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Focus – Concentrate – 「集中・焦点・集中力」 を英語で表現
A. Focus も Concentrate も 共に 集中する の意味 (= give attention) を持ちます。 Focus が一般的で Concentrate は ややフォーマルな表現です。
また Concentrate は (食品)濃縮物 の意味もあります。
ex) We need to focus on getting the work done.
仕事を完了させることに 集中する必要がある
□ focus … on .. … を .. に ..集中させる
ex) The crime has focused public attention on the problem of parole.
その犯罪は 一般人の関心を 仮釈放の問題に 集中させた
focus /ˈfoʊkəs/: to direct your attention or effort at something specific
ex) She has an amazing ability to focus for hours at a time.
ex) We need to concentrate [=focus] on this problem.
concentrate /ˈkɑːnsənˌtreɪt/: to think about something : to give your attention to the thing you are doing, reading, etc.
ex) We need to concentrate on finding ways to work more efficiently.
アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 1,000
Casual English Phrases – #309
□ Concentration (トランプ遊び) 神経衰弱 = Memory
ex) Concentration requires a good memory to win.
神経衰弱で勝つためには よい記憶力が必要である
ex) Let’s play concentration!
concentration /ˌkɑːnsənˈtreɪʃən/ : a card game in which all of the cards are laid face down on a surface and two cards are flipped face up over each turn.
ex) Concentration can be played with regular playing cards.
ex) Calpico Concentrate is a healthy soft drink that undergoes lactic acid fermentation.
濃縮カルピコ(日本名 カルピス)は 乳酸発酵させた 健康に良い ソフトドリンクだ
concentrated /ˈkɑːnsənˌtreɪtəd/: made stronger or more pure by removing water
ex) Juice concentrate is a popular, affordable version of regular fruit juice.
英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 1,000
Advanced English Expressions – #256
□ lactic acid bacteria 乳酸菌
ex) Some major foods that depend on lactic acid bacteria include sauerkraut, yogurt and sourdough bread.
乳酸菌を取り入れた食べ物として ザワークラフト、ヨーグルト、サワードウがある
lactic acid /ˈlæktɪk-/: a chemical produced by the body in your muscles during exercise
ex) Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) is widespread microorganisms which can be found in any environment rich mainly in carbohydrates, such as plants and fermented foods.
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ex) Your essay seems unfocused and unclear.
君のエッセーは まとまりがなく、不明慮に思える
unfocused /ˌʌnˈfoʊkəst/: not focused
ex) I conducted an unfocused approach to studying.
□ focused attention and mind-wandering 意識の集中と 心の迷走
ex) Both focused attention and mind-wandering are important
意識の集中と 心の迷走 は 両方とも大切だ
ex) Reclaim your focus by letting your mind wander.
心を迷走させて 意識の集中を 取り戻して
wander /ˈwɑːndɚ/: to move around or go to different places usually without having a particular purpose or direction
ex) She walked to the office to focus her mind rather than letting her mind wander.
英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 1,000
Advanced English Expressions – #268
□ reclaim … を取り戻す、… を再要求する、再利用する、改善する
ex) If you want to reclaim you focus, you’re not alone.
集中力を取り戻したいと考える人は 大勢いる
reclaim /rɪˈkleɪm/: to get back (something that was lost or taken away)
ex) I need to improve focus and reclaim a wandering mind.
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ex) How can I achieve undivided focus in anything I do, be it studies or work?
勉強であれ、仕事であれ、絶え間ない集中力に 到達するには どうしたら よいのでしょうか?
undivided /ˌʌndəˈvaɪdəd/: complete or total
ex) You have my undivided [=full] attention.

英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 1,000
Advanced English Expressions – #324
□ focal point (議論の)焦点
ex) The new school curriculum was the focal point [=focus] of the debate.
議論の焦点は 学校の新カリキュラム であった
focal point /ˈfoʊkəl/ : a center of activity, interest, or attention
ex) This port was the focal point of trade two centuries ago.
□ focal 焦点の、重要な
ex) Water is the focal issue dominating the election campaign in India.
インドの選挙では 水の問題が 重要である
focal /ˈfoʊkəl/: having central or great importance
ex) The focal figure of the movie is a dancer who has boyfriend troubles.
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□ focus flexibility 眼の焦点を合わせる柔軟性
ex) Loss of focus flexibility is a typical eye problem.
焦点を合わせる柔軟性の低下は 典型的な 視力の問題だ
focus flexibility /ˌflɛksəˈbɪləti/ : the ability to change focus from a faraway object to a near one, or vice versa
ex) As we age, the focusing lenses become less flexible.

英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 1,000
Advanced English Expressions – #303
□ convergence 一点に集中すること、集合すること
ex) The convergence of cultures are found anywhere in the world.
文化の集結が 世界の 至る所で見受けられる
convergence /kənˈvɚʤəns/: the process or state of converging
ex) The convergence of political corruption and religious oppression led to civil war.
□ converge 一点に集中する、集合する
ex) Here the narrow shoulder disappears at a point where two lanes converge.
2本の道が 交わる箇所で (道路の)路肩が 消えてしまう
converge /kənˈvɚʤ/: to meet or come together to form a crowd or group
ex) Students converged in the parking lot to say goodbye after graduation.
英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 1,000
Advanced English Expressions – #229
□ diverge into … … に分岐する、分散する
ex) Get off at the station where the single line diverges into two separate lines.
diverge /dəˈvɚʤ/: to split and move out in different directions from a single point
ex) The track alignment must consider the requirements of the special trackwork layouts that will permit tracks to diverge, merge, and cross one another.
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ex) Students who wish to register for their intensive courses can do so independently.
集中講座に 登録を希望する学生は 個別に 申し込めます
intensive /ɪnˈtɛnsɪv/ : involving very great effort or work
ex) The intensive dance course is a program focusing on cross-disciplinary dance training that is designed to reflect the needs of today’s professional dance world.
関連する 初級者向け英語情報へ
courtesy from Merriam – Webster’s Learner’s Dictionary
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英会話 個人レッスンをご自宅で! アウトプット(実際に英語で話すこと)を中軸に置く、日本人講師による英会話 個人レッスンは、バランス感のあるもの。 翻訳・通訳の視点から 個に合わせ、個性あふれる 個人レッスンををまとめ上げる。 それが、私たちの仕事 – きっと気に入っていただけると思います。 4才の子供から、成人・ファミリーまで、東京・東京近郊。