成人英会話 > 初心者英語の直し方 > Excited・Glad – 「喜ぶ・嬉しい・喜び」を英語で表現
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Excited・Glad – 「喜ぶ、嬉しい」を英語で表現
A. Nice to meet you. はじめまして(最初の挨拶)
Nice meeting you. お会いできて楽しかったです(別れの挨拶)
A. I’m glad to have met you. は 2度目に会う人にも 丁寧な 挨拶表現です。
I’m glad to have known you. (知り合いになれて嬉しいです)も 自然な表現です。
Nice to see you again. も 自然な英語表現です
ex) I’m glad to see you.
お会いできて 嬉しいです
ex) We’re glad you could come.
お越しいただき 嬉しく思います
glad /ˈglæd/: feeling pleasure, joy, or delight
ex) I’m glad (that) things turned out so well.
= I’m glad about how things turned out.
ex) I’m pleased to meet you.
はじめまして (初対面の人への挨拶)= Pleased to meet you.
ex) We’re all pleased that you came.
あなたが来てくれて 皆 喜んでいます
pleased /ˈpliːzd/: happy or satisfied
ex) I’m pleased with the grade I got in the class.
ex) It’s a pleasure to meet you.
はじめまして(以前から アポを取っていた 初対面の人への挨拶)
ex) He smiled with pleasure.
彼は 喜びと共に 微笑んだ
pleasure /ˈplɛʒɚ/ : a feeling of happiness, enjoyment, or satisfaction : a pleasant or pleasing feeling
ex) I paint for the sheer/pure pleasure of it.

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Casual English Phrases – #192
□ over the moon 嬉しい、浮き浮きしている
ex) She was completely over the moon during the date.
over the moon /ˈmuːn/: very happy or pleased about something
ex) She’s over the moon at being chosen for the award.
ex) I am delighted [=very pleased] to meet you.
あなたに お会いできて光栄です
delighted /dɪˈlaɪtəd/: made very happy : full of great pleasure or satisfaction
ex) The children were especially delighted that there were enough cookies for each of them to have two.
ex) I’m so thrilled to see you.
お会いできて すごく嬉しいです
ex) I’m not thrilled about/with her decision.
彼の 決断をしって とても嬉しく思います。
thrilled /ˈθrɪld/ : very excited and happy
ex)“Will you come to dinner at my house tomorrow?” “Certainly. I’d be thrilled.”

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Casual English Phrases – #1,571
□ feel a lump in one’s throat(感動、喜び、悲しみで)胸がいっぱいになる
ex) The movie’s final scene left me with a lump in my throat.
映画の結末のシーンには 感動した
a lump in your throat /ˈlʌmp/: a tight feeling in your throat that you get when you are about to start crying or when you are trying not to cry
ex) I got a lump in my throat when I watched the film’s final scene.
ex) I am particularly gratified by this reaction.
私は 特にその反応に 喜んだ
gratify /ˈgrætəˌfaɪ/: to make (someone) happy or satisfied
ex) A guilty verdict would gratify the victim’s relatives.

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Casual English Phrases – #506
□ be as happy as a clam (短い間)とても幸せな気分でいる
ex) She spent the afternoon reading and was as happy as a clam.
彼女は 午後を読書をして過ごし、とても幸せな気持ちでいた
happy as a clam /ˈklæm/: very happy
ex) Happy As a Clam implies that the period of joy and protection is over.

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Casual English Phrases – #1,025
□ happy camper とても幸せな人
ex) I was making a living mopping floors then and I was not a happy camper.
床のモップ掛けで 生計を立てていた時 私は 幸せな人ではなかった
happy camper /ˈkæmpɚ/: to be content or satisfied with what is happening in the life and to have no complaints.
ex) I was one happy camper when I heard the news.

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Casual English Phrases – #1,026
□ happy-go-lucky 楽天的な、のんきな
ex) She has a happy-go-lucky disposition.
彼女は 楽天的な 気質である
happy–go–lucky /ˌhæpigoʊˈlʌki/: not worried about anything
ex) He’s always been a happy-go-lucky guy.
喜ぶ、嬉しい、ワクワクする を表す 英語表現

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Casual English Phrases – #144
□ fly high 喜んでいる、嬉しい
ex) She’s been flying high ever since she passed her driver’s test.
運転免許 試験に合格して以来 彼女はずっと 喜んでいる
fly high: to be very happy and excited
ex) She was flying high after her excellent exam results.
ex) He’s very excited about his promotion.
彼は 昇進して とても喜んでいる
ex) We are excited to hear that they’re getting married.
彼らが 結婚すると聞いて 私たちは とても喜んでいる
excited /ɪkˈsaɪtəd/: very enthusiastic and eager about something
ex) They were excited about/over the trip.

英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 2,000
Advanced English Expressions – #041
□ euphoria 高揚感、幸福感
ex) The drug produces intense feelings of euphoria.
薬物は 強い 高揚感をもたらす
euphoria /juˈforijə/: a feeling of great happiness and excitement
ex) The initial euphoria following their victory in the election has now subsided.
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Casual English Phrases – #627
□ tickled pink 嬉しく思う、喜ぶ
ex) She was tickled pink that someone had remembered her birthday.
彼女は 誰かが彼女の誕生日を思い出してくれて とても嬉しかった
tickled pink /ˈtɪkəl/: greatly pleased
ex) His wife was tickled pink when he sent her flowers and gifts at work for no reason.
ex) Ever since she met him, she’s been floating on air.
彼と出会って以来、彼女は 浮き浮きしている
float on air /ˈfloʊt/: to be extremely happy or aesthetic, often because you are in love.
ex) After he won the election, he was walking on air.

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Casual English Phrases – #949
□ walk on air 大喜びする、ワクワクする
ex) Most couples feel they are walking on air on their wedding day.
多くのカップルが 結婚式の日は ワクワクしている
walk on air /ˈeɚ/: to feel extremely excited or happy
ex) After he won the election, he was walking on air.

英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 2,000
Advanced English Expressions – #185
□ glee 歓喜、喜び
ex) They were dancing with/in glee.
歓喜の中 彼らは踊っていた
ex) glee /ˈgliː/ noun: a strong feeling of happiness
ex) He could hardly contain his glee over his victory.
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英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 2,000
Advanced English Expressions – #1,035
□ frisson (喜びや、恐怖による)身震い、戦慄
ex) You’ll get a little frisson of pleasure when you first visit the restaurant.
初めてそのレストランを訪れた時 喜びの身震いを感じるであろう
frisson /friˈsoʊn/: a sudden strong feeling or emotion
ex) The word frisson describes a sudden, intense emotional response to something.
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