初心者の方でも 簡単に使える トラベル英会話 フレーズ集 > Shopping for clothing – ショッピング・洋服を買う
トラベル英会話 フレーズ集
パッケージ旅行でなく、個人旅行で海外へ。ホテルでのチェックイン、ショッピング、両替、レストランの予約など 海外旅行に必要な英語は シンプルなセンテンスが中心。
ブロークン英語でも 通じることもあるけれど、フルセンテンスで話す習慣を持つと 英語力は 飛躍的にアップ。 海外旅行に必要な 基本英語フレーズを 覚えましょう。
Shopping for clothing – ショッピング・洋服を買う
C: Customer 顧客
S: Shop clerk 店員
□ go shopping 買い物に出かける
ex) I went shopping at a boutique.
□ shop for … を買う
ex) She is shopping for a new shirt.
新しいシャツを 買いに出かけている
shop /ˈʃɑːp/ : to visit places where goods are sold in order to look at and buy things
ex) He is out shopping.

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アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000
Casual English Phrases – #405
□ come in … を取り揃える(色、サイズ違いなど)
ex) The shirt comes in two different color.
シャツは2色 取り揃えています
ex) Does this shirt come in different sizes?
このシャツで サイズ違い はありますか?
come in all shapes and sizes: there are a large number of them, and that they are often very different from each other
ex) The jeans come in all shapes and sizes.
C: Do you have this shirt in different colors?
S: If you need different colors just ask and I will get it for you.
もし 色違いが必要であれば、お持ちします

on Display
□ on display 展示中の
C: Where is the green shirt you have on display in the shop window?
店のウインドーに飾られている 緑のシャツはどこにありますか?
on display /dɪˈspleɪ/: put somewhere for people to see : in a display
ex) Autographed baseballs are on display at the show.

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Casual English Phrases – #178
□ break the bank 大金を使う、大金をかける (通常 not や without を用いる)
ex) Dress fashionably without breaking the bank.
大金をかけることなく 着飾りましょう
ex) It is easy to make repairs to a jacket on your own without breaking the bank.
break the bank: to cost a lot of money —usually used in negative statements
ex) Buy a car that’s dependable but won’t break the bank.
S: What size are you?
cf) What size do you wear?
C: I’m a Medium.
M (ミディアム)を着ています

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Casual English Phrases – #729
□ one-size-fits-all フリーサイズの = OSFA
ex) One-size-fits-all shirts may be too tight on larger people and too loose on smaller people.
フリーサイズのシャツは 体の大きな人には小さく、体の小さな人には 大きいかもしれない
one-size-fits-all /ˈfɪt/ : designed to conform to all shapes and sizes
ex) With growing kids, one size does not fit all.
ex) Medium is my size for shirts.
シャツは M (ミディアム)を着ています
C: I can’t seem to find my size.
自分のサイズが 見つからないのですが
□ Sizes vary widely between brands, a size Medium in Ralph Lauren may be more like a Large in CK.
サイズは ブランドによって 大きく異なります。 ラルフローレンの M サイズは CK の L 位のように
size /ˈsaɪz/: how large or small someone or something is
ex) To determine your shirt collar size, you need to measure around your neck just above your collarbone.
ex) Do you have this shirt in stock?
このシャツの在庫は ありますか?
stock /ˈstɑːk/: the supply of goods available for sale in a store
ex) Do you have any more light socks in stock?
ex) Dress shirts are sized by the neck measurements.
ドレスシャツは 首回りの寸法ごとで 製造されています
size /ˈsaɪz/: to arrange or classify (things) in different groups according to size
ex) Men’s pants are sized in inches.
ex) Can you measure my arm length?
ex) I’m being measured for a new suit.
新しいスーツのために (体のサイズを)測ってもらっています
measure /ˈmɛʒɚ/: to find out the size of (someone) for clothing
ex) How do you measure for leg length discrepancy?
英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 2,000
Advanced English Expressions – #305
□ discrepancy (数字などの)食い違い、相違
ex) Please note in advance that there may be a slight discrepancy in dyed color and sizing.
染色や サイズに わずかな 相違があるかも知れませんので 予めご了承ください
discrepancy /dɪˈskrɛpənsi/: a difference especially between things that should be the same
ex) Discrepancies in the firm’s financial statements led to an investigation.
ex) If your measurement is between M and L sizes, I recommend you move up to the larger size.
もし あなたのサイズが M と L の中間なら、大きい方のサイズを選ぶことを お勧めします
measurement /ˈmɛʒɚmənt/: a size, length, or amount known by measuring something
ex) The tailor took his measurements, and his waist measurement is 36 inches.
S: What are your measurements for pants?
ズボンのサイズは いくつですか?
measurement /ˈmɛʒɚmənt/: a size, length, or amount known by measuring something
ex) The tailor took his measurements, and his waist measurement is 36 inches.
□ inseam 股下
ex) I’m a 31 waist and a 28 inseam.
ウエストが 31インチ、股下が28インチです
inseam /ˈɪnˌsiːm/: the line where two parts of a pair of pants are sewn together from the top of the inside of the leg to the bottom also : the length of this line
ex) I am 6 feet and I have always wore a 33-inch inseam.
C: Can I try this shirt on?
try on: to put on (a garment) in order to test the fit
ex) I’ll go try it on.

fitting room
□ fitting room 試着室
C: Can you tell me where the fitting room is?
試着室が どこにあるか 教えてください
□ dressing room 試着室
C: Do you have a dressing room?
fitting room: a room in a store in which one can try on clothes before deciding whether to purchase them
ex) Stay outside the fitting room and have your daughter come out and model for you if you want to see the fit.
C: That fits me.
サイズは ぴったりです
= It’s just my size.
C: These pants fit my waist without needing a belt.
このズボンは ベルト無しで ぴったりです
S: It fits you and you look very pretty in it.
サイズもぴったりで お似合いですよ
fit /ˈfɪt/: to be the right size and shape for (someone or something)
ex) The suit fits him perfectly.
C: It’s a little too loose.
loose /ˈluːs/: not fitting close to your body : not tight
ex) She was wearing a loose skirt.
C: It’s a little too tight around my arms.
腕のあたりが 少しきついです
tight /ˈtaɪt/: fitting very close to your body
ex) I got a tight pair of jeans.
C: Do you have alteration service?
お直しの サービスはありますか?
S: Alterations normally takes 5 days.
お直しは 通常5日かかります
alteration /ˌɑːltəˈreɪʃən/: the act, process, or result of changing or altering something
ex) They did a good job on the dress alteration.
□ get … altered … をお直しする
C: How much will it cost if I get the shirt altered?
お直しをしてもらうとすると 料金はいくらかかりますか?
alter /ˈɑːltɚ/ : to make a change to (a piece of clothing) so that it will fit better
ex) I’ll need to have/get the dress altered before the wedding.
S: Will that be all? (Is there) anything else?
(買いたい物は)これで 全部ですか?
C: Actually I’d also like…
実は … も探しているんです
C: No, that’s it thanks.
これで 全てです
S: Is there anything else I can assist you with?
assist /əˈsɪst/: to give support or help
ex) We assist our customers with self-service kiosks.
ex) The checkout clerk might ask some questions.
レジの担当者が 2、3質問をするかも知れません
checkout /ˈtʃɛkˌaʊt/: the place or area where goods are paid for in a store (such as a supermarket)
ex) There was a long line at the checkout.

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アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000
Casual English Phrases – #354
□ checkout レジの会計
ex) I’m in line at the checkout.
レジでの会計を待って 列に並んでいる
ex) I’m being checked out.
checkout /ˈtʃɛkˌaʊt/: the place or area where goods are paid for in a store (such as a supermarket)
ex) There was a long line at the checkout.

英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 2,000
Advanced English Expressions – #069
□ redeem (商品券・クーポンなど)商品と引き換える
ex) This coupon can be redeemed for a free coffee at several local restaurants.
このクーポンは 市内幾つかの レストランで 無料のコーヒーと 引き換えられる
ex) You have a credit. Redeem it for any items of your choice.
支払い差額のクレジットがあります。 お好みの商品 どれでも (クレジットと引き換えで)ご利用いただけます。
redeem /rɪˈdiːm/: to exchange (something, such as a coupon or lottery ticket) for money, an award, etc.
ex) You have 90 days to redeem your winning lottery ticket.

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アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000
Casual English Phrases – #466
□ impulse purchase 衝動買い
ex) Impulse buying happens when we want to pamper ourselves.
衝動買いは 自分を甘やかしたい時に 起こる
□ make an impulse buy on … … を衝動買いをする
ex) I regret making an impulse buy on this coat.
コートを衝動買いしたことを 悔やんでいる
impulse purchase /ˈɪmˌpʌls/: an unplanned decision to buy a product or service, made just before a purchase
ex) A whopping 77 percent said they had made an impulse buy in the past three months.

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アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000
Casual English Phrases – #467
□ whopping 途方もなく(大きい)
ex) The car sped by at a whopping 110 miles per hour.
その車は 時速110マイルのスピードで 走行した
whopping /ˈwɑːpɪŋ/: very large, impressive, etc.
ex) The play was a whopping success.

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アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000
Casual English Phrases – #188
□ shopping spree 買い漁り
ex) Your shopping spree never ends.
spree /ˈspriː/: a short period of time when you do a lot of something
ex) A person who comes home after a day-long shopping spree may start feeling guilty.
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