初心者の方でも 簡単に使える トラベル英会話 フレーズ集 > Fasten – Buckle – Seatbelt – シートベルトを機内で着用する 時の英語表現
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Fasten – Buckle – Seatbelt – シートベルトを機内で着用する – 英語表現
Layover – Stopover – 飛行機乗り継ぎ
ex) My daughter doesn’t want to have her seatbelt on.
娘は シートベルトを着用したがらない
seatbelt: a strap on a vehicle’s seat that holds a person in the seat if there is an accident
ex) Stay seated and latch your seatbelt.
ex) Fasten your seatbelt.
fasten /ˈfæsn̩/ Brit /ˈfɑːsn̩/: to attach (something) or join (two things or two parts of something) especially by using a pin, nail, etc.
ex) He fastened the dog’s leash to a post and went into the store.
アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 1,000
Casual English Phrases – #393
□ tighten one’s belt (お金)節約・倹約する
ex) I’ve had to tighten my belt since I stopped working full-time.
フルタイムの仕事を 辞めたので 節約しなければならない
tighten one’s belt /ˈtaɪtn̩/ : cut one’s spending
ex) If you have to tighten your belt, you have to spend less money and manage without things because you have less money than you used to have.
ex) You should buckle your seatbelt on an airplane.
機内では シートベルトを着用して
buckle /ˈbʌkəl/: to fasten (something, such as a belt) with a buckle
ex) Buckle your seatbelt.
□ unbuckle ベルトを外す
ex) I can’t unbuckle my seatbelt.
unbuckle /ˌʌnˈbʌkəl/: to open the buckle of (something, such as a belt)
ex) They’re likely to leave their kids unbuckled or out of car seats during short rides.
ex) To have a seatbelt on is a wise way to protect yourself.
シートベルトの着用は 自分の身を守る 賢い方法だ
have on /ˈhæv/: to be wearing (something)
ex) She has on a new suit.
アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000
Casual English Phrases – #1,261
□ pull on (引き寄せて)着用する
ex) Pull on the seatbelt to tighten.
シートベルトを きっちり締める為に 引き寄せて
pull (something) on /ˈpʊl/: to dress yourself in (clothing)
ex) She quickly pulled on [=put on] her clothes/sweater.
□ metal tip 金属の先端
ex) Insert the metal tip into the buckle until it clicks.
カチッと 言う音が聞こえるまで 金属の先端を バックルに挿入して
tip /ˈtɪp/: the end of something that is usually long and thin
ex) The village is located at the southern tip of the island.
ex) Slide the metal end of the buckle into the latching device.
掛金に バックルの先端を 掛金の中に 滑り込ませて
latch /ˈlætʃ/: a device that holds a door, gate, or window closed and that consists of a bar that falls into a holder when it is closed and that is lifted when it is open
ex) He lifted the latch and opened the gate.
□ until you hear a click カチッと言う音が聞こえるまで
ex) Insert the buckle into the latching device until you hear a click.
バックルを 掛金に カチッと言う音が聞こえるまで 挿入して
ex) Fasten your seat belt whenever you are seated.
座っているときは ずっとシートベルトを着用して
seat /ˈsiːt/: to give (a person) a place to sit
ex) I could seat you here if you wish.
ex) Adjust your seatbelt properly.
シートベルトを 適切に調整して
adjust /əˈʤʌst/: to change (something) in a minor way so that it works better
ex) The car is easier to drive since the clutch was adjusted.
□ fit snugly (サイズなど)ぴったり合う
ex) Make sure the seatbelt fits snugly.
シートベルトが きっちり着用できているか 確認して
snug /ˈsnʌg/: fitting closely and often too tightly
ex) The shoes were too snug.
ex) Make sure the seatbelt is secure by tugging on it.
シートベルトを引っ張って 安定させて
secure /sɪˈkjɚ/ : firmly attached
ex) Make sure the door is secure. [=shut tightly]
ex) Your belt is twisted.
twist /ˈtwɪst/: to bend or turn (something) in order to change its shape
ex) She twisted balloons into the shapes of different animals.
英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 1,000
Advanced English Expressions – #686
□ untwist ねじれを直す
ex) Untwist the seatbelt.
untwist/ˌənˈtwist/: open or cause to open from a twisted position.
ex) He untwisted the wire and straightened it out.
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□ pull out 引き出す、(ベルトを)引っぱって長くする、
ex) My seatbelt is jammed and won’t pull out.
シートベルトが 動かず、(長さを)引き出せない
□ extend the … to full length … を最大限 伸ばす
ex) Extend the seatbelt to full length and see if there might be something stuck on it.
シートベルトを 最大限伸ばして 何か引っかかっていないか 確認してください
extend /ɪkˈstɛnd/: to become longer or to be able to become longer
ex) The seat belt doesn’t extend.

英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 1,000
Advanced English Expressions – #066
□ retract 引っ込める、格納する
ex) My seatbelt is stuck and won’t retract.
シートベルトが 動かず、(ベルトが)引っ込まない
retract /rɪˈtrækt/: to pull (something) back into something larger that usually covers it
ex) A cat can retract its claws.
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□ seatbelt sign シートベルト着用サイン
ex) Stay in your seat while the seatbelt sign is illuminated.
シートベルト着用のサインが点灯している時は 席についていて
ex) Seatbelts should be worn at all times while the seatbelt sign is on.
シートベルト着用のサインが点灯している時は 席についていて
ex) To unfasten, lift on the flap of the buckle.
unfasten /ˌʌnˈfæsn̩/: to make (something) loose : undo
ex) Unfasten your belt/buckle/button.
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