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Soccer – Association Football 「サッカー」を英語で表現
A. アメリカやカナダなどの北米圏では、サッカーは Soccer、アメフトを (American) Football と言います。
一方、 イギリスを初め、欧州や南米では サッカーを Football を指します。
イギリスでは、サッカーの正式名を Association football と呼び、この言葉が、変化して Soccer という言葉が生まれたと言われます。
□ soccer サッカー
ex) People can play soccer recreationally or competitively.
サッカーは レクリエーションとして、または 競技として プレイされる
soccer /ˈsɑːkɚ/: a game played between two teams of 11 players in which a round ball is moved toward a goal usually by kicking
ex) Both of their children play soccer.
ex) The goalkeeper remains in the goal, and the remaining ten players are “outfield” players.
ゴールキーパーが ゴールに残り、残りの 10人が アウトフィールド・プレイヤーである
outfield /ˈaʊtˌfiːld/: the players who are positioned in the outfield
ex) The team has one of the best outfields in the league.
アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000
Casual English Phrases – #1,561
□ goalie ゴールキーパー = goalkeeper
ex) The goalie is the only player who can touch the ball with their hands.
goalie /ˈgoʊli/: a player who defends the goal in a game (such as soccer or hockey)
ex) There are several basic types of catches used by soccer goalies.
ex) The team with the most goals wins.
もっとも多く得点を獲得した チームが勝利を得る
goal /ˈgoʊl/ : the act of hitting, kicking, etc., a ball or puck into a goal or the score that results from doing this
ex) The team was ahead by a goal [=was ahead by one] when the third period started.
ex) If the ball goes out of bounds, the team who didn’t touch it last gets to throw or kick it back in.
ボールがサイドラインの外側に 出た時は、ボールを最後に触れなかったチームが、投げるか、蹴るかで、ボールを内側に戻すことができる
out of bounds /ˈbaʊnd/ : outside the area where players or the ball must stay in sports like basketball and American football
ex)The player stepped out of bounds to avoid being hit.
アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000
Casual English Phrases – #1,613
□ beyond the bounds 域を越えている、限度を超えた
ex) What you did was beyond the bounds of acceptable behaviour.
beyond the bounds /ˈbaʊnd/: outside or more than what is acceptable or likely
ex) I thought this theory was beyond the bounds of credibility.
アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000
Casual English Phrases – #1,562
□ referee 審判
ex) The referee can call fouls when players break the rules of the game.
選手がルールを破った時、審判は 反則を宣告することができる
referee /ˌrɛfəˈriː/: a person who makes sure that players act according to the rules of a game or sport
ex) She refereed the soccer game.
ex) If a player commits a foul or offense, the other team gets a free kick.
もし、選手が反則をしあ場合、相手のチームが フリーキックの権利を得る
foul /ˈfawəl/ : an action that is against the rules and for which a player is given a penalty
ex) She committed three fouls. = She was charged with three fouls.
アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000
Casual English Phrases – #1,614
□ call a foul (スポーツ)反則であると宣言する
ex) Kicking an opponent is not allowed in soccer and will result in a foul call.
foul /ˈfawəl/: an inappropriate or unfair act by a player as deemed by a referee
ex) As long as his move wasn’t too obvious, the ref would not call a foul.
ex) A throw-in is when the ball goes out of bounds on the sidelines and must be brought back into play.
ボールがサイドラインの外側に出た時、スローインにより ボールを、サイドラインの内側に戻さなければならない
throw–in /ˈθroʊˌɪn/: an act of throwing a ball into a playing area or to another player
ex) The opposing team gets a throw-in if the ball was last touched by the other team before it went out of bounds.

英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 2,000
Advanced English Expressions – #1,159
□ infraction 違反、反則
ex) A free kick in soccer is a restart of play after a foul or other infraction.
反則や 違反の後、試合を再開するために、サッカーでは フリーキックを行う
infraction /ɪnˈfrækʃən/: an act that breaks a rule or law : violation
ex) He was penalized for an infraction of the rules.
= He was penalized for a rules infraction.
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