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Eraser – Clear Away – 「消しゴム・消す」 を英語で表現
A. アメリカ発音は イレイサー /S/。 イギリス発音は イレイザー /Z/ です。
アメリカ英語 /S/ (S – 無声子音) – イギリス英語 (Z – 有声子音)で発音する単語の一例
opposite: (米) /ˈɑːpəzət/ -(英) /ˈɑːpəzət/
blouse: (米) /ˈblaʊs/ – (英)/ˈblaʊz/
resource: (米) /ˈriːˌsoɚs/ – (英) /rɪˈzɔːs/
消しゴム・消す に 関連する 英語表現
ex) My son has been losing his eraser far too often.
私の息子は 消しゴムを頻繁に失くす
eraser /ɪˈreɪsɚ/: a small piece of rubber or other material that is used to erase something you have written or drawn
ex) The eraser-tipped pencil didn’t count as a legitimate invention.
ex) Good-quality erasers are very soft and can erase easily.
良質の消しゴムは 柔らかく 簡単に文字を消す事ができる
erase /ɪˈreɪs/: to remove (something written) by rubbing or scraping so that it can no longer be seen
ex) She erased the wrong answer from her paper and filled in the correct one.
ex) Remove chalk marks from a blackboard.
黒板のチョークの跡を 消して
mark /ˈmɑɚk/: a small area on the surface of something that is dirty, damaged, etc.
ex) Erase the crayon marks with a pencil eraser.
鉛筆用の 消しゴムで クレヨンの線を 消してみて
□ pencil mark 鉛筆でつけたしみ、汚れ
ex) Rinse the area with soapy water and the pencil marks should come right off.
pencil-mark /ˈpɛnslmɑːk/ to mark with a pencil
ex) Use a soft bristled toothbrush to apply the mixture and gently rub the pencil marks.
ex) Clear away the pencil marks.
鉛筆でつけた 汚れを 消し去って
clear away /ˈkliɚ/: to remove (something) from an area or surface
ex) Erasers clear away pencil markings by lifting graphite from the paper you’ve written on.
Casual English Phrases – #712
□ to the fullest 最大限に
ex) As far as I know, no one has ever used an eraser to the fullest.
私の知る限り 消しゴムを最大限(最後まで)使った人はいない
ex) This eraser does the job to its fullest potential.
この消しゴムは 最大限の能力を発揮して 役立つ
to the fullest /ˈfʊləst/ : in a very active and energetic way
ex) Is there any way to use an eraser to the fullest?
ex) How do you get pencil marks off without eraser?
鉛筆で書いた文字を 消しゴム無しで どうやって消すの
off /ˈɑːf/: used to describe getting something into a desired condition especially by removing something
ex) I want to know how to get crayon marks off the walls.

英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 1,000
Advanced English Expressions – #377
□ indelible 消えない
ex) Indelible ink or electoral ink is applied during votings.
投票の際、消えないインク または 電子インクが 利用される
indelible /ɪnˈdɛləbəl/: impossible to remove or forget
ex) His achievements left an indelible [=enduring] mark on the era.
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ex) A pencil eraser uses friction to rub off mistakes written in pencil lead.
消しゴムは摩擦を用いて 鉛筆の鉛で 記された 間違えを こすり消す
ex) You can use the eraser by rubbing the mistake and it will slowly clear away.
消しゴムを使って 間違えた箇所を こすると やがて消えるだろう
rub off: to remove (something) from a surface by rubbing
ex) I rubbed the dirt off (of) the penny.
ex) Eraser allows you to eliminate typos and remove any unwanted pen strokes.
消しゴムは 書き間違えや 不要なペンの 跡を 消去してくれる
eliminate /ɪˈlɪməˌneɪt/: to get rid of (something)
ex) Though the digital age seems to be eliminating the need for paper, erasers are still a mainstay in every home,
アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 1,000
Casual English Phrases – #867
□ by a process of elimination 消去法で、選択肢の絞り込みによって
ex) The process of elimination when dating will keep you from wasting time and traveling down a road that leads to a dead end.
デート相手選びの際の 消去法による 選択は 無駄な時間を 減らしてくれる
process of elimination /ɪˌlɪməˈneɪʃən/: the act of considering and rejecting each possible choice until only one is left
ex) You want to eliminate all your chosen foods that you suspect might be a trigger to your symptoms.
Casual English Phrases – #809
□ cross out (間違った文字に線を引いて)取り消す、削除する
ex) Usually when you write and make a mistake and you can’t erase you have to cross out the word.
文章を書いている時 間違えを消せない場合は 文字に線を引いて 取り消す
cross out /ˈkrɑːs/: to draw a line through (something) to show that it is wrong
ex) Cross out the mistake.
□ cross off (書類の文字を)線を引いて消す
ex) We can cross her off our list of potential donors.
提供者の候補者リストから 彼女の名前を 線を引いて消す
cross off /ˈkrɑːs/: to draw a line through (a name or item on a list)
ex) They crossed off the names of the people who had already been invited.
ex) After using an eraser I just brush the debris (= shavings) off the desk and onto the floor.
debris /dəˈbriː/ : things (such as broken pieces and old objects) that are lying where they fell or that have been left somewhere because they are not wanted
ex) All erasers will produce some dust called debris.

英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 1,000
Advanced English Expressions – #617
□ obliterate(文字や情報などを)消す、取り除く
ex) One way to destroy a document is to obliterate the paper on which it’s written.
書類を破棄する方法として 記載されている紙を 消し去ることが 挙げられる
ex) The garden was obliterated in the hurricane.
obliterate /əˈblɪtəˌreɪt/: to destroy (something) completely so that nothing is left
ex) As verbs the difference between obliterate and erase is that obliterate is to remove completely, leaving no trace; to wipe out; to destroy while erase is to remove markings or information.
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関連する 初級者向け英語情報へ
courtesy from Merriam – Webster’s Learner’s Dictionary
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英会話 家庭教師 – MyPace English (マイペース・イングリッシュ)
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