初心者の方でも 簡単に使える トラベル英会話 フレーズ集 > ガソリンスタンドで給油する – Gas Station
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ガソリンスタンドで給油する – Gas Station
関連する情報: Renting a car – レンタカーを予約・手配する
ex) I’m looking for a self-service gas station.
gas station /ˈgæs/: a place where gasoline for vehicles is sold
ex) I asked someone from the gas station to pump my gas for me.
□ full-service フルサービスの ⇔ self-service
ex) Full-service gas stations are increasingly scarce.
フルサービスの ガソリンスタンドは少なくなってきています
full-service /ˈsɚv/: providing comprehensive service of a particular kind
ex) Full service gas stations have gas station attendants that will pump your gas for you.
ex) People with disabilities need assistance at self-serve gas stations.
障害のある人たちは セルフサービスのガソリンスタンドで、アシストが必要だ
□ self-serve … セルフサービスの / 名詞は self service
ex) For drinks, there’s usually a self-serve water machine with cups.
飲物に関しては、コップと一緒に セルフサービスの 飲み水用のディスペンサーがある
ex) Cold water are self-serve.
冷たい水は セルフサービスです
self-serve (ˈsɚv): work or act for your own advantage
ex) Self-served tea and ice water is usually complimentary.

英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 1,000
Advanced English Expressions – #980
□ renewable fuel 再生可能燃料
ex) Biodiesel is a renewable fuel that can be manufactured from vegetable oils.
バイオディーゼルは 野菜油から 作られる 再生可能エネルギーである
renewable /rɪˈnuːwəbəl/ : restored or replaced by natural processes : able to be replaced by nature
ex) Renewable fuels such as biofuels, bioethanol, and biodiesel are sustainable and can be used as a potential source of heat by combusting them.
Facebook で 毎日更新! – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 1,000 - Click! して、「いいね!」 して

gas station attendant
□ attendant (ガソリンスタンドなどの)係員
ex) An attendant at a gas station may wash the customer’s windows.
ガソリンスタンドの係員は 窓拭きも行なう
attendant /əˈtɛndənt/: an employee who serves or helps customers
ex) She let the parking attendant park her car.
ex) My car is out of gas with no filling station in sight.
gas = gasoline /ˈgæsəˌliːn/: a liquid made from petroleum and used especially as a fuel for engines
ex) Running out of gas in the middle of nowhere is among drivers’ biggest fears.
ex) I’m running out of gas.
run out: to become used up
ex) The gasoline ran out before we got to Denver.
アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 1,000
Casual English Phrases – #077
□ hit-and-run 当て逃げの
ex) The dent must be the result of a hit-and-run minor collusion.
その車のへこみは ちょっとした当て逃げの結果に 違いない
hit–and–run /ˌhɪtn̩ˈrʌn/: involving a driver who does not stop after causing an accident
ex) Police are looking for an unidentified hit-and-run driver.
= What can I do for you?
ex) What’ll it be today? Bone-in chicken or boneless?
ex) Can I check the oil for you today?
oil (ˈojəl): petroleum (pəˈtroʊlijəm)
ex) You should check the oil at least once every couple of weeks.
ex) 1 U.S. gallon is approximately 3.7 liters.
1ガロンは 約 3.7リットルです
gallon /ˈgælən/: US : a unit of liquid measurement equal to four U.S. quarts or 3.785 liters
ex) The average price of a gallon of regular gas is about $3.67.

□ pump ガソリン補充機
ex) Pull up to the pump.
ガソリン補充機に寄せて 車を止めて
pump /ˈpʌmp/: a device that forces liquid, air, or gas into or out of something
ex) Don’t worry about overflows, gas pumps shut off automatically when your tank is almost full.
ex) I want to fill my tank up halfway.
fill up: to put fuel in a vehicle’s gas tank.
ex) Let me just stop and fill up before we get on the highway.
ex) Fill it up with unleaded, please.
無鉛で 満タンにしてください
□ Fill’er up. 満タンにしてください
= Fill up the tank.
ex) Can I have 20 dollars worth of unleaded.
無鉛を 20ドル分お願いします
worth /ˈwɚθ/: having money and possessions equal in value to (an amount)
ex) I’ll get about 300 miles for $20 worth of gas if I take it easy with my driving.
ex) Which side of your car is the tank located on?
車の どちら側に タンクは設置されていますか?
locate /ˈloʊˌkeɪt/: to make an area, city, etc., your home or the place where your business operates
ex) The gas station is located near the airport.
ex) Our attendant will pump gas for you.
ex) The standard for tipping these attendants is $2 if windows are washed and gas is pumped.
係員に 窓を拭いてもらい、ガソリンを入れてもらった際、チップは2ドルが標準だ
□ pump your own gas 自分で給油する
ex) Our state is has laws against people pumping their own gas.
私たちの州では 自分で給油する(セルフサービス)ことが 禁じられている
pump /ˈpʌmp/ : to flow in a series of movements caused by the action of a pump
ex) It’s dangerous to pump gas with your car running.
ex) Pump nozzles are made to fit into your gas tank.
給油ノズルは ガスタンクに 入るように 作られている
nozzle /ˈnɑːzəl/: a short tube that is put on the end of a hose or pipe to control the way a liquid or gas flows out
ex) The diesel nozzle is usually slightly larger and colored green.
ex) On most pumps, you can lock the trigger to let the gas flow continuously.
trigger /ˈtrɪgɚ/: a lever on a gun that you pull to fire the gun
ex) Pull the trigger on the pump to activate the gasoline.
ex) Remove the nozzle and insert the nozzle into the gas port of your car.
給油ノズルを外して 給油口に差し込んで
port /ˈpoɚt/: a place where you can connect a piece of equipment (such as a printer or mouse) to a computer
ex) If you should spill gasoline around the gas port, there are usually paper towels available at the side of the pump.
ex) The car wash track will drag your car through the system.
洗車機が あなたの車を 中に引き込みます
car wash /ˈwɑːʃ/: a building containing equipment for washing cars or other vehicles automatically.
ex) It might be wise to lock the windows so that they do not accidentally get rolled down during the car wash.
アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 1,000
Casual English Phrases – #701
□ squeegee スクイージー ゴム製ブレードが先端に取り付けられたワイパー、ガラス拭き用 掃除道具
ex) The squeegee leaves streaks and dirt behind.
スクイージーが 線や 汚れを残します
squeegee /ˈskwiːˌʤiː/ : atool that has a blade of rubber attached to a handle and that is used for spreading or wiping liquid on, across, or off a surface (such as a window or floor)
ex) When you use the gas station squeegee to wash the exterior of your vehicle, you risk scratching your paint.
ex) I paid at the pump with my credit card.
クレジットカードで 給油機で 支払いを済ませた
at the pump /ˈpʌmp/: at the places where customers buy gasoline for their cars
ex) Prices are higher at the pump. [=gas prices are higher]
ex) 20 on 7 20ドル分、給油機7番で
ex) Can I get $20 on 7, please?
20ドル分、給油機7番で お願いできますか
pump number /ˈpʌmp/: the pump serial number
ex) Pump number three, please.
覚えておこう! 海外旅行で必須の シンプルな英語表現・フレーズ集
courtesy from Merriam – Webster’s Learner’s Dictionary
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