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Layover – Stopover – 飛行機乗り継ぎ の英語表現
空港で チェックインする – How to check in for a flight
入国と税関 審査 – Passport control and Customs
ex) For domestic trips, a stopover is anything over 4 hours.
国内線の利用においては、4時間以上の 乗り継ぎ時間を Stopover と言う
stopover /ˈstɑːpˌoʊvɚ/: a brief period of time when you stop at a place during a journey
ex) We have a six-hour stopover [=layover] in Puerto Rico.
アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 1,000
Casual English Phrases – #181
□ layover (24時間以内の)乗継ぎ待ち合わせ時間
ex) Technically a stay in an intermittent city under 24 hours is a layover.
厳密に言うと 24時間以内の 乗り継ぎ空港滞在を Layover と言う
layover /ˈleɪˌoʊvɚ/: a period of time when you are not traveling in the middle of a journey
ex) If your layover is just a few hours then don’t get off the plane during a layover.

英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 1,000
Advanced English Expressions – #033
□ intermittent 一時的に発生する、断続的・間欠的な
ex) The noise from the airport was intermittent and did not occur in a steady pattern.
空港で発生した 騒音は 一時的なものであり、継続的に発生したものではない
intermittent /ˌɪntɚˈmɪtn̩t/: starting, stopping, and starting again : not constant or steady
ex) Intermittent, full closures at the airport are scheduled on Thursday. Each closure lasts approximately 20 minutes.
□ intermittently 断続的に
ex) Most of the flights are currently experiencing delays intermittently.
ほとんどの航空便が 一時的に遅延している
intermittently (ˈˌin(t)ərˈmitntlē): at irregular intervals; not continuously or steadily.
ex) It has been raining intermittently for the past several days.
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ex) I flew via Hong Kong and had long layovers there.
via /ˈvajə/: by going through (a particular place) : by way of (a particular place)
ex) She flew to Los Angeles via Chicago.
ex) I’m flying from Tokyo to San Diego with transfer in Los Angeles.
東京からサンディエゴへ、ロサンゼルス乗換え で飛行機に乗る
transfer /ˈtrænsˌfɚ/: an act or process of moving someone or something from one place to another
ex) We switched to another car, and the transfer only took a few minutes.
□ transfer to .. .. に乗り換える
ex) I need to transfer to another flight at Singapore.
シンガポールで 別の航空便に乗り換える必要がある
transfer /trænsˈfɚ/: to change from one plane, bus, train, etc., to another while traveling
ex) We transferred in Chicago.
□transfer time 乗換時間
ex) Is 50 minutes of transfer time ample in the airport?
その空港で 50分の乗り継ぎ時間で 十分でしょうか?
ex) I guess 50 minutes of transfer time is a risk we have to take.
50分の乗り継ぎ時間では 危険だと思う
transfer time: time needed to make a connection to a continuing flight
ex) The standard transfer time at this airport is 50 minutes.
□ change a plane 飛行機を乗り換える
ex) We change the planes for a connecting flight.
乗換便のために 飛行機を乗り換えた
ex) I’m wondering if I can make a connecting flight.
接続便に ちゃんと乗り換えられるかな
connect /kəˈnɛkt/ used to say that an airplane, train, etc., stops at a particular place where passengers get onto another airplane, train, etc., in order to continue their journey
ex) We leave from Boston and then connect in New York with a flight bound for China.
ex) If you’ve already booked a tight connection, learn how to make the transfer as smooth as possible.
乗換え時間が少ない 航空便を予約したならば、乗換をできるだけスムーズに行える方法を調べよ
tight /ˈtaɪt/ : not having or allowing much time
ex) Walking to a distant departure gate can easily condense a 30-minute connection into almost nothing.
英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 1,000
Advanced English Expressions – #169
□ condense (文章などを)短くする、圧縮、濃縮する
ex) The information is passed on to the pilot in condensed form.
短縮された情報が パイロットに渡るでしょう
condense /kənˈdɛns/: to make (something) shorter or smaller by removing parts that are less important
ex) You signed up for a highly condensed program, even at the nine month threshold.
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ex) Each airline sets standard minimum connecting times.
各航空会社が 乗り継ぎの最低所要時間を定めている
minimum connecting time /ˈmɪnəməm/: the amount of time that is considered sufficient for a passenger to make a connection between an arriving flight and a departing flight on the same ticket
ex) For domestic flights minimum connection times range from 30 minutes to 2 hours.
ex) What happens if I miss a connection?
乗継ぎ便に乗り損ねた場合 どうなりますか?
miss /ˈmɪs/: to fail to use (something, such as an opportunity)
ex) Checked baggage can miss a tight connection or even go astray for a few days.
□ connecting point 乗り継ぎ地点
ex) Airline’s system automatically adjusts for minimum times at your connecting point.
航空会社のコンピューター・システムは 乗り継ぎ地点の 最低乗継ぎ所要時間 を自動計算する
□ transit area トランジットエリア(搭乗券を持つ人だけが入れるエリア)
ex) Some airports don’t have international transit zones.
国際線用の トランジット・エリアを持たない空港がある
transit /ˈtrænsət/: the act of moving people or things from one place to another
Some of the goods were lost in transit. [=in the process of being transported]
覚えておこう! 海外旅行で必須の シンプルな英語表現・フレーズ集
courtesy from Merriam – Webster’s Learner’s Dictionary
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