに関しては 否定した
misstatement /ˌmɪsˈsteɪtmənt/ the act of expressing a fact that is not correct
ex) We’re correcting the misstatement.
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ex) School got the date wrong for one of my exams.
学校が 試験の日にちを 間違えて伝えた
get … wrong /ˈrɑːŋ/: to do, understand, or answer something inaccurately
ex) The waiter got my order wrong.

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Casual English Phrases – #092
□ mix up 間違える、勘違いする
ex) Our food got mixed up with another table.
ex) Do you mix up your children’s names?
子供の名前を 混同することはありますか?
mix up /ˈmɪks/: to mistakenly think that (someone or something) is someone or something else
ex) Those two women look so much alike—I always mix them up.

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Casual English Phrases – #200
□ goof up … (書類など)を間違える
ex) I really goofed up and got all the dates wrong.
goof up: to make a careless or stupid mistake : to make a goof
ex) I really goofed up this time.
□ goof 間違え、誤り
ex) He made some embarrassing goofs of his tenure.
彼は 在職期間中、いくつかの恥ずかしい間違えを犯した
goof /ˈguːf/: a careless or stupid mistake
ex) I made a major goof.

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Casual English Phrases – #521
□ boo boo (馬鹿げた)間違え、ミス
ex) I will get fired if I make another boo boo.
もう一度 ミスを犯したら 私は解雇されるだろう
boo–boo /ˈbuːˌbuː/: a foolish or careless mistake
ex) I made a slight boo-boo when I added up the numbers.
Mistake の関連語

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Casual English Phrases – #093
□ fool-proof ミスのない、間違えのない
ex) I’ll give you some fool-proof methods to save money.
間違えのない 貯金方法を教えましょう
foolproof /ˈfuːlˌpruːf/: done, made, or planned so well that nothing can go wrong
ex) DNA fingerprinting gives police a virtually foolproof way to link a suspect to a crime scene.

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Advanced English Expressions – #036
□misinterpret 誤って理解する
ex) Her silence was misinterpreted as consent.
沈黙を 同意として、誤って理解された
misinterpret /ˌmɪsn̩ˈtɚprət/ : to understand or explain (something) incorrectly
ex) He claims that his statements have been misinterpreted by the media.
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Casual English Phrases – #1,087
□ misstep 間違え、過失
ex) Despite a few missteps the game went smoothly for us.
misstep /ˌmɪsˈstɛp/: an action or decision that is a mistake
ex) Their decision to relocate the company was a major misstep.

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Casual English Phrases – #478
□ mess up 間違う、へまをする
ex) He messed up the speech.
彼は スピーチで間違えた
mess up /ˈmɛs/: to make mistakes when you are doing or making (something)
ex) I messed up my first attempt and had to try again.

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Casual English Phrases – #458
□ mess around ふざける、ウダウダする、滅茶苦茶にする
ex) Stop messing around and hurry up!
mess around /ˈmɛs/: to spend time doing things that are not useful or serious : to waste time
ex) We just messed around [=fooled around] all afternoon.

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Advanced English Expressions – #055
□ misapprehension 誤解、誤った理解
ex) He acted on/under the misapprehension that they would change their minds.
彼は 彼らが 考え方を変えたものと 誤解した
= He mistakenly thought that they would change their minds.
misapprehension /mɪsˌæprəˈhɛnʃən/: an incorrect understanding of something : a wrong idea about something
ex) She must have been laboring under the misapprehension that you are nice.
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Advanced English Expressions – #415
□ apprehension 不安、心配
ex) The thought of moving to a new city fills me with apprehension.
新しい街へ 引っ越すことを考えると 不安な気持ちで一杯になる
apprehension /ˌæprɪˈhɛnʃən/: fear that something bad or unpleasant is going to happen
ex) Apprehensions are being voiced about our relations with the United States.
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ex) I may have erred in my calculations.
err /ˈeɚ/: to make a mistake
ex) The court erred in refusing to allow bail.
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Advanced English Expressions – #943
□ erratic 不安定な、不規則な、一定性のない
ex) His behavior seemed erratic.
彼の 振舞いは 奇矯 であった
erratic /ɪˈrætɪk/ : acting, moving, or changing in ways that are not expected or usual : not consistent or regular
ex) He’s an erratic [=inconsistent] shooter.
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Advanced English Expressions – #1,160
□ unmistakable 間違いない、明白な、紛れもない
ex) The evidence is unmistakable.
それは 紛れもない 証拠である
unmistakable /ˌʌnməˈsteɪkəbəl/: not capable of being mistaken or misunderstood
ex) Her art is unmistakably modern.
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