成人英会話 > 初心者英語の直し方 > Broken – Broke – on the Blink – 「壊れる・壊す・故障する」
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Broken – Broke – on the Blink – 「壊れる・壊す・故障する」 を英語で表現
A. Broke は 壊れた瞬間を 意味します。
ex) My PC broke yesterday. 昨日 パソコンが壊れた
ex) My PC is broken now. 今、パソコンが壊れている
I broke my PC. 私が PC を壊した。
My PC broke. PC が(自然に)壊れた。
□ break 壊す
ex) She broke the cup when she dropped it on the floor.
彼女は カップを床に落として 壊した
break /ˈbreɪk/: to separate (something) into parts or pieces often in a sudden and forceful or violent way
ex) Break the chocolate bar into pieces so that everyone can have some.
□ be broken 壊れている
ex) My TV set is broken.
broken /ˈbroʊkən/: separated into parts or pieces by being hit, damaged, etc.
ex) The street was covered with broken glass.
ex) The computer isn’t working right.
コンピュータが 正しく作動しません
work /ˈwɚk/ : to perform or operate in the correct way
ex) Is the elevator working again?
ex) Regular maintenance will keep your zippers in top condition and prevent zipper failure.
定期的な メンテナンスは チャックを 最良の状態に保ち 故障を防止する
failure /ˈfeɪljɚ/: a situation or occurrence in which something does not work as it should
ex) Signal failure stopped trains yesterday.
□ power failure 停電
ex) The power failure left us without electricity.
停電で 私たちは 電気が使えない状態にあった
power failure: a period of time when the electricity supply to a particular building or area is interrupted
ex) You can run a few preliminary checks when a refrigerator doesn’t work after a power failure.
ex) I want to have my faulty lamp repaired.
壊れたランプを 修理してほしい
faulty /ˈfɑːlti/: having a mistake, fault, or weakness
ex) Another reason for iron press not working could be a faulty thermostat.

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Casual English Phrases – #722
□ be on the blink (機械など)故障している
ex) My wash machines is on the blink.
on the blink /ˈblɪŋk/: not working properly
ex) The TV is on the blink.
□ be blinking (電灯など)点灯している
ex) The normal wash button just keeps blinking and won’t let me choose another type of cycle.
通常洗濯ボタンが 点滅し続け、他の洗濯ボタンを選ぶことができない
blink /ˈblɪŋk/: to shine with a light that goes on and off
ex) The red light was blinking. [=flashing]
cf) The copy machine is out.
out /ˈaʊt/ : no longer operating, burning, etc.
ex) He landed the plane with one engine out.

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アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000
Casual English Phrases – #821
□ out of order (公共の機器など)故障中である
ex) The elevator’s out of order [=broken] again. We’ll have to take the stairs.
エレベーターがまた 故障している。 階段を使おう
out of order /ˈoɚdɚ/: not working properly
ex) The sign on the coffee machine says “out of order.”
英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 2,000
Advanced English Expressions – #810
□ out of commission (機器など)故障して、作動しない = broken
ex) The elevator/doorbell was out of commission. [=broken, out of order]
out of commission /kəˈmɪʃən/ : not able to function properly
ex) He was out of commission [=unable to work, travel, etc.] for three days with the flu.

英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 2,000
Advanced English Expressions – #997
□ brittle 壊れやすい、もろい
ex) Gasses are strong, but they are also brittle.
ガラスは強度がある一方 壊れやすい
brittle /ˈbrɪtl̟/: easily broken or cracked
ex) Instead of being strong and resilient, bones become weak and brittle.

英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 2,000
Advanced English Expressions – #1,192
□ flimsy 薄っぺらい、脆弱な、壊れやすい
ex) If stored in flimsy boxes, you run the risk of breakage.
もし 薄っぺらい 箱の中で保管すると、壊れる危険が伴う
flimsy /ˈflɪmzi/ : easily broken, torn, etc. : not strong or solid
ex) They have only the flimsiest of evidence against him.
アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000
Casual English Phrases – #294
□ glitch (機器)誤作動、故障
ex) There seems to be a glitch with our room reservation system.
客室予約管理システムに 故障があるようです
glitch /ˈglɪtʃ/: an unexpected and usually minor problem
ex) I knew this was likely a glitch so I called the hotel before booking to confirm.

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アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000
Casual English Phrases – #849
□ go haywire (機械・計画など)正常に作動しない
ex) Our TV set went haywire.
ex) The stock market has gone completely haywire.
株式市場は 収拾のつかない状態だ
haywire /ˈheɪˌwajɚ/: not working properly
ex) The disease has caused her immune system to go haywire.
= to stop working properly
ex) I think it’s gone.
gone /ˈgɑːn/ : no longer living
ex) My favorite show was available online, but now it’s gone.
ex) The school is concerned about the destructive behavior of a few students.
学校は 数人の破壊的な行為を行なう 生徒らに懸念している
destructive /dɪˈstrʌktɪv/: causing a very large amount of damage : causing destruction or harm
ex) She argued that the law was destructive of personal liberties.
英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 2,000
Advanced English Expressions – #808
□ indestructible (非常に強くて)破壊できない
ex) He was 20 years old and felt that he was indestructible.
= He felt that nothing could harm him.
彼は20才で 自分が強靭であると 感じていた
indestructible /ˌɪndɪˈstrʌktəbəl/: impossible to break or destroy
ex) They claim that the watch is virtually/nearly indestructible. [=unbreakable]
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