初心者の方でも 簡単に使える トラベル英会話 フレーズ集 > レストランで食事をする – having dinner at a restaurant
トラベル英会話 フレーズ集
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レストランで使える 英語フレーズ – Having Dinner at a Restaurant
C: customer 顧客
W: waiter レストラン・ウエイター
□ have a reservation 予約している
ex) We have a reservation for a dinner at 6.50 pm.
6時50分に 夕食の予約をしています
reservation /ˌrɛzɚˈveɪʃən/: an arrangement to have something (such as a room, table, or seat) held for your use at a later time
ex) We made dinner reservations at the restaurant for 6 o’clock.
C: We have a dinner reservation for two at 7pm under the name of …
… の名前で 7時から2名で 夕食の予約をしています
C: There’s a reservation by the name of Yamada.
ヤマダ と言う 名前で 予約しています
under the name of: used to say that something officially or legally belongs to a specified person.
ex) We both own the house, but the car is under my name.
W: Would you follow me, please?
こちらへ お越しいただけますか?
W: Come this way, please.
follow /ˈfɑːloʊ/: to go or come after or behind (someone or something)
ex) She followed us into the kitchen.
ex) Food runners generally work during a restaurant’s busiest hours.
ウエーターの補助スタッフ はレストランの忙しい時間に 働きます
runner /ˈrʌnɚ/: a restaurant worker who helps the wait staff improve the dining experience for customers
ex) Like most food runners, his job is to deliver plates from the kitchen to the tables.
英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 1,000
Advanced English Expressions – #265
□ auxiliary 補助の、補助的な
ex) Runners in a restaurant are auxiliary waiting staff, assisting the waiters with the delivery of food to customers.
レストランのランナー (Runner) とは、ウエーター補助スタッフ (Auxiliary Waiting Staff) はウエーターが料理を運ぶのを 手伝います
auxiliary /ɑgˈzɪljəri/: available to provide extra help, power, etc., when it is needed
ex) He would encourage them to be the auxiliary bartender by asking them to help him serve the overflowing table.
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□ a drink 飲物(アルコール、ノンアルコール どちらも含む)
W: Can I get you a drink?
飲物は いかがですか?
drink /ˈdrɪŋk/: a liquid that you can drink : beverage
ex) We serve coffee, tea, and other hot drinks.
□ start off with … … から始める
W: Can I start you off with anything to drink?
何か飲物から 始めるのはいかがですか?
W: What would you like to start with?
(料理) 何からお出ししましょうか?
start off with /ˈstɑɚt/: to start or cause (something) to start in a specified way
ex) We started off the meal with shrimp cocktails.
C: I’ll have the green salad to start.
まず グリーンサラダをお願いします
start off with: to start or cause (something) to start in a specified way
ex) We started off the meal with shrimp cocktails.
アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 1,000
Casual English Phrases – #219
□ wine and dine 豪華な食事を提供する
ex) We were wined and dined every night and given the best hotel accommodations in town.
私たちは 毎晩 豪華な食事を提供され、市内で一番良い 宿泊施設を与えられた
wine and dine: provide with food and drink, usually lavishly
ex) The lobbyists wined and dined the senators one by one in order to influence them.

英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 2,000
Advanced English Expressions – #1,094
□ locally sourced … (食材など) 地元で採れた
ex) Southern California is an ideal place for sourcing excellent seafood.
南カリフォルニアは 素晴らしいシーフードを調達するのに 最適な場所だ
source /ˈsoɚs/ : obtain from a particular source
ex) Locally sourced food generally refers to products served and consumed within a 100 to 150 mile radius of where they’re grown.
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W. Would you care for something to drink?
飲物は いかがですか?
care for (something) : to like or enjoy (something)
ex) I don’t care for [=like] jelly beans.
C: I’ll have a beer as well.
私にも ビールをお願いします
as well /ˈwɛl/: with equal reason or an equally good result
ex) The same one for me as well, please.
Casual English Phrases – #190
□ a brew 一杯のビール
ex) Let’s have a brew!
brew /ˈbruː/: a drink (such as beer or ale) that is made by brewing
ex) Let us get a bottle of brew.
アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 1,000
Casual English Phrases – #696
□ hold on to 持ち続ける
ex) Can I hold onto the menu?
ex) I’ll just hold on to the local currency as I am sure to be back within a year.
この地に 1年以内に戻ってくるので 現地通貨を(両替せず)持ち続けます
hold on to /ˈhoʊld/: keep
ex) Those people can hold on to negative things for far too long.
レストランで 食事を注文する
W: May I take down your order now?
W: Your order will be ready any minute now.
ご注文の料理は もうすぐ 出来上がります
take down /ˈteɪk/: write down
ex) The waiter did not write our order down.

英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 1,000
Advanced English Expressions – #073
□ sumptuous dinner 贅沢な夕食
ex) When really hungry, every dinner can be a real sumptuous dinner.
空腹の時 どんな夕食も 本当に贅沢な 夕食になりえる
sumptuous /ˈsʌmpʃəwəs/: very expensive, rich, or impressive
ex) We enjoyed a sumptuous dinner.
□ sumptuous 豪華な、ぜいたくな
ex) The dishes were sumptuously cooked and sumptuously served.
その料理は 贅沢に調理され、贅沢な見た目で 提供された
sumptuous(ˈsəm(p)(t)SH(o͞o)əs): splendid and expensive-looking
ex) A sumptuous breakfast of bacon was shortly provided.
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W: Are you ready to order yet?
ready /ˈrɛdi/: prepared to do something
ex) We are ready to make changes.
C: Can we have a few more minutes please?
もう少し時間をもらっても よいでしょうか?
have a minute /ˈmɪnət/: have a short period of time available
ex) Do you have a minute?
C: We’d like a little longer, please.
long /ˈlɑːŋ/ : lasting or continuing for a great amount of time
ex) We will have to wait a little bit longer for the answer.
C: I can’t decide between the pizza and pasta.
ピザにするか、パスタにするか 迷っています
decide /dɪˈsaɪd/ : to make a choice about (something)
ex) Voters must decide between the two candidates.
W: Call me when you’re ready to place your order.
注文する準備が出来たら 呼んでください
C: This isn’t what I ordered.
この料理は 私が注文したものと違います
order /ˈoɚdɚ/: a request for food or drinks made at a restaurant
ex) Please wait in this line to place your order.
アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 1,000
Casual English Phrases – #423
□ an order of … …. を一人前
C: May I get an order of pizza?
order/ˈɔːr.dɚ/: a request to make, supply, or deliver food or goods
ex) Can I have a large order of tortilla chips?

steak for the main course
□ main course メインコース、メイン料理 = main dish
C: I’ll have the steak for the main course.
メインは ステーキをお願いします
main course: the most substantial course of a meal
ex) You can choose shrimp as an appetizer or main dish.
アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 1,000
Casual English Phrases – #251
□ impeccable (誉め言葉)完璧な、申し分のない
ex) This potato sald tastes impeccable.
このポテトサラダは 秀逸だ
impeccable /ɪmˈpɛkəbəl/: free from fault or error
ex) He speaks impeccable [=perfect] English.
bring /ˈbrɪŋ/: to come with (something or someone) to a place
ex) The waitress brought her pad and pencil to the table, rushed quickly through the specials, and stood impatiently waiting on our order. “What’ll it be, folks?”
W: I’ll change it for you straightaway.
straightaway /ˌstreɪtəˈweɪ/: without any delay
ex) He found the information straightaway.
レストランで デザートを注文する
□ serving size (食べ物)一人前の量
ex) How much is one serving of ice cream.
アイスクリームの一人前の量は どれ位ですか?
serving /ˈsɚvɪŋ/: an amount of food or drink that is enough for one person
ex) This is my third serving of ice cream.
W: Would you like to finish your evening with us with some dessert?
C: What’s on the dessert menu?
デザートメニューに 何がありますか?
C: I am full after the meal.
dessert /dɪˈzɚt/: sweet food eaten after the main part of a meal
ex) She doesn’t care for rich desserts.
レストランで 会計を済ませる
C: I’d like the check, please.
check /ˈtʃɛk/: a bill for the food and drinks that are served in a restaurant
ex) She asked the waiter for the check.
C: Do you accept credit cards?
accept /ɪkˈsɛpt/: to take (something) as payment
ex) The restaurant doesn’t accept credit cards.
アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 1,000
Casual English Phrases – #570
□ pick up the tab (レストランなどで)勘定を支払う、おごる
ex) I still think a guy should pick up the tab on a first date.
初めてのデートでは 男性が 飲食代を 支払うべきだと思う
tab /ˈtæb/: a record of the things (such as drinks at a bar) that a customer has ordered and will pay for later
ex) She offered to pick up the tab.
= pay the bill for the meal.
C: Is service included?
サービス料は 入っていますか?
W: That’ll be $25 including service.
サービス料込みで 25ドルです
はい どうぞ。 お釣りは取っておいて
□ Keep the change. お釣りは 取っておいて
ex) When you say keep the change, it doesn’t matter the amount of money, lower or higher.
お釣りは 取っておいて と言うと 渡すお金の量が 少ないか、多いかは 重要でない
keep the change: a n instruction to a taxi driver, waiter etc. to keep the change from the amount handed over as a tip
ex) If you give a tip, “Keep the Change.” only applies to your benevolence.
覚えておこう! 海外旅行で必須の シンプルな英語表現・フレーズ集
courtesy from Merriam – Webster’s Learner’s Dictionary
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英会話 家庭教師 – MyPace English (マイペース・イングリッシュ)
英会話 個人レッスンをご自宅で! アウトプット(実際に英語で話すこと)を中軸に置く、日本人講師による英会話 個人レッスンは、バランス感のあるもの。 翻訳・通訳の視点から 個に合わせ、個性あふれる 個人レッスンををまとめ上げる。 それが、私たちの仕事 – きっと気に入っていただけると思います。 4才の子供から、成人・ファミリーまで、東京・東京近郊。