初心者の方でも 簡単に使える トラベル英会話 フレーズ集 > 商品を返品する – Returning an item bought in a shop
トラベル英会話 フレーズ集
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購入商品を返品・返金・交換する – Returning an item bought in a shop
Shopping for clothing – ショッピング・洋服を買う
ex) I’d like to return this shirt I’ve bought at this store.
このお店で買った このシャツを返品したいのですが
return /rɪˈtɚn/ : to bring, give, send, or take (something) to the place that it came from or the place where it should go
ex) I have to return a book to the library.
ex) I’m heading back to the shop to return the item.
商品を返品しに 店に戻ります
head /ˈhɛd/: : to go in a specified direction or toward a specified place
ex) She turned around and headed (for) home.
ex) Just bring the purchased item back in, we ’ll refund 100% of your money.
bring back /ˈbrɪŋ/: to come back with (something or someone)
ex) The system automatically instructs cashiers to reject returns when customers bring back items too often.
ex) This shirt is defective and needs to be returned.
defective /dɪˈfɛktɪv/: having a problem or fault that prevents something from working correctly : having a defect or flaw
ex) Our car had defective [=faulty] brakes, so we had them replaced.
□ product defective (商品など)欠陥、不良
ex) A wide range of circumstances can render a product defective.
さまざまな 状況で 不良品は 発生する
defective /dɪˈfɛktɪv/: having a problem or fault that prevents something from working correctly : having a defect or flaw
ex) Our car had defective [=faulty] brakes, so we had them replaced.

英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 1,000
Advanced English Expressions – #150
□ faulty 欠陥のある
ex) You can only return non-faulty items if the retailer has a returns policy.
お店が 代金返却方針 を持っている場合のみ 欠陥のない商品を 返品できる
faulty /ˈfɑːlti/: having a mistake, fault, or weakness
ex) They’re telling customers to send faulty items back to manufacturers.
Facebook で 毎日更新! – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 1,000 - Click! して、「いいね!」 して
ex) The shop will allow you to exchange the damaged item.
お店は 破損している商品を交換してくれます
damage /ˈdæmɪʤ/ : to cause damage to (something)
ex) Please return any items that are damaged during shipping.
– I find a small hole in it.
小さな 穴が開いています
– a button is missing.
– I’ve bought the wrong item.
ex) Some stores will refund without a receipt.
レシート無しでも 返金してくれる店もあります
receipt /rɪˈsiːt/: a piece of paper on which the things that you buy or the services that you pay for are listed with the total amount paid and the prices for each
ex) Keep your receipt in case you need to return anything.
ex) Can I have a full refund for the return?
refund /ˈriːˌfʌnd/: an amount of money that is given back to someone who has returned a product, paid too much, etc.
ex) No refunds or exchanges are allowed.
□ issue a refund 返金する
ex) They will issue a refund on the spot.
その場で 返金するでしょう
issue a refund /ˈɪˌʃuː/: to return the money you have received
ex) You’ll have 5 business days to inspect the item and issue a refund.
ex) The sales clerk failed to mention to me prior that the items were non-refundable.
店員は これらの商品が 返金不可であることを 事前に私に告げていなかった
ex) I don’t want to let the non-refundable jacket collect dust in my closet.
返品不可のジャケットを タンスの肥やしに したくない
refundable /rɪˈfʌndəbəl/ to give back or restore (especially money)
ex) All SALE and promotional-priced items are non-returnable.
アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 1,000
Casual English Phrases – #579
□ collect dust 埃をかぶる、使われていない = gather the dust
ex) Unworn jewelry shouldn’t be left to collect dust.
使っていない 宝石類を 埃を かぶせたままにしてはいけない
collect dust /ˈdʌst/ : not being used
ex) The book just sat on the shelf gathering dust.
□ non-returnable items 返品不可の商品
ex) Undergarments are non-returnable.
下着類は 返品が不可です
returnable /rɪˈtɚnəbəl/: allowed to be returned
ex) Sale items are not returnable.
ex) Most stores have refund policies, but they can vary.
お店により 代金返却方針 が異なる
□ a time limit in the refund policy 代金返却方針の期限
ex) Stores usually have a time limit in their refund policy.
お店は 代金返却方針に 返却期限を設けている
policy /ˈpɑːləsi/: an officially accepted set of rules or ideas about what should be done
ex) Check your order confirmation e-mail to find its brand return policy here.
□ take back 返品に応じる
ex) The shop will take the shirt back and refund the money.
お店は 返品に応じ、お金を返してくれるでしょう
ex) You might also want to exchange the item or ask for store credit.
商品を交換することも 出来るし、同金額分の買い物にすることもできる
store credit: the store opens an account with a positive balance for the customer, so he can apply this balance toward the cost of another purchase
ex) Almost every consumer has returned a purchased retail item for a refund, exchange, or store credit at some point.
ex) I’d like to trade this shirt for a different size.
このシャツを サイズ違いのものに 交換してほしい
trade /ˈtreɪd/: to give something to someone and receive something in return : to give something in exchange for
ex) I’ll trade my chips for your popcorn.
= I’ll trade you my chips for your popcorn.
ex) You’ll first return this shirt in store and then purchase a replacement.
まず このシャツを返品して、交換品を購入してください
□ replacement or refund 交換か 返金
ex) You may be entitled to a replacement or refund if the goods you purchased were defective.
商品に 欠陥があった場合は、交換か 返金をしてもらう 権利がある
replacement /rɪˈpleɪsmənt/: the act of replacing something
ex) Is your old dictionary in need of replacement?
= Do you need a new dictionary?
ex) You can select something of the same value, or choose a more expensive item and pay the difference.
pay the difference /ˈdɪfrəns/: the degree or amount by which things differ
ex) If I amend my booking and additional payment is required, how can I pay the difference?

英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 1,000
Advanced English Expressions – #262
□ reimburse(支払い済の金を)払い戻す、… に返金・返済する
ex) We will reimburse you for returned items in the same way you paid for them.
返品の場合、お支払い頂いた方法と同じ方法で 返金いたします
reimburse /ˌriːjəmˈbɚs/: to pay someone an amount of money equal to an amount that person has spent — often + for
ex) We will reimburse you for your travel expenses.
= We will reimburse your travel expenses.
□ reimbursement (費用などの)返済、償還
ex) The family received insurance reimbursements.
その家族は 保険金を受け取った
reimbursement /ˌriːjəmˈbɚsmənt/a sum paid to cover money that has been spent or lost
ex) Please note that our program caps reimbursement at $30 per shipment.
アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 1,000
Casual English Phrases – #404
□ break the seal 開封する
ex) If you break the seal on the wrapping, you won’t be able to return the item.
もし 開封したのであれば、返品は受け付けられないでしょう
seal /ˈsiːl/: a small piece of stamped wax or a small sticker that is put on a letter or envelope to keep it closed or to show that it has not been opened
ex) The item cannot be accepted back for a refund as the seals are broken.
ex) You don’t have to return items with the original packaging.
買った時の包装状態で 返品する必要はない
packaging /ˈpækɪʤɪŋ/: material used to enclose or contain something
ex) The frozen spinach can be heated up right in its original packaging.
覚えておこう! 海外旅行で必須の シンプルな英語表現・フレーズ集
courtesy from Merriam – Webster’s Learner’s Dictionary
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