初心者の方でも 簡単に使える トラベル英会話 フレーズ集 > Renting a car – レンタカーを予約・手配する
トラベル英会話 フレーズ集
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Renting a car – レンタカーを予約・手配する
C: customer 客
R: Rent-a-car clerk レンタカー会社 係員
ex) Avis is one of the world’s largest rental car companies.
Avis は 世界最大級のレンタカー会社だ
car rental: hire car, or car hire agency is a company that rents automobiles for short periods of time
ex) Rental car companies experience many different costs when a car is damaged or stolen
C: I’d like to rent a car. / I need to rent a car.
rent /ˈrɛnt/: to pay money in return for being able to use (something that belongs to someone else)
ex) We rented our friends’ cottage for the month of August.

アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 1,000
Casual English Phrases – #047
□ fender bender (車の)小さな傷
ex) I had a relatively small fender bender and repaired it myself.
比較的小さな傷を 車につけ、自分で修理した
fender benders /ˈbɛndɚ/: a minor car accident
ex) She had a fender bender. = She was in a fender bender.
R: What size are you thinking?
C: What sizes do you have?
size /ˈsaɪz/: the total amount of physical space that a person or thing occupies
ex) The cars are similar in size.
C: What are my options?
option /ˈɑːpʃən/: the opportunity or ability to choose something or to choose between two or more things
ex) We have a wide range of options available to us.
R: We have compact, medium, and full size.
compact /ˈkɑːmˌpækt/: a small car
ex) We have a new line of compacts [=compact cars].
C: I’d like a full size.
full–size /ˈfʊlˌsaɪz/: having the same size as the original
ex) A full-size car rental is helpful when needing more passenger room than a smaller car offers.
アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 1,000
Casual English Phrases – #707
□ lock oneself out (of a car) 車をロックアウトする (車内に鍵を置き忘れてドアを閉める状態)
ex) The car comes with a new feature that makes it impossible to lock yourself out.
その車には ロックアウト防止 の新機能が 搭載されている
lock out/ˈlɑːk/:lock somebody/yourself out (of something) to prevent somebody from entering a place by locking the door
ex) If you ever find yourself accidentally locked out of your car, here are the best approaches to take to save you a headache.
C: A medium will be fine.
medium /ˈmiːdijəm/: something that is the middle size when compared with things that are larger and smaller
ex) I take a medium.
□ what type of どんな種類の
R: What type of car do you want?
どんな種類の車が よろしいですか?

アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 1,000
Casual English Phrases – #060
□ head-on crash 衝突事故
ex) There was a head-on crash on the street yesterday.
昨日 路上で 正面衝突事故があった
head–on /ˈhɛdˈɑːn/: with the head or front hitting first
ex) The two cars collided head-on.
C: How much does it cost?
cost /ˈkɑːst/: to have (an amount of money) as a price
ex) Each ticket costs one dollar.
一日あたりの 料金はいくらですか?
C: How much is the rental?
レンタル代金は いくらですか?
R: Our rates are $50 a day.
R: It’s $35 per day.
一日 35ドルです
rate /ˈreɪt/: an amount that is paid
ex) The rate of a rental car depends on many factors and can vary greatly.
□ Fill it up, please. 満タンにしてください
ex) Fill it up with unleaded, please.
無鉛で 満タンにしてください
fill up /ˈfɪl/: to put fuel in a vehicle’s gas tank.
ex) Let me just stop and fill up before we get on the highway.
R: It’s $60 a day with unlimited mileage.
走行距離無制限で、1日 $60 です
unlimited mileage /ˌʌnˈlɪmətəd/: When you book a rental car with unlimited mileage, you are permitted to drive a limitless number of miles during your hire.
ex) Unlimited mileage is available for most car classes in the U.S.
R: Would you like me to charge it on this card?
このクレジットカードにチャージするのが よいですか?
charge /ˈtʃɑɚʤ/: to ask for (a specific amount of money) as a price, rate, or fee
ex) Will my credit card be charged when I make a car rental reservation?
R: How many days would you like to use it?
何日間 車を使用しますか?
□ for how many days 何日間に渡って
R: For how many days would you like to use it?
何日間に渡って 車を使用しますか?
Q. How many days と For how many days の違いは 何ですか?
A. 基本的に How many days = 何日間 を用いるころができます。
for は 期間を表す – For how many days = 何日間に渡って と 期間を強調する 口語英語です
□ for 3 days 3日間(に渡って)
C: I’ll need it for 3 days.
R: How long for?
* How long = How long for: How long itself expresses duration. So it may not be necessary to use to use ‘for‘ in the beginning of the sentence.
R: Could I see your driver’s licence?
* イギリスでは driver’s licence のほか driving licence も使われます。
driving licence: a document permitting a person to drive a motor vehicle
ex) Driving licence categories will usually explain what vehicles you can drive.
□ international driver’s licence 国際運転免許証
C: Is the international driver’s licence fine?
国際運転免許証で よいでしょうか?
driver’s licence : a license issued under governmental authority that permits the holder to operate a motor vehicle.
ex) A driver’s license that is current or expired less than six months can be renewed.

英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 1,000
Advanced English Expressions – #977
□ revocation (免許書などの)取り消し、撤回
ex) Not paying the fine may mean revocation of your driver’s license.
罰金を支払わない ことにより 運転免許が取り消されることもある
revocation /ˌrɛvəˈkeɪʃən/: the official cancellation of a decree, decision, or promise
ex) For those who break the law, revocation of their liquor license may result.
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R: It will take 5 minutes for the driver to bring the car around. Please have a seat.
配車まで5分かかります。 座って待っていてください
bring around /ˈbrɪŋ/: to take someone or something somewhere, especially to someone’s house
ex) “I’ll bring the car around” implies that the car is close by.
ex) You’ll pay for car insurance and other upgrades on a daily basis.
自動車保険と オプション分を レンタル日数分 支払います
insurance /ɪnˈʃɚrəns/: an agreement in which a person makes regular payments to a company and the company promises to pay money if the person is injured or dies, or to pay money equal to the value of something (such as a house or car) if it is damaged, lost, or stolen
ex) We were confused about whether or not to buy extra insurance when standing at the rental car counter.

英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 1,000
Advanced English Expressions – #978
□ coverage 保険の補償(範囲)
ex) Many credit card companies include coverage for rental cars.
多くのクレジット・カード(会社)が レンタカーの保険補償を 含んでいる
coverage /ˈkʌvərɪʤ/: the financial protection that is provided by an insurance policy
ex) She has no insurance coverage. = She does not have insurance.
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R: Can I return the car at a different place?
借りた所と 違う場所で返却できますか?
return /rəˈtərn/: give, put, or send (something) back to a place or person.
ex) Even returning the car a few hours late could result in you being charged an extra day’s rental.
R: You should return the car with a full tank of gas, or we’ll charge you for that.
車は ガソリンを満タンにして 返却してください。 そうでない場合、ガソリン代を請求します
tank /ˈtæŋk/: to fill a vehicle with fuel
ex) We should tank up [=fill up] before we leave.
C: I’ll keep that in mind.
分かりました。 覚えておきます
in mind /ˈmaɪnd/: in your thoughts
ex) We designed this product with people like you in mind.
= ex) We designed it for people like you.
アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000
Casual English Phrases – #061
□ replace spent fuel (レンタカー返却時に)使った分のガソリンを補充する
ex) Renters can’t evade responsibility to replace spent fuel.
レンタカーを借りた人は 使った分の ガソリンを補充する義務がある
replace /rɪˈpleɪs/: to put (something) where it was before
ex) Replace the fuel and return the vehicle with the same level of gas or electric charge it had at the start of your trip.
覚えておこう! 海外旅行で必須の シンプルな英語表現・フレーズ集
courtesy from Merriam – Webster’s Learner’s Dictionary
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