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Worry – Uneasy – Unsettling – 「不安・心配・動揺」を英語で表現
A. Worry は 慢性的な 心配・悩みです。= fear
Be Worried は ある事象に関し、一定期間の心配・悩みです
□ worry 心配する
ex) My parents worry [=fear] that I won’t go to college.
両親は 私が大学に進学しない ことについて 心配している
ex) I’m starting to get a little worried about where he is.
彼が 今 どこにいるのか 心配になり始めた
worry /ˈwɚri/: to feel or show fear and concern because you think that something bad has happened or could happen
ex) Medical experts worry that a new strain of the virus will be more difficult to contain.
ex) Rain made the crew uneasy.
雨は 乗務員たちを 不安な気持ちにさせた
uneasy /ˌʌnˈiːzi/: worried or unhappy about something
ex) I’m (feeling) uneasy about/with the change.
□ unease 不安 = uneasiness
ex) That train wreck has heightened unease on their safety standards.
その電車事故は 運行上の安全基準に対しての 不安を高めた
unease /ˌʌnˈiːz/: a feeling of worry or unhappiness
ex) A feeling of unease came over her.
ex) She suffers from chronic anxiety.
彼女は 慢性的な 不安に悩まされていた
anxiety /aNGˈzīədē/: a feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease, typically about an imminent event or something with an uncertain outcome.
ex) He felt a surge of anxiety.
アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000
Casual English Phrases – #1,429
□ anxiety-laden … 不安を背負った …
ex) In an anxiety-laden crisis, overcoming your worries can provide a path forward.
不安の多い 危機の時代に於いて、心配事に打ち勝つことで 道は切り開ける
anxiety /æŋˈzajəti/: fear or nervousness about what might happen
ex) He suffers from test anxiety.
= excessive fear about taking tests.
□ laden (重いものを)運んでいる
ex) The last thing you want is to have your honeymoon worry-laden.
もっとも望まないことは 自分のハネムーンを 心配の種と しないことだ
laden /ˈleɪdn̩/: loaded heavily with something
ex) Snow-laden rooftops worry homeowners.
アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000
Casual English Phrases – #1,371
□ shake up 動揺させる
ex) The layoffs shook up the whole department.
その 一時解雇 は部署全体を動揺させた
shake up /ˈʃeɪkˈʌp/: : to upset … : to shock or frighten …
ex) The accident shook up both drivers.

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Advanced English Expressions – #397
□ unsettling 不安な、落ち着かない
ex) I have unsettling feelings that I can’t easily explain.
うまく説明できない 不安な気持ちでいる
unsettling /ˌʌnˈsɛtl̟ɪŋ/: making you upset, nervous, worried, etc.
ex) Mild anxiety might be vague and unsettling.
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Advanced English Expressions – #514
□ unnerving 不安をかき立てる、ぎょっとする
ex) Getting stuck for hours in traffic is unnerving.
交通渋滞に 数時間巻き込まれることは 不安をかき立てる
unnerving /ənˈnərviNG/: causing one to lose courage or confidence; disconcerting.
ex) I had an unnerving encounter with her yesterday.
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ex) There is some concern that the economy might worsen.
経済が 悪化するのではという 懸念がある
concern /kənˈsɚn/: a feeling of worry usually shared by many people
ex) They have expressed/voiced concern about the cost of the project.
□ concern 心配させる、懸念を持たせる
ex) They are concerned about their ability to attract consumers back after the restrictions are lifted.
彼らは 規制が解除された後 消費者を 呼び戻す力量があるかを 懸念している
concern /kənˈsɚn/: to make (someone) worried : to cause concern for (someone)
ex) Our mother’s illness concerns us.
ex) The digital revolution has written a nail-biting new chapter for book publishers.
デジタル化の革命は 出版社にとって 不安な第一章の始まりであった
nail-biting: causing great anxiety or tension
ex) The final game was nail-biting.
最終戦は ハラハラする 試合であった

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Advanced English Expressions – #194
□ perturb 心配、動揺、不安にさせる
ex) He looked very perturbed when he heard the news.
その ニュースを聞いた時 彼はとても 心配しているように 見えた
perturb /pɚˈtɚb/: to cause (someone) to be worried or upset
ex) It perturbed him that his son was thinking about leaving school.

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Advanced English Expressions – #942
□ wavering (感情など)揺らぐ、動揺する
ex) During a long lecture my attention will sometimes waver.
長時間の講義の間 私の 注意力は 揺らいだ
waver /ˈweɪvɚ/ : to become unsteady because of weakness, emotion, tiredness, etc.
ex) Her voice wavered [=quavered] as she told us about their argument.
英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 1,000
Advanced English Expressions – #436
□ fret 心配する、思い悩む
ex) It turned out that it was nothing to fret over.
最終的に それは 心配する必要のないことであると 分かった
fret /ˈfrɛt/ : to worry or be concerned
ex-lv) She fretted over every publication.
□ fretful 気難しい、(赤ちゃんなど)機嫌が悪い
ex) A fretful baby is one which fusses on and off during the day or night.
機嫌の悪い赤ちゃんは 昼夜問わず、断続的に 大きな声を出したりする
fretful /ˈfrɛtfəl/: upset and worried
ex) I can’t stand those fretful children.
アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000
Casual English Phrases – #296
□ have butterflies in one’s stomach 緊張する、不安になる
ex) I’ve got butterflies in my stomach.
butterflies /ˈbʌtɚˌflaɪz/: a nervous feeling in your stomach
ex) Even experienced musicians sometimes get butterflies before a performance.

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Advanced English Expressions – #415
□ apprehension 不安、心配
ex) The thought of moving to a new city fills me with apprehension.
新しい街へ 引っ越すことを考えると 不安な気持ちで一杯になる
apprehension /ˌæprɪˈhɛnʃən/: fear that something bad or unpleasant is going to happen
ex) Apprehensions are being voiced about our relations with the United States.
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Advanced English Expressions – #816
□ misgiving (自信のないこと)不安、懸念
ex) I felt some misgivings about his ability to do the job.
この仕事をこなすのに 不安を感じていた
misgiving /ˌmɪsˈgɪvɪŋ/: a feeling of doubt about something : a feeling that something might not be right or might not work as planned
ex) They regarded the plan with misgiving.
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Advanced English Expressions – #667
□ disconcert 混乱させる、動揺させる
ex) I was disconcerted by her tone of voice.
彼女の声音に 動揺した
disconcert /ˌdɪskənˈsɚt/: to make (someone) upset or embarrassed
ex) News of his criminal past has disconcerted even his admirers.
□ concerted 協力した、一致した、申し合わせた
ex) They made a concerted effort to make her feel welcome.
彼女を 温かく迎えるために、彼らは 協力し 努力した
concerted /kənˈsɚtəd/: done in a planned and deliberate way usually by several or many people
ex) A concerted action is done by several people or groups working together.

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Advanced English Expressions – #761
□ dispel (不安や 迷いを)一掃する、払いのける、(霧など)晴らす
ex) If there was a way to dispel all anxious feelings, I’d tell you, but there isn’t.
不安を払拭するための方法は ない
dispel /dɪˈspɛl/: to make (something, such as a belief, feeling, or idea) go away or end
ex) The experience dispelled some of our fears about the process.
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