成人英会話 > 初心者英語の直し方 > Job – Work – Career 「仕事・業務・働く」を英語で表現
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Job – Work – Career 「仕事・業務・働く」を英語で表現
A. Job は 短期的な 視点での仕事で、1つの作業や、与えられた時間内に完了する 小さな・単純な作業に 用います。
Job は 例) 箱詰め、封筒張りなどの単純作業をイメージすると、使いやすいです。
Career は 長期的な視点から見た 職歴、経歴を 意味する場合の 仕事 に当たります。 Work は 最も一般的な 仕事を表します。
Work の基本的な使い方
ex) I usually start work at 8:30.
通常 8時30分に仕事を始める(オフィスに入る)
ex) I start work at 8:30 and leave work at 17:00.
8時30分に 仕事を始め、5時に退社する
start work: show up at your place of employment
ex) My schedule is pretty standard: Start work at 8 am: Lunch at 12:30 pm — head home to eat and put my three boys down for their nap.
Casual English Phrases – #141
□ punch in (出勤時)タイムカードを押す
ex) You have to punch in or you won’t get paid.
ex) I keep forgetting to punch myself in when I get into work.
出勤した時に タイムカードの押し忘れが 続いている
punch in /ˈpʌntʃ/: to stamp a time card, to officially record the beginning of a shift or day of work.
ex) We’d like to remind all employees that they will not be paid for any work they’ve done before they punch in.
ex) They didn’t come to work today.
彼らは今日 仕事に来なかった
work /ˈwɚk/: a job or activity that you do regularly especially in order to earn money
ex) She is trying to find work in publishing.
ex) It’s going to take some elbow grease to get this counter clean.
このカウンターの清掃は きつい仕事になりそうだ
elobow grease /ˈɛlˌboʊ/ : hard physical work, especially vigorous polishing or cleaning.
ex) You should be able to get the rust off with a wire brush and elbow grease.
仕事・業務に 関連する 英語表現
ex) She got a job as a waitress at a coffee shop.
彼女は 喫茶店で ウエイトレスの仕事を得た
job /ˈʤɑːb/: the work that a person does regularly in order to earn money
ex) She’s trying to land a job in New York.
ex) She hopes to pursue a career in medicine.
彼女は医療業界で 専門的な職業 を続けたいと願っている
career /kəˈriɚ/: a job or profession that someone does for a long time
ex) I want to make teaching my career.
= I want to have a career as a teacher.
ex) Most professions in the medical field require years of training.
医療業界での 多くの職務は 数年に渡るトレーニング期間を要する
profession /prəˈfɛʃən/ : a type of job that requires special education, training, or skill
ex) The doctor talked to students who are thinking about entering the profession.
ex) He wants to change his occupations and becoming a teacher.
彼は 転職をし、教師になりたいと考えている
occupation /ˌɑːkjəˈpeɪʃən/: the work that a person does : a person’s job or profession
ex)“What’s your occupation?” “I’m a stay-at-home mom.”
アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000
Casual English Phrases – #706
□ plug away (コツコツ)働く、勉強する
ex) I plugged away at the task for hours.
何時間も その課題に取り組んだ
plug away /ˈplʌg/: to continue doing something even though it is difficult or boring
ex) She kept plugging away at her homework.
アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000
Casual English Phrases – #349
□ grind away (決めた通りに) しっかりと働く
ex) He began to grind away in a job to meet every deadline.
全ての 締切り間に合うよう 彼は コツコツと働いた
grind away : to work or study in a steady, determined way
ex) She was grinding away at her studies.
ex) She discovered architecture as her true vocation while in college.
大学生の時、彼女は 建築家が 自分の天職であると 気が付いた
vocation /voʊˈkeɪʃən/ : the work that a person does or should be doing
ex) It was her vocation [=calling] to be a teacher.
ex) The reporter is here on an assignment.
レポーターが 仕事でここに来ている
assignment /əˈsaɪnmənt/: a job or duty that is given to someone
ex) My assignment was to clean the equipment.
= They gave me the assignment of cleaning the equipment.
□ long-term assignment 赴任
ex) Short-term assignments usually last up to one year.
短期赴任は 通常1年までだ
long-term [ˈlôNG ˈˌtərm]: occurring over or relating to a long period of time.
ex) People need to think long-term.
ex) We need to complete these tasks as soon as possible.
これらの業務を 出来るだけ早く 完了しなければならない
task /ˈtæsk/: a piece of work that has been given to someone
ex) They are performing routine tasks.
アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000
Casual English Phrases – #785
□ put one’s nose to the grindstone 一生懸命働く、コツコツ働く、頑張り続ける
ex) I’ve got to put my nose to the grindstone if I’m going to get this promotion.
昇進するのであれば、一生懸命 働かなくては ならない
nose to the grindstone /ˈgraɪnˌstoʊn/: If your nose is to the grindstone, you are doing hard, continuous work.
ex) You’ll do well at school if you just keep your nose to the grindstone.
ex) She has a variety of administrative duties.
彼女は さまざまな管理業務を担っている
duty /ˈduːti/: something that is done as part of a job
ex) His primary duty at the event is to take attendance.
アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000
Casual English Phrases – #711
□ drudge (単調で、つまらない)仕事
ex) Our sales platform takes on the time-consuming drudge work of sales.
当社の セールス・プラットホームは 単調で つまらない 営業の仕事を担います
drudge /ˈdrʌʤ/: a person who does boring, difficult, or unpleasant work
ex) She was tired of working as an office drudge.
ex) Removing mildew stains is a laborious [=difficult, painstaking] task.
白カビによる 汚れを除去するのは 骨の折れる仕事だ
laborious /ləˈborijəs/: requiring a lot of time and effort
ex) If you have someone to help you with this laborious chore, lucky you.

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Advanced English Expressions – #880
□ sedentary デスクワークの、(仕事など)座って行う
ex) Editing the dictionary is a sedentary job.
辞書の編集は デスクワークだ
sedentary /ˈsɛdn̩ˌteri/ : doing or involving a lot of sitting : not doing or involving much physical activity
ex) The work is very sedentary.
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アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000
Casual English Phrases – #808
□ painstaking (仕事) 骨が折れる、つらい
ex) Nurturing a start-up business from concept to commercial viability requires painstaking planning.
コンセプト作りから 商業的な活性化まで、新しい会社を育てることは 苦労を強いるような 計画が 必要とされる
painstaking /ˈpeɪnˌsteɪkɪŋ/: showing or done with great care and effort
ex) The book describes the election process in painstaking detail.
アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000
Casual English Phrases – #1,209
□ work two jobs ダブルワークをする
ex) Working two jobs takes finesse and planning.
job /ˈʤɑːb/: the work that a person does regularly in order to earn money
ex) Why do you need to work multiple jobs?
英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 1,000
Advanced English Expressions – #592
□ finesse 技巧、巧妙さ、手腕
ex) She handled the interview questions with finesse.
彼女は 面接時の質問を 巧みにこなした
finesse /fəˈnɛs/: skill and cleverness that is shown in the way someone deals with a situation, problem, etc.
ex) Having finesse means you can handle difficult situations with diplomacy and tact.
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